
Sciences, Arts & Letters

Established 1908

Annual Conference

April 8, 2011

Salt Lake Community College

Salt Lake City, Utah



Annual Conference April 8, 2011

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Registration: Jordan Health Sciences Building Atrium

10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Plenary Session: Eccles Auditorium, JHS

Welcome: Dr. Chris Picard, Provost, SLCC

Presidential Address: Spencer H. Blake

Distinguished Service Award Presentation: Nichole Ortega

Tanner Lecture: Warner Woodworth

Rabbit Room Session: Eccles Auditorium, JHS

12:30 – 1:30

Lunch: Student Pavilion

John and Olga Gardner Prize Presentation: Nichole Ortega

2:00 – 5:00

Division Session Presentations: High Tech Center & Student Pavilion

3:15 – 3:45


Refreshments & Poster Session: Student Pavilion

5:30 – 6:30

UASAL Board Meeting: Student Pavilion 206

To Access Wireless Internet

User NameUASAL


Division Sessions

Room Assignments


Student Pavilion


Sessions 1 & 2, High Tech Center 109

Session 3, High Tech Center 111


High Tech Center 107


Sessions 1 & 2, High Tech Center 206

Sessions 3 & 4, High Tech Center 209


High Tech Center 215


High Tech Center 223


Student Pavilion 204


High Tech Center246


High Tech Center 234


Sessions 1 & 2, High Tech Center 239

Sessions 3, High Tech Center237


Sessions 1 & 2, High Tech Center 231

Sessions 3 & 4, High Tech Center233


Student Pavilion

Tanner Lecture

Dr. Warner Woodworth

Brigham Young University

Action Learning: Using our Research & Teaching

as a Platform for Change

Warner Woodworth is a social entrepreneur and professor of Organizational Strategy and Leadership at the Marriott School, Brigham Young University where he teaches OD, Third World Development, Microcredit, and Social Entrepreneurship. Author of 10 books and over 200 articles and conference papers, he has been engaged in empowering the poor for three decades. He has helped found and/or served on the boards of numerous NGOs including Enterprise Mentors International (5 countries), Ouelessebougou-Utah Alliance (Mali), Unitus (11 nations), and HELP International (8 countries), among 24 others. In 2010 alone the NGOs and MFIs he helped launch from his campus courses in past years grew to over 7.2 million clients, raised some $36 million, and trained over 520,000 microentrepreneurs. He has been honored with the Faculty Pioneer Award for his global impacts from the Aspen Institute in NYC, a Social Entrepreneurship Teaching Award at the World Forum, Oxford University, and the first Peter Drucker Visiting Scholar at the Drucker School, Claremont University in LA, among other recognitions. He was also appointed by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus to the Advisory Board of Grameen America in NYC.

Distinguished Service Award

Dr. Clifton Sanders

Salt Lake Community College

Clifton Sanders is the Dean of the School of Science, Mathematics and Engineering at Salt Lake Community College. He received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Utah in 1990 and a certificate in Biblical Languages from Salt Lake Theological Seminary in 1995. He has worked as a research technician and senior scientist for several Utah biomedical, industrial and contract research companies.His academic and industrial research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, NASA and the Department of Defense. He has co-authored several publications, presentations, technical reports and patents in mechanistic organic chemistry, mass spectrometry, polymer synthesis, and biomaterials technology. He has worked at Salt Lake Community College since 1993 as a Chemistry Instructor, Assistant Professor, and academic administrator. He was awarded the 1995-96 Salt Lake Community College Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Award for community outreach and science education, and he received a Teaching Excellence Award in 1997 from the Salt Lake Community College Foundation. As an adjunct Instructor in Philosophical Theology at Salt Lake Theological Seminary Clifton developed and taught courses in Biblical Interpretation, Theology and the Arts, and Theology and Science. He has given theology presentations at the Sunstone Symposium, Salt Lake Theological Seminary and Salt Lake Community College. Clifton plays jazz saxophone with the G. Brown Quintet, a local professional group. He provided solo saxophone improvisations for Emma Lou Thayne’s reading of her suite of poems “How Much for the Earth” at the March 2008 Nuclear Weapons Symposium at Utah Valley University He also co-authored (with Michael Minch) the paper “Democracy as Music, Music as Democracy” which was published in Radical Philosophy Review, volume 12(2009), “Art, Praxis and Social Transformation--Radical Dreams and Visions.” He is married to Sandra Watkins and they have a 14-year old son, Nathaniel.

John & Olga Gardner Prize

H. Scott Hinton

Utah State University

H. Scott Hinton was born in Salt Lake City in 1951. He received a B.S.E.E. in 1981 at Brigham Young University and an M.S.E.E. at Purdue University in 1982.

In 1981, he joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in Naperville, IL as a Member of the Technical Staff. He was promoted to supervisor of the Photonic Switching Technologies group in 1985 and then Head of the Photonic Switching Department in 1989.

