December 6, 2005
7:00 P.M.
TheWentworth Town Council held their Organizational Meetingin the National Guard Armory on Tuesday,December 6, 2005, at 7:00 p.m.
Council members present: Mayor Dennis Paschal, Councilwoman Evelyn Conner, Councilwoman Iris Powell, Mayor Pro Tem James Belcher and Councilman Nathan Hendren
A quorum was present.
ArticleI.Call to Order
Mayor Paschalcalled the meeting to order, asking everyone to stand for
the Posting of Colors, Pledge of Allegiance, and the Invocation.
- Posting of Colors: SSG. Amanda Hurley and SGT. Esther Kea, North
Carolina National Guard, Detachment 1, 732nd Maintenance Company
- Pledge of Allegiance: Hayden Fulp
Article II.Invocation:Rev Bill Hayes, Pastor of Wentworth Presbyterian
Church,gavethe Invocation.
Article III.Recognition of Special Guests – Mayor Paschal
Mayor Paschal welcomed everyone to the fourth Organizational Meeting
of the Wentworth Town Council, and recognized special guests—
- The Honorable Edwin G. Wilson, Jr., Senior Resident Superior Court
Judge,District 17-A
- RockinghamCounty Commissioner, Jerry Owens
- Mark Pegram, RockinghamCountyClerk of Superior Court,
- Ken Stafford, Town Architect from Alley Williams Carmen
and King, Inc.
Article IV.Approval of Minutes
A. Town Council Meeting Minutes for November 1, 2005.
Mayor Paschal asked for approval of the Minutes.
Councilwoman Iris Powellmade a motion, “We accept the minutes as written.”Mayor Pro Tem James Belcher seconded the motion. There was no discussion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Town of Wentworth
Town Council ORGANIZATIONAL Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2005
Page 2
Article IV.Approval of Minutes – C O N T I N U E D
B. Town Council / Planning Board / CCI Committee Joint Meeting
Minutes – November 17, 2005
Mayor Paschal asked for approval of the Joint Meeting Minutes.
Mayor Pro Tem Belcher made a motion, “That the Minutes be approved
as submitted.” Councilman Nathan Hendren seconded the motion.
There was no discussion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Article V.Recognition of Outgoing Council Member, Mayor Pro Tem James
Mayor Paschal asked Mr. Belcher to come forward to receive a plaque,
in recognition of his service to the Town of Wentworth as a
Councilmember and as Mayor Pro Tem. The plaque read:
“Presented in grateful appreciation to James F. Belcher, Jr. for your
dedicated service to the citizens of Wentworth as Mayor Pro Tem and as a
member of the Wentworth Town Council, 2000 – 2005. Thank you for
your leadership and loyalty in planning for the future while preserving our
Mayor Paschal thanked Mr. Belcher, who responded, “It’s been a wonderful opportunity for me to serve the Town of Wentworth in this venue and I appreciate the opportunity to do so…it’s been great serving with the Council. I’ve tremendously enjoyed it and learned a lot, and I’ll find some other method to help serve the Town of Wentworth in the future. Thank you.”
Article VI.New Business
- Organizational Session
Mayor Paschal said,“We will now move on to the Organizational
Session and I’ll turn the meeting over to James Dewey, of Smith Moore
LLP, in Greensboro, our Town Attorney.”
Mr. Dewey thanked Mayor Paschal and welcomed The Honorable
EdwinG. Wilson, Jr., inviting him to administer the Oath of Office to
newly elected council members.
Iris S. Powell and Robert P. Aswell, Sr. were sworn in by Judge Wilson as council members for the Town of Wentworth, each one taking the oath individually.
Judge Wilson congratulated Councilwoman Powell and Councilman Aswell.
Town of Wentworth
Town Council ORGANIZATIONAL Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2005
Page 3
Town Attorney James Dewey also voiced his congratulations to Mrs.
Powell and Mr. Aswell, and opened the floor for “nominations for
Mayor of the Town of Wentworth.”
Councilman Nathan Hendren responded, “I nominate Dennis Paschal.”
Counilwoman Evelyn Conner seconded the nomination.
Councilman Robert Aswell moved,“the nominations be closed.”
Mr. Dewey: “It has been moved that the nominations be closed and with no further objections Mayor Paschal is the only nominee for Mayor. At this time, we’ll put it to a vote. Let the records show all voted in favor by raising of hands.”
Mr. Dewey congratulated Mayor Paschal and asked him to come forward to be sworn in.
Judge Wilson administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Paschal.
Resuming the business of the Organizational Session, Mayor Paschal,
opened the floor for nominations for Mayor Pro Tem.
Councilman Hendren responded, “I nominate Evelyn Conner.”Mayor
Paschal seconded the nomination, noting, “There has been a motion and a
second. Are there other nominations?”
There were no other nominations. Mayor Paschal moved “the
nominations be closed,” and asked for a vote in favor of Evelyn Conner
as Mayor ProTem. All voted in favor.
Judge Wilson administered the Oath of Office to Mrs. Conner as Mayor
Pro Tem for the Town of Wentworth, and offered his congratulations.
Article VI.New Business – C O N T I N U E D
B. Adoption of HolidayClosing Schedule for Year 2006
Councilman Hendren made a motion, “To adopt the Holiday Closing
Schedule for Year 2006.” Councilwoman Powell seconded the motion.
There was no discussion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
(Note: A copy of the Holiday Closing Schedule for Year 2006 is attached
hereto as part of these Minutes—Attachment I)
Town of Wentworth
Town Council ORGANIZATIONAL Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2005
Page 4
Article VI.New Business – C O N T I N U E D
C. Adoption of RESOLUTION Supporting Detachment 1, 732nd
Maintenance Company of the North Carolina National Guard,
Wentworth, North Carolina
Mayor Paschal asked SSG. Amanda Hurley to come forward to
receive the Resolution on behalf of Detachment 1, 732nd Maintenance
Company. He asked to read the Resolution before Council votes.
(Note: A copy of the Resolution is attached hereto as a part of these
minutes—Attachment II.)
After reading the Resolution,Mayor Paschal made a motion, “That
we pass the Resolution at thistime.”Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Conner
seconded the motion. There was no discussion. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
SSG. Hurley responded, “Thank you, Mayor. We appreciate all the
support from the Town of Wentworth. Right now, we have
approximately 54 soldiers deployed and I plan to forward a copy of
this Resolution to them in Iraq. I know they will appreciate it. Again, I appreciate the support of the Mayor and the Town Council and especially Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Russell on an everyday basis. Thank you all very much.”
- The next regularly scheduled Planning Board Meeting will be held on
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall meeting
room at the National Guard Armory.
- The next regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting will be held on
Tuesday, January 3, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the National Guard
- Year 2006 Meeting Schedules for theWentworthTown Council
and the Wentworth Planning Board are available at the Clerk’s
table, along with a listing of council and planning board members.
Mayor Paschal invited everyone to stay and join the Council for areception in honor of the newly elected council members.
Article VIII.A D J O U R N
Mayor Paschal made a motion, “That we adjourn.”
Councilman Hendren seconded the motion. All voted in favor and
the meeting was adjourned.
Town of Wentworth
Town Council ORGANIZATIONAL Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2005
Page 5
Respectfully Submitted By: ______
Brenda Ward, Town Clerk
Approved By: ______
Dennis Paschal, Mayor