curriculum vitae

Personal information
Name / Baleva, Mitra Ivanova
Address / Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone / 8161459 – office
E-mail /
Nationality / bulgarian
Date of birth / 10.10.1942
Work/Teaching experience
• Dates (from – to) / from 1988 associate professor
1967 – 1988 assistant professor
• Name and address of employer / Sofia University, Rector, Prof. Ivan Ilchev
• Type of business or sector / Faculty of Physics - lecturer
• Occupation or position held / Associate professor
• Main activities and responsibilities / Teaching
Education and training
• Dates (from – to) / 1983 – PhD
1963 – 1967 Moscow Power Institute
• Name and type of organization providing education and training / Sofia University, Faculty of Physics
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / Optics, semiconductors – theory and experiment
• Title of qualification awarded / PhD
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / PhD
Personal skills
and competences
Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.
Mother tongue / bulgarian
Other languages
English, Russian, French
• Reading skills / excellent, excellent, basic
• Writing skills / excellent, excellent, basic
• Verbal skills / excellent, excellent, basic
Social skills
and competences
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc. / Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments of the faculty of Physics and the Department of Condensed matter physics
Organisational skills
and competences
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc. / Coordination and administration of people and projects.
Technical skills
and competences
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc. / With computers, specific kinds of scientific equipments.
Other skills
and competences
Competences not mentioned above. / Supervising of PhD Students
Driving licence(s) / yes
Annexes: / 1. List of publications + Participation in conferences, congresses etc.
2. Participation in national and international projects

Sciuentific Publications


M. Baleva, A. Atanassov, M. Marinova , G. Zlateva, N. Todorov, Raman scattering of Si matrix with randomly distributed nanoparticles of semiconducting silicides in it, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8(2), 768-774 2008.

M. Marinova, M. Baleva, G. Zlateva , Resonant Raman and micro-Raman scattering from Si matrix with unburied b- FeSi2 nanolayers, , J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 8(2), 775–779, 2008.

Marinova Maya, Baleva Mitra, Goranova Ekaterina, Experimental investigation of the band edge anisotropy of the b-FeSi2 semiconductor, Solid State Sciences, in press

M Baleva, G Zlateva, A. Atanassov, M. Marinova , E Polychroniadis, Polariton modes in ion-beam synthesized Mg2Si nanolayers, 2008 J. Phys.:Conf. Ser. 113 012042

M Baleva, A. Atanassov, M. Marinova , Infrared spectra of semiconducting silicides’ layers, 2008 J. Phys.:Conf. Ser. 113 012043


Marinova, E. Sutter, M. Baleva, Electron Microscopy Study of Ion Beam Synthesized b-FeSi2, Journal of Materials Science, Journal of Materials Science 42 (1), pp. 207-214 (2007)

A. Atanassov, M. Baleva, On the band diagram of Mg2Si/Si heterojunction as deduced from optical constant dispersions, Thin Solid Films 515 (2007) 3046-3051

G Zlateva, A Atanassov, M Baleva, L Nikolova and M V Abrashev, Polarized micro-Raman scattering characterization of Mg2Si nanolayers in (001) Si matrix, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 086220

M. I. Baleva, E. A. Goranova, M. M. Marinova, A. A. Atanassov, Heterojunctions between Silicon and the Semiconducting Metal Silicides b-FeSi2 and MgSi2, ECS Transactions - ULSI vs. TFT Conference, V. 8, July 2007

Mitra Baleva, AleksandАr Atanasov, Genoveva Zlateva, Neno Todorov, Surface and Interface Polaritons in Si Matrix with Buried and Unburied Mg2Si nanolayers, in book: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATION OF NANOSTRUCTURES, 2007


Alexander Atanassov , G. Zlateva, Mitra Baleva, Ekaterina Goranova, Blagoj Amov, Christo Angelov , and Valdek Mikli, Raman Scattering Characterization of Ion-Beam Synthesized Mg2Si: I. Influence of the Technological Conditions on the Formation of the Mg2Si in (100) Si Matrix, Plasma Process .Polym., 3, 219—223 (2006)

