SCIENTIFIC IMPACT analysis for p. koundouri

(Source: Harzing’s Publish or Perish. Ημερομηνία: 10/01/2012)






Hirsch a=4.18


Contemporary ac=4.10

Cites/paper 5.69/1.0/0 (mean/median/mode)

Authors/paper 2.79/3.0/3 (mean/median/mode)

26 paper(s) with 1 author(s)

50 paper(s) with 2 author(s)

68 paper(s) with 3 author(s)

28 paper(s) with 4 author(s)

14 paper(s) with 5 author(s)

2 paper(s) with 6 author(s)


- GOOGLE SCHOLAR SEARCH ENGINE: 1,139 citations and 1,590 hits

- GOOGLE GENERAL SEARCH ENGINE (Ph Koundouri): 43,900 hits

- REPEC: Phoebe Koundouri is among the top 5% authors according to the following criteria: 1. Number of works; 2. Number of Distinct Works

- IDEAS: Phoebe Koundouri is among the top 5% authors according to the following criteria: 1. Number of works; 2. Number of Distinct Works


List of citations for P. Koundouri:

Source: Harzing’s Publish or Perish. Date: 10/01/2012: 1,076 citations

Αριθμός Ετεροαναφορών, Συγγραφείς, Τίτλος, Έτος, Πηγή, Εκδοτικος Οίκος, URL του άρθρου, URL Ετεροαναφορών

122,"…, B Groom, C Hepburn, P Koundouri","Valuing the future",2003,"World economics","","","

94,"…, K Karousakis, P Koundouri","Using a choice experiment to account for preference heterogeneity in wetland attributes: the case of Cheimaditida wetland in Greece",2006,"Ecological Economics","Elsevier","


83,"…, K Karousakis, P Koundouri","Using economic valuation techniques to inform water resources management: A survey and critical appraisal of available techniques and an application",2006,"Science of the Total Environment","Elsevier","

66,"P Koundouri","Current issues in the economics of groundwater resource management",2004,"Journal of Economic Surveys","Wiley Online Library","

61,"P Koundouri, C Nauges…","Technology adoption under production uncertainty: Theory and application to irrigation technology",2006,"","","

49,"B Groom, C Hepburn, P Koundouri…","Declining discount rates: the long and the short of it",2005,"… and Resource Economics","Springer","

35,"P Koundouri","Potential for groundwater management: Gisser-Sanchez effect reconsidered",2004,"Water Resources Research","","

32,"S Hajispyrou, P Koundouri…","Household demand and welfare: implications of water pricing in Cyprus",2002,"Environment and …","Cambridge Univ Press","

28,"B Groom, CJ Hepburn, P Koundouri…","Discounting the future: the long and the short of it",2005,"Environmental and …","","

22,"B Groom, P Koundouri, C Nauges…","The story of the moment: risk averse cypriot farmers respond to drought management",2008,"Applied Economics","Taylor & Francis","

20,"P Koundouri","Three approaches to measuring natural resource scarcity: theory and application to groundwater",2000,"","","

20,"C Hepburn, P Koundouri, E Panopoulou…","Social discounting under uncertainty: A cross-country comparison",2009,"Journal of …","Elsevier","

19,"C Gollier, P Koundouri…","Declining discount rates: Economic justifications and implications for long‐run policy",2008,"Economic Policy","Wiley Online Library","

18,"B Groom, P Koundouri…","Discounting the distant future: how much does model selection affect the certainty equivalent rate?",2007,"Journal of Applied …","Wiley Online Library","

18,"P Koundouri…","Dynamic adaptation to resource scarcity and backstop availability: theory and application to groundwater*",2006,"Australian Journal of Agricultural …","Wiley Online Library","

16,"…, C Hepburn, P Koundouri","D. Pearce (2005). Declining Discount Rates: The Long and the Short of it",2005,"Environmental and Resource Economics","","","

16,"P Koundouri, M Laukkanen, S Myyrä…","The effects of EU agricultural policy changes on farmers' risk attitudes",2009,"European Review of …","Oxford Univ Press","

15,"…, P Koundouri","Recent advances in discounting: implications for forest economics",2007,"Journal of forest economics","Elsevier","

15,"P Koundouri","The economics of water management in developing countries: problems, principles, and policies",2003,"","","","

