Lesson Plans
Week of April 25-29
Date: Monday, April 25, 2016Subject: Reading/Writing Combined this week
Week’s Objectives
TEK 2.5B – I can use context clues to help me figure out unfamiliar words
TEK: 2.20- I can write persuasive texts on issues that are important to me.
TEK: 2.21- I can understand and use adverbs to describe verbs and adjectives using: Where? When? How? How often?
TEK: 2.23 B I - I can spell words with hard and soft g and c
Week’sSuccess Criteria:
I can use context clues to help me figure out unfamiliar words
I can use pictures in books to help me figure out what a word means.
I can use words and sentences around the word to help me figure out what the word means.
I can use synonyms or antonyms with the word to help me figure out what the word means.
I can write persuasive texts on issues that are important to me.
I can include a topic sentence.
I state 3-5 reasons why I believe this.
I will have a closing statement that restates my point.
Vocabulary: fretting, extraordinary
Word Wall: cake, cell, cut, cute, green, gentle
Spelling Principle: vowel pairs: -hard and soft c and g
Grammar: Adverbs
S.S. Objectives
TEK 2.9B I can explain the choices people in the free enterprise system can make about earning, spending, and saving money.
Week Success Criteria
I can explain:
What people save for
What people spend their money on.
How we can earn money.
Mini-Lesson: Context Clues
- Vowel pairs: hard and soft c and g
- If the letter after the g is I, e, or y, it is hard. All other letters are soft.
- Soft c=C followed by e, I, or y
- Hard C=All other letters
Vocabulary notebook:fretting, extraordinary
From storyline online students will listen to A Bad Case of Stripe by David Shannon
Students will determine the meaning of both vocabulary words and write the meaning in their vocab notebook.
- Power Write
- Examples of persuasive text *see powerpoint
Stations this week:
- Independent reading: Reading books of your choice, writing down words you don’t know and writing down context clues to help you figure out what the word means. Figure out if book is showing persuasion and how it is persuasion.
- Word Work: practice writing and creating hard and soft g and c words.
- Computer: NewsELA
- GT: Weather project, choose topics to write persuasive letters for enrichment.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Subject: Reading/Writing
Phonics: Model hunting for words with hard and soft c and g in whole group lesson. After, students will work independently or with partner finding words from their library books or class library. -10 min
Reading: Context clues using vocabulary from books
Stations: Buddy study, independent reading, guided reading group
Grammar: Adverbs- sorting adverbs
- Power Write
- Examples of persuasive text *see powerpoint
Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Subject: Reading, Writing, Social Studies
Phonics: Whole Group: Share the Pen – Student led anchor chart for hard and soft g and c.
Reading: Group activity (Context Clues about Emperor Penguins)
- Power Write
- Examples of persuasive text *see powerpoint
Draw a picture and write a sentence matching that picture about one way you can earn money. Minor Social Studies Grade
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016
Subject: Reading, Writing, Social Studies
Reading/Phonics: Students work in partners to create their list of hard and soft g and cwords and spell. Students will write sentences using these words.
Context clues
Grammar: Students will be given four adverbs and will need to write those adverbs into sentences that make sense. Minor language grade. Taken from Step into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemmons.
- Power Write
- Examples of persuasive text *see powerpoint
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016
Subject: Reading, Writing, Social Studies
Reading/Writing: Passage Test- A Deep Sea Wonderland *Minor reading grade
- Power Write
- Examples of persuasive text *see powerpoint