Genoveva Zlateva, Alexander Atanassov, Mitra Baleva and Lora Nikolova, Raman Scattering Characterization of Ion-Beam Synthesized Mg2Si: Part II.On the Orientational Growth of Mg2Si Phase in (001) and (111) Si Substrates, Plasma Process. Polym, 3, 224—228 (2006)

Maya Marinova, Genoveva Zlateva, and Mitra Baleva, Influence of the Implantation Dose and the Annealing Duration on the Raman Spectra of Ion-beam Synthesized b-FeSi2 Layers, Plasma Process Polym., 3, 229—232 (2006)

M. Marinova, M Baleva, E. Sutter, Structural and optical characterization of the formation of -FeSi2 nanocrystallites in n-type (100) Si matrix, Nanotechnology, 17 (2006) 1969 -1974


M. Baleva, G. Zlateva, A. Atanassov, M. Abrashev, E. Goranova, Resonant Raman scattering in ion-beam-synthesized Mg2Si in a silicon matrix, Phys. Rev. B 72, 115330 (2005)


Goranova E, Amov B, Baleva M, E. P. Trifonova, P. Jordanov, Ion beam synthesis of Mg2Si, J Matt. Sci39 1857-1859 2004

M. Marinova, M. Baleva, E. Goranova, Optical dielectric function anisotropy of the beta-FeSi2 phase,Vacuum, 76/2-3 273-276 2004

A. Atanassov, M. Baleva, E. Goranova, V. Darakchieva, Graizing incident assymetric X-ray diffraction study of the orientation of beta-FeSi2 crystallites, produced by ion-beam synthesis, along the layers depth, Vacuum, 76/2-3 277-280 2004


V. Darakchieva, M. Surtcnev, E. Goranova, M. Baleva, Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the structure of ion beam synthesized beta-FeSi2, Vacuum, 60 (1-3): 449-454 DEC 24 2003

M. Baleva, E. Goranova, V. Darakchieva, S. Kossinides, M. Kokkosis, P. Jordanov, Influence of grain size on the optical conductivityof beta-FeSi2 layers, Vacuum, 60 (1-3): 425-429 DEC 24 2003

M. Baleva, M. Surtcnev, Structural and optical characterization of laser deposited PbTe films on silicon substrates, Vacuum, 60 419-423 (2003)

E. Geogry, I. Mihailesku, M. Baleva, E.Trifonova, M. Abrashev, A. Szekeres, A. Perone, Correlation between the chemical bonding and the physical properties of the CNx films pulsed laser deposited from C targets in low pressure N2, Materials Science and Engineering, B97, 251 (2003)

Baleva M, Goranova E, Angelov C, Beshkov G, On the refractive index dispersions of ion-beam-synthesized beta-FeSi2 layers, J. Mat. Sci.-Materials in Electronics 14 (10-12): 849-850 OCT-DEC 2003

Е. Горанова, М. Балева, В. Даракчиева, Хр. Ангелов, Е. Трифонова, Получаване и изследване на слоеве и преципитати от beta-FeSi2, 25 години Централна лаборатория по слънчева енергия и нови енергийни източници, Юбилеен сборник, София, 2003

B. Amov, E. Goranova, M. Baleva, E. P. Trifonova, P. Yordanov, Ion beam synthesis of Mg2Si, INRNE BAS – Annual Report, v. 11, 2003

M. Baleva, E. Goranova, On the energy gap beta-FeSi2 phase in the vicinity of the absorption edge, Proceedings of the Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union BPU-5, ed. S. Jokic, A. Balaz, Z. Nikolic, August, Vrnjachka Bania, Serbian Physical Society Belgrade, (2003), p.523

A. Atanassov, M. Baleva, E. Goranova, V. Darakchieva, M. Surchev, Graizing incident assymetric X-ray diffraction of the beta-FeSi2 layers, produced by ion-beam synthesis, Proceedings of the Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union BPU-5, ed. S. Jokic, A. Balaz, Z. Nikolic, August, Vrnjachka Bania, Serbian Physical Society Belgrade, (2003), p. 859

M. Marinova, M. Baleva, E. Goranova, On the anisotropy of the optical dielectric function of the beta-FeSi2 layers, Proceedings of the Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union BPU-5, ed. S. Jokic, A. Balaz, Z. Nikolic, August, Vrnjachka Bania, Serbian Physical Society Belgrade, (2003), p. 865