12,"…, P Koundouri","Willingness to pay for water and location bias in hedonic price analysis: evidence from the Indonesian housing market",2005,"Environment and Development …","Cambridge Univ Press","

12,"…, P Koundouri","Regulatory assessment for chemicals: a rapid appraisal cost-benefit approach",2004,"Environmental Science & Policy","Elsevier","

11,"S Pascoe, P Koundouri…","Estimating targeting ability in multi-species fisheries: a primal multi-output distance function approach",2007,"Land Economics","","

11,"P Koundouri, Y Kountouris…","Valuing a wind farm construction: A contingent valuation study in Greece",2009,"Energy Policy","Elsevier","

11,"…, K Karousakis, P Koundouri","Using a choice experiment to estimate the non-use values of wetlands: the case of Cheimaditida wetland in Greece",2005,"Environmental Economy and …","","

11,"P Koundouri…","Hedonic price analysis and selectivity bias",2003,"Environmental and Resource Economics","Springer","

10,"P Koundouri","Anastasios Xepapadeas",2004,"Water resources research","","

10,"…, P Koundouri","Fertilizer and pesticide taxes for controlling non-point agricultural pollution",2003,"Agriculture and Rural …","","","

9,"…, K Karousakis, P Koundouri","Using economic methods and tools to inform water management policies: a survey and critical appraisal of available methods and an application",2006,"Science of the Total Environment","","","

9,"E Birol, P Koundouri…","Assessing the economic viability of alternative water resources in water-scarce regions: Combining economic valuation, cost-benefit analysis and discounting",2010,"Ecological Economics","Elsevier","

8,"E Birol, P Koundouri…","Integrating wetland management into sustainable water resources allocation: the case of Akrotiri wetland in Cyprus",2008,"Journal of Environmental …","Taylor & Francis","

8,"B Groom, P Koundouri, E Panopoulou…","Model selection for estimating certainty equivalent discount rates",2004,"","","

7,"P Koundouri…","On production function estimation with selectivity and risk considerations",2005,"Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics","JSTOR","

6,"…, P Koundouri","Environmental effects on public health: An economic perspective",2009,"International Journal of Environmental …","","","

6,"P Koundouri, C Nauges…","Endogenous technology adoption under production risk: theory and application to irrigation technology",2002,"","","","

6,"…, P Koundouri","The Social Cost of Chemicals–The Cost and Benefits of Future Chemicals Policy in the European Union",2003,"A report for WWF-UK","","","

5,"P Koundouri…","Dynamic adaptation to resource scarcity with backstop availability",2000,"tenth annual conference of the Euro-Pean Association …","","","

5,"B Groom, P Koundouri, C Nauges…","Stochastic technology and risk attitudes in agricultural production",2002,"Second World Congress of …","","","

5,"B Groom, P Koundouri, E Panopoulou…","An econometric approach to estimating long-run discount rates",2007,"Journal of Applied …","","","

5,"B Groom, P Koundouri…","T., Pantelides,(2007), Discounting the Distant Future: How much does model selection affect the certainty equivalent rate",2007,"Journal of Applied Econometrics","","","

5,"…, L Lipper, P Koundouri","Scope, limitations and future directions",2006,"… on-farm genetic …","CABI Publishing Wallingford,, UK","","

5,"K Remoundou, P Koundouri, A Kontogianni…","Valuation of natural marine ecosystems: an economic perspective",2009,"… Science & Policy","Elsevier","

5,"B Groom, P Koundouri…","The watershed economics management approach: an application to Cyprus",2003,"Economics of Water …","","

5,"E Birol, P Koundouri…","Evaluating farmers' preferences for wastewater: quantity and quality aspects",2008,"International Journal of Water","Inderscience","


5,"T Bjorndal, P Koundouri…","Multi-output distance function for the North Sea beam trawl fishery",2002,"","","","

5,"…, S Pascoe, P Koundouri","Output substitution in multi-species trawl fisheries: implications for quota setting",2004,"","","","

4,"S Hajispyrou, P Koundouri…","Household demand and welfare implications of water pricing in Cyprus. University of Cyprus",2001,"","Working Paper, 25 pages","","

4,"P Koundouri","Water Resource Policy and Related Issues in Cyprus",2007,"Issues in Water Resource Policy, Resources For The …","","","

