Faculty Meeting Minutes_DRAFT
Page MPR
April 21, 2017
I. Call to Order: Mark Sargent called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.
II. Devotional: Gary Moon led the faculty in a devotional reflecting upon the questions posed in Genesis 3:9 (“Where are you?”) and John 1:38 (“What do you want?” and “Where are you dwelling?”).
III. Thoughts from the Provost: Mark Sargent expressed his gratitude, via a slideshow tribute, for Steve Julio’s service as Faculty Vice-Chair. He and Steve Julio then led the faculty in singing happy birthday to Deborah Dunn.
Mark Nelson highlighted the achievements of departments that completed their 6-year departmental assessment reports: the English Department, the Religious Studies Department, and the Student Life Division. He also lauded the achievements of departments that completed their annual departmental reports, giving special recognition to the Kinesiology Department, the Philosophy Department, the Library, the Art Department, the Political Science Department, and the Sociology and Anthropology Department.
Using the metaphor of the “golden hour” just prior to dusk, Mark Sargent urged faculty to take the opportunity in this golden hour of the academic year to spend time with our soon-to-be graduates. He reflected upon challenges we have faced this year, due to such factors as the presidential election and college enrollment-related stressors. Mark praised Eileen McMahon McQuade for her efforts regarding assessing equitable faculty workloads. Mark also expressed appreciation for the generative spirit he has observed among faculty in the creation of faculty-led initiatives, the various immigration-related events and discussions, the faculty’s vibrant and prolific scholarship, and the contributions of part-time and adjunct faculty.
IV. Approval of Minutes from March 31, 2017: The minutes from March 31, 2017 were approved with one correction.
V. Approval of 2017 Graduates: The list of the 2017 graduates was approved. Joan Wimberley explained in abstentia, via a video, some of the basic information that faculty need to know regarding Baccalaureate and Commencement.
VI. Election: Standing Committees: Ballots were distributed via email for faculty members to vote regarding the upcoming open positions in various standing committees. This vote, via majority voice vote, resulted in the election of: Steve Hodson and Michael Sommerman to the Admissions and Retention Committee (for a three-year term); Elizabeth Gardner to the Athletics Committee (for a two-year term); Nathan Huff and Russell Smelley to the Budget and Salary Committee (Nathan for a two-year term, Russell for a three-year term); Jim Taylor to the Communications Board (for a two-year term); David Hunter to the Computer and Technology Advisory (for a three-year term); Paul Delaney to the GE Committee (for a three-year term); Charlie Farhadian and Thomas Jayawardene to the Off-Campus Programs Committee (for a three-year term); Jonathan Mitchell and Marianne Robins to the Professional Development Committee (for a three-year term); Steve Butler and Rick Pointer to the Program Review Committee (for a two-year term); and Han Soo Kim and Serah Shani to the Student Life Committee (for a three-year term).
VII. Report from Budget & Salary Committee: Telford Work, on behalf of the Budget and Salary Committee, presented the highlights of the committee’s work this year. The committee agreed with Westmont’s choice to stay with Blue Shield for health insurance. Regarding salary, the committee largely kept the present salary model (adopting a 70½ -72 percentile model) with one modification (i.e., top steps will rise by at least $1,000). The committee recognizes that this model, which was developed in the 1990s, may need to be revisited next year—as the model was developed when the costs of moving to Santa Barbara and living here were very different. Regarding faculty parental leave, the committee members are working with Toya Cooper to craft a policy that conforms to state and federal law, covers new adoptions and foster placements (as well as births), prevents leave from being redirected toward non-parental activities (e.g., research), benefits faculty without over-burdening the rest of their department or the institution, and is applied equitably while remaining flexible for particular circumstances. The committee expects to have a proposed policy for the faculty to vote upon in early Fall 2017.
VIII: Report from the President: Gayle Beebe updated the faculty on several items including the 2017-2020 strategic map, enrollment for the incoming class, the appointment of Chandra Mallampalli to the Fletcher Jones Foundation Chair in Social Science, construction on the Global Leadership Center, the upcoming Lead Where You Stand conference with David Brooks (May 31st - June 2nd), the challenge in retaining admissions counselors, preliminary work on next year’s 80th Anniversary Celebration, new programs being proposed for approval (i.e., a major in Data Analytics, as well as minors in Global Studies and Computer Science), the Augustinian Scholars Program, and completion of the renovations of Upper Kerr Student Center.
IX. Motion: Data Analytics Major: Ray Rosentrater gave an overview of the rationale and specific requirements of the proposed cross-disciplinary (i.e., Math, Computer Science, and Economics and Business) major in Data Analytics. The motion to approve the Data Analytics major proposal passed by majority voice vote.
X. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:39 p.m.
Minutes Submitted by Sarah L. Jirek