E. Geogry, I. Mihailesku, M. Baleva, E.Trifonova, M. Abrashev, V. Darakchieva, A. Zocco, A. erone, About the possible ditermination of the sp3 C presence along with the increase of the nitrogen enclosure in CNx thin films produced by reactive pulsed laser deposition, J. of Mat. Sci., 36 1-6(2001)

Ch. Angelov, M. Baleva, V. Darakchieva, E. Goranova and M. Surchev, Infrared vibrational spectra of beta-FeSi2 and alpha-Fe2O3, Proceedings of the Eleventh International School on Condensed Matter Physics, ed. J. M.Marshall,September, Varna, (2001), p. 428-431

Ch. Angelov, M. Baleva, E. Goranova, V. Darakchieva, D.Karpuzov and M. Surchev, The optical band gap of the beta-FeSi2 phase, Proceedings of the Eleventh International School on Condensed Matter Physics,ed. J. M.Marshall, September,Varna, (2001), p. 456-459

М. Балева и Е. Горанова, Перспективи за използуване на полупроводниковата фаза на железен дисилицид като фотоволтаичен материал, Младежка школа по възобновяеми източници на енергия, Варна, 1-6, 2004, лекция


V. Darakchieva, M. Baleva, E. Mateeva, M. Surchev, Properties of silicon films grown by laser-assisted deposition, Vacuum, 369--373 (2000)

V. Darakchieva, M. Baleva, E. Goranova, Ch. Angelov, Ion beam synthesis of beta-FeSi2, Vacuum, 58 415--419 (2000)

V. Darakchieva, M. Baleva, M. Surchev and E. Goranova, Structural and optical analysis of beta-FeSi2 thin layers prepared by ion-beam synthesis and solid-state reaction, Phys. Rev. B, 62(19) 13057--13063 (2000)

M. Baleva, V. Darakchieva, E. Goranova, E. Trifonova, Microhardness characterization of structures obtained by iron-silicon sold-state reaction, Materials Science and Engineering, 78 131-134 (2000)


M. Baleva, E. Mateeva, and E. Trifonova, Distribution of the crystal modifications in polymorphous PbSe films revealed by microhardness measurements, J. Mat. Sci., 34 795-799 (1999)

M. Baleva, V. Darakchieva, E. Goranova,and E. Trifonova, Microhardness characterization of structures obtained by iron-silicon sold-state reaction, in Proceedings of 18th Greek-Bulgarian Symposium of Semiconductor Physics, Fabruary 15-19,(1999), p. 37-45, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Physics Department Solid State Section

V. Darakchieva and M. I. Baleva, Properties of luminescent silicon films grown by laser-assisted deposition, Proceedings of NATO ASI Series, September, Sozopol, (1999)

V. Darakchieva, E. Goranova and M. I. Baleva, Preparation of beta-FeSi2 phase by solid state reaction, Proceedings of Summer School on Advanced Materials for Industrial Applications, ed. M. Katsikini, E.C.Paloura, Th. Karakostas, J.Antonopoulos, June 20-27, 1999, Kavala, Greece, 129-132

V. Darakchieva, M. Baleva, M. Surthcev, E. Goranova, Strictural and optical characrerization of beta- FeSi2 phase, Proceedings of The Meeting of Young Researchers in Physics, dedicated to the 110th Anniversary of the Faculty of Physics, December 17, 9, 1999.


V. Daraktchieva, M. I. Baleva and E. Mateeva, Luminescence from Si films grown by pulsed laser evaporation,Proceedings of the Tenth International School on Condensed Matter Physics, 1-4 September, Varna, (1998), p.429- 432 ed. J. M. Marshall, N. Kirov and A. Vavrek, J. M. Maud, World Scientific, Singapore - New Jersey - London - Hong Kong

E. Mateeva and M. Baleva, Optical characterization of films represening heterophase junctions, Ann. Univ. Sofia, 88 203-209 (1998)


M. Baleva and E. Mateeva, Influence of the doping and substrate type on the metastable phase growth in pulsed-laser evaporated PbTe films, J. Mat. Sci., 31 1213-1219 (1996)