4,"P Koundouri","Introduction to the special issue on:'Discounting the Long-Run Future and Sustainable Development'",2009,"Economics (e-journal)","","","

4,"P Koundouri…","Hedonic price analysis and selectivity bias: water salinity and demand for land",2002,"ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENT","","

4,"E Birol, P Koundouri…","Using economic valuation techniques to inform water resources management in the southern European, Mediterranean and developing countries: a survey and …",2008,"Coping with Water Deficiency","Springer","

4,"E Birol, P Koundouri…","Assessing the economic viability of alternative water resources in water scarce regions: the roles of economic valuation, cost-benefit analysis and discounting",2009,"Int Assoc Agric Econ …","","","

4,"…, P Koundouri","Choice experiments informing environmental policy: a European perspective",2008,"","","","

4,"E Birol, N Hanley, P Koundouri…","Optimal management of wetlands: Quantifying trade-offs between flood risks, recreation, and biodiversity conservation",2009,"Water Resources Research","","

4,"P Koundouri","Econometrics informing natural resources management: selected empirical analyses",2004,"","","","

3,"K Karousakis, P Koundouri, D Assimacopoulos…","Water management in arid and semi-arid regions: interdisciplinary perspectives",2006,"","Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd","","

3,"P Koundouri, C Nauges…","VEndogenous Technology Adoption under Production Risk: Theory and Application to Irri (gation TechnologyV American Journal of Agricultural …",0,"Issue","","","

3,"…, P Koundouri","Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy",2008,"","Edward Elgar, Chel* tenham","","

3,"P Koundouri…","University College London. Arid Cluster. A Manual for Valuing Water in Water Shed in the Absence of Market Prices: Guidance for WFD Implementation, …",0,"","","","

3,"P Koundouri","'Competition versus optimal control in an aquifer with seawater intrusion",1997,"","mimeo, University of Cambridge","","

3,"B Groom, P Koundouri, E Panopoulou…","Model selection for estimating certainty equivalent discount",2004,"","mimeo, UCL, London","","

3,"B Groom, P Koundouri, K Panopoulou…","Model Selection in discounting the distant future",2004,"Department of Economics, …","","","

3,"…, P Koundouri","6. A typology of economic instruments and methods for efficient water resources management in arid and semi-arid regions",2006,"… management in arid and semi-arid …","","

2,"E Birol, P Koundouri, K Yiannis…","Applications of the choice experiment method in Europe: A review",2008,"… policy: a European …","","

2,"S Pascoe, P Koundouri…","Output Substitution in Multi-Species Trawl Fisheries: Implications for Quota Setting",2007,"Land Economics","","

2,"…, K Karousakis, P Koundouri","forthcoming. Using economic methods to inform water resource management policies: A survey and critical appraisal of available methods and an …",0,"Science of the Total Environment","","","

2,"B Groom, C Hepburn, P Koundouri, R Smale…","A Social Time Preference Rate for Use in Long-term Discounting",2003,"Report to the Office of the …","","","

2,"…, K Gustavson, L Hoglund, P Koundouri…","The Impact of REACH on the Environment and Human Health, report by DHI",2005,"Water and Environment for …","","","

2,"P Koundouri, P Pashardes…","Equity and efficiency in water pricing: the case of Cyprus",2002,"Environment and Development …","","","

2,"…, M Nanni, K Kemper, A Tuinhof, P Koundouri","Groundwater Dimensions of National Water Resource and River Basin Planning. Sustainable Groundwater Management Concepts & Tools",2004,"","Briefing Note Series","","

2,"P Koundouri","Contrasting different methodologies to deriving natural resource scarcity rents",2003,"Economics of Water Management in Developing …","","","

2,"B Groom, P Koundouri…","A. Thomas",2002,"World Congress of Environmental and Resource …","","","

2,"P Koundouri…","Hedonic Price Analysis and Selectivity Bias, in “Economics of Water Resources, Theory and Policy”",2002,"","Kluwer: The Netherlands","","

2,"…, P Koundouri","Diffuse pollution and the role of agriculture",2003,"","","

2,"P Koundouri…","Measuring natural resource scarcity: a distance function approach",2004,"Water Resource Research","","","

2,"…, P Koundouri","Introduction to special section on Groundwater Economics and Policy",2004,"Water resources research","","

2,"P Koundouri…","KyriakiRemoundou. 2009.“Valuing a Wind Farm Construction: A Contingent Valuation Study in Greece”",0,"Energy Policy","","","

2,"…, K Gustavson, L Höglund, P Koundouri…","The Impact of REACH on the Environment and Human Health",2005,"Report by DHI, Water and …","","","

2,"P Koundouri, T Bjorndal…","Output substitution in multi-species trawl fisheries: implications for quota setting",2004,"Working Papers","","

2,"P Koundouri…","On the Distribution of Crop Yields: Does the Central Limit Theorem Apply?",2011,"American Journal of Agricultural …","","

2,"…, P Koundouri","Competition versus cooperation in groundwater extraction: a stochastic framework with heterogeneous agents",2006,"… in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions: …","","

2,"P Koundouri","The economics of arsenic mitigation",2005,"World Bank Technical Report-II, Paper-4. Arsenic …","","","

2,"P Koundouri, C Nauges…","Technology adoption under uncertainty: theory and application to irrigation technology",2004,"American Journal of Agricultural …","","","

2,"E Birol, P Koundouri…","Farmers' Demand for Recycled Wastewater in Cyprus: A Contingent Valuation Approach",2007,"Environmental Economy and …","","

2,"B Groom, P Koundouri, C Nauges…","Irrigation water management under risk: an application to Cyprus",2003,"","","","

2,"PM Koundouri, SM Laukkanen…","C. Nauges (2009) The effects of EU agricultural policy changes on farmers' risk attitudes",2009,"European Review of Agricultural Economics","","","

2,"…, PP Koundouri","E. and Pantelidis, T. 2004",0,"Model selection for estimating certainty equivalent …","","","

2,"RT Carson, P Koundouri…","Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh: A Houseold Labor Market Approach",2009,"","","","

2,"…, P Koundouri","Household Valuation of Domestic Water in Indonesia: Revisiting the Supply Driven Approach",2004,"Econometrics Informing Natural Resources …","","","

1,"P Koundouri","Groundwater and Economics",2001,"Encyclopædia of Life Support Systems, EOLSS …","","","

1,"…, K Karousakis, P Koundouri","Environmental Economy and Policy Research",2005,"University of Cambridge. …","","","

1,"E Birol, N Hanley, P Koundouri…","Local Public's Valuation of Flood Risk Reduction, Biodiversity Conservation and Recreational Activities: The Polish Case Study",2009,"","Routledge","","

1,"…, P Hatzipanayotou, P Koundouri","Tradable Permits vs Ecological Dumping",2010,"… Economy and Policy …","","","

1,"E Birol, P Koundouri…","Farmers' Demand for Recycled Water in Cyprus: A Contingent Valuation Approach",2007,"Wastewater Reuse–Risk …","Springer","

1,"P Koundouri","Coping with water deficiency: from research to policymaking: with examples from Southern Europe, the Mediterranean and developing countries",2008,"","","","

1,"…, P Hatzipanayotou, P Koundouri","Second Best Environmental Policies under Uncertainty",2010,"… Economy and Policy …","","","

1,"P Koundouri","Water management in arid and semi-arid regions: interdisciplinary perspectives",2006,"","","","

1,"P Koundouri…","The use of economic valuation in environmental policy: providing research support for the implementation of EU water policy under AquaStress",2009,"","","","

1,"P Koundouri","In: Mary Brentwood and Stephen F. Robar, Editors, Managing common pool groundwater resources: an international perspective, Praeger Publishers, Westport, …",2005,"Ecological Economics","","

1,"P Koundouri…","6. A new methodology for measuring groundwater scarcity: Theory and application",2003,"The economics of water …","","

1,"…, P Koundouri","The Economics of Water Resource Allocation: Valuation Methods and Policy Implications",2011,"Water Resources Allocation","Springer","

Additional citations forP. Koundouri:

Source:Google Scholar Search Engine. Date: 10/01/2012: 1,139 citations and 1,580 hits.