M. I. Baleva, E. Mateeva, Laser-assisted deposition of metastable phases and heterophase junctions, Bolkan Phys. Letters, 3 154-158 (1995)

M. I. Baleva, E. Mateeva, Detection of the metastable TlI-type phase of PbSe in films grown by electron beam evaporation: I. X-ray diffraction, J. Mat. Sci. Lett., 14 158-160 (1995)

M. I. Baleva, E. Mateeva, and M. Marinov, Detection of the metastable TlI-type phase of PbSe in films grown by electron beam evaporation: II.Transmittance spectra, J. Mat. Sci. Lett., 14 958-959 (1995)

M. Baleva, E. Mateeva, Growth of metastable phases and heterophase junctions Advances in Inorganic Films and Coatings. Proceedings of Topical Symposium l on Advances in Inorganic Films and Coatings of the 8th CIMTEC-World Ceramics Congress and Forum on New Materials 59-80 1995

V.D. Tuncheva and M. I. Baleva, Crystal Structure investigation of PbO thin films produced by pulse laser evaporation, Proceedings of NATO ASI Series, ed. M. Balkanski and I. Yanchev, Fabrication, Properties and Applications of Low-Dimentional Semiconductors, 1995, Klwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands, 3 103 -104 (1995)

V.D. Tuncheva and M. I. Baleva, The Application of Pulsed Laser Deposition for producing of PbO coatings, Proceedings of Elevated Temperature Coatings: Science and Technology I, 3-6 Oct. 1994, Rosemont, IL, USA Elevated Temperature Coatings: Science and Technology I. Proceedings of a Symposium: High Temperature Coatings - I: 145-53, 1995.

M. Baleva, E. Mateeva, and E. Trifonova, Distribution of the Crystal Modifications in Polymorphous PbSe Films Reavealed by Microhardness Measurements, in Proceedings of 16th Greek-Bulgarian Symposium of Semiconductor Physics, 16-20 October, Thessaloniki, Greece, 221 - 235, Aristotele University ofThessaloniki, (1995).


M. I. Baleva, V. D. Tuncheva, Optical Characterization of Lead Monoxide Films Grown by Laser-Assisted Deposition, J. Solid State Chemistry, 110 36-42 (1994).

M. I. Baleva, V. D. Tuncheva, Laser-Assisted Deposition of PbO films, J. Mat. Sci. Lett., 13 3-5 (1994)

M. I. Baleva, E. Mateeva, Pressure coefficient of the PbTe metastable CsCl-type-phase energy gap, Phys. Rev., B50} 8893 -8896 (1994)

M. I. Baleva, M. Momchilova, Raman modes of the GeS-type orthorhombic phase of PbTe, Phys. Rev. B50 15056 - 15062 (1994)}

M. Baleva, Metastable alloys:Preparation and properties (proceedings of symposium D on preparation of metastable phases, Materials Science and Engineering: B, Jul 1994, book review

M.Baleva, Photon, beam and plasma assisted processing (processing of symposium B on photon,beam and plasma assisted processing, Materials Science and Engineering: B, Jul 1994,book revie

M. Baleva, Beam processing and lase chemistry (proceedings of symposium D on beam processing and lase chemistry of the 1989 EMRS…) Materials Science and Engineering: B, Jul 1994,book review


M. Baleva and E. Mateeva, The PbSe metastable phase: I.The growth mechanism, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 5 7959 -7970 (1993)

M. Baleva and E. Mateeva, The PbSe metastable phase: II. The energy gap of the CsCl-type phase of PbSe doped with Cd, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter, 5 7971 - 7978 (1993)

M. Baleva, L. Bozukov and E. Tzukeva, Crystal structure of PbTe films drown on KCl substrates by laser-assisted deposition, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 8 1208 - 1216 (1993)

M. I. Baleva, E. Mateeva, Temperature dependence of the energy gaps of the high-pressure phases of PbTe, Phys. Rev., B48 2659 - 2665 (1993)

M. Baleva, M. Momtchilova, Raman Modes of PbTe GeS-Type Orthorombic Phase, International Conference on Material SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, OCTOBER 20-23, 1993, Sofia, Bulgaria, ed. M. Balkanski, Institut des Hautes Etudes