[The number of citations for each piece of work is given below]

[PDF]Valuing the future


…, B Groom, C Hepburn, PKoundouri- World economics, 2003 -

Prescriptive economics requires that, unless there are very good reasons to the contrary,
economic policy should be based on the principle that individuals' preferences should count.
Indeed, the entire body of 'welfare economics' centres round the formal identity of the...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 122-Σχετικά άρθρα-Προβολή ως HTML-Όλες οι 19 εκδοχές

Using a choice experiment to account for preference heterogeneity in wetland attributes: the case of Cheimaditida wetland in Greece


…, K Karousakis, PKoundouri- Ecological Economics, 2006 - Elsevier

This paper aims to assist policy makers in formulating efficient and sustainable wetland
management policies in accordance with the Ramsar Convention and the European Union
Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), by providing results of a valuation study on the...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 94-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 16 εκδοχές

Using economic valuation techniques to inform water resources management: A survey and critical appraisal of available techniques and an application


…, K Karousakis, PKoundouri- Science of the Total Environment, 2006 - Elsevier

The need for economic analysis for the design and implementation of efficient water
resources management policies is well documented in the economics literature. This need is
also emphasised in the European Union's recent Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 83-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 10 εκδοχές

Current issues in the economics of groundwater resource management


PKoundouri- Journal of Economic Surveys, 2004 - Wiley Online Library

Abstract. The issue of groundwater management remains a practical concern in many
regions throughout the world, while water managers continue to grapple with the question of
how to manage this resource. In this article, we attempt to bring the most advanced and...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 66-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 8 εκδοχές

Technology adoption under production uncertainty: Theory and application to irrigation technology


PKoundouri, C Nauges… - 2006 -

Abstract: We propose a theoretical framework to analyze the conditions under which a
farmer facing production uncertainty (due to a possible water shortage) and incomplete
information will adopt a more efficient irrigation technology. A reduced form of this model...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 61-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 16 εκδοχές

Declining discount rates: the long and the short of it


B Groom, C Hepburn, PKoundouri… - … and Resource Economics, 2005 - Springer

Abstract The last few years have witnessed important advances in our understanding of time
preference and social discounting. In particular, several rationales for the use of time-varying
social discount rates have emerged. These rationales range from the ad hoc to the formal,...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 49-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 19 εκδοχές

Potential for groundwater management: Gisser-Sanchez effect reconsidered

PKoundouri- Water Resources Research, 2004 -

This paper revisits Gisser-Sanchez's effect, a paradoxical empirical result that persists in the
groundwater literature since 1980, when it was first identified by Gisser and Sanchez. In
essence, Gisser-Sanchez's effect (GSE) states that the numerical magnitude of benefits of...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 35-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 7 εκδοχές

Household demand and welfare: implications of water pricing in Cyprus


S Hajispyrou, PKoundouri… - Environment and …, 2002 - Cambridge Univ Press

ABSTRACT. This paper considers a model of household demand for water in a theoretical
framework consistent with fundamental principles of consumer behaviour. It applies this
model to individual household data to estimate the price and income elasticities of...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 32-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 14 εκδοχές

Discounting the future: the long and the short of it

B Groom, CJ Hepburn, PKoundouri… - Environmental and …, 2005 -

Abstract The last few years have witnessed important advances in our understanding of time
preference and social discounting. In particular, several rationales for the use of time-varying
social discount rates have emerged. These rationales range from the ad hoc to the formal,...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 28-Σχετικά άρθρα

The story of the moment: risk averse cypriot farmers respond to drought management


B Groom, PKoundouri, C Nauges… - Applied Economics, 2008 - Taylor & Francis

This article illustrates the importance of estimating risk preferences when evaluating water
policy. Using agricultural production data from the Kiti region of Cyprus we estimate farmers'
risk preferences à la Antle (Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1, 192–201,...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 22-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 11 εκδοχές

Social discounting under uncertainty: A cross-country comparison


C Hepburn, PKoundouri, E Panopoulou… - Journal of …, 2009 - Elsevier

Recent research suggests that social cost-benefit analysis should be conducted with a
declining discount rate. For instance Newell and Pizer [Discounting the distant future: how
much do uncertain rates increase valuations? J. Environ. Econ. Manage. 46 (2003) 52–71...

Γίνεται αναφορά σε 20-Σχετικά άρθρα-Όλες οι 20 εκδοχές

Three approaches to measuring natural resource scarcity: theory and application to groundwater

PKoundouri- 2000 -

Summary Efficient pricing of a resource incorporates both marginal cost of extraction and
scarcity rents. Since groundwater resources exhibit natural supply constraints, scarcity rents
must be imposed on current users. Given the difficulty of establishing clear groundwater...