From 1992 to 1994, he was the BNR-NT/NSERC Chair in Photonic Systems at McGill University and from 1994 to 1999 he was the Hudson Moore Jr. Professor of Engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and finally from 1999 to 2002 he was the Dean E. Ackers Distinguished Professor and the Chairman of the University of Kansas Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department.

In June 2002, he accepted the position as the Dean of the College of Engineering at Utah State University. He has been very active in the scientific community where he has published over 35 journal articles and 85 conference papers. He has also been active in service to the professional community by serving in leadership positions for numerous technical conferences and workshops.

Dean Hinton has also been awarded 12 patents. His current research is focused on developing systems applications of smart pixels and free-space optical interconnection, synthetic biophotonic systems, and in developing and understanding technology-enhanced learning environments. He was the 2004-2005 President of the IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS), an IEEE-LEOS Distinguished Lecturer for 1993-94 and is a fellow of both the IEEE and OSA.

Utah Academy

2011 Spring Excursion

Topaz Japanese Internment Camp

Saturday, June 4th2011

Each year the Utah Academy participates in a Spring Excursion to explore some natural or historic feature of our beautiful state. Our excursion this year will be to Topaz Japanese Internment Camp and Great Basin National Park. We will start at Delta at 8:00 a.m. on June 4th, visit Topaz and Fort Deseret near Delta, and then drive to Great Basin National Park. On the way, we will view Sevier Lake and the Baker Archeological Site (Fremont Indian village). At Great Basin National Park, we will visit Lehman Cave and the Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive. We recommend that you make plans to spend Friday night in Delta in order to get started at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.

Please join us! Feel free to invite friends and family members to join us as well. More information will be forthcoming via email, but mark your calendars and contact Dwight Israelsen, Utah Academy Member at Large, to RSVP.

Dwight Israelsen

Dept of Economics & Finance

Utah State University

3565 Old Main Hill

Logan, UT 84322-3520

(435) 797-2298

We also invite you to mark your calendars for the 2012 UASAL Annual Spring Conference to be held at Utah State University

Journal of the Utah Academy

Publication Policy

Papers published in The Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters are drawn from papers presented by members in good standing at the annual conference of the Utah Academy. To qualify for publication, the papers must be recommended through a double blind refereeing system.

Presenters are encouraged to publish their paper in The Journal of the Utah Academy. The Journal’s criteria are that a submission is (1) fresh, meaningful scholarly insight on its subject; (2) readable and well written; and (3) of general interest for an academic readership beyond the author’s field. If you wish your paper to be considered for publication in The Journal, please send one hard copy of your paper and abstract to;

Nichole Ortega

Dance Department MC233

Utah Valley University

800 West University Parkway

Orem, UT 84058

Please send threehard copies to the chair of your division by May 15, 2011. All submitted papers will be considered for an Outstanding Paper Award. Include both your institutional and home addresses and phone numbers, email address and fax number. Papers will be peer reviewed. Please suggest possible appropriated referees, including names, telephone numbers and addresses.

At the time of acceptance for publication, manuscripts must be submitted as an attachment in Microsoft Word via email, also attach a PDF. Figures, diagrams and photographs must be saved as TIFF files and should be no larger than 5 x 7. Papers must conform to the style of the paper’s discipline: MLA, APA, Chicago, CBE, or AIP. Papers should be between ten and twenty double-spaced pages.

The Journal of the Utah Academy is a refereed journal. Editorial responses will be forthcoming after the resumption of school the following fall when referees have returned their comments to the division chairs.

Detailed publication guidelines are available at the Utah Academy website:

Poster Session

Session Chair: R Steven Turley

Brigham Young University

A Comparative Analysis of Increased Childhood Obesity and the Reduction of Physical Education Programs in Public Education in Utah Public Schools

Rosqvist, Kemp & Boyer, Bret H. D.P.T.,

Utah Valley University

The Effect of a Regional Exercise Science Professional Conference on Student Perception of Professional Behavior

Denney, Paige & Boyer, Bret H. D.P.T., Utah Valley University

How Ecological Science Is Portrayed In Mass Media

Leilani F. Williams, Brigham Young University; Jerald B. JohnsonMatthew J. BakerNorthern Kentucky

Digital Humanities: What's all the Buzz about?

Burke Sorenson

Analysis of barn owl pellets (Tyto alba) collected from

Davis County, Utah

Jaime S. Heiner & Stephen P. Niedzwiecki M.S., Oquirrh Mountain Charter School

Defense Chemistry In Inga umbellifera

Susanna Khachaturyan, Thomas A. Kursar, Phyllis D. Coley, & John Lokvam, University of Utah

Seperation Of Mixed Halophilic Cultures From The Great Salt Lake

Staples, A., Culumber, M., Domek, M., Weber State University


Division Chair: Nichole Ortega

Utah Valley University

Session One

Session Leader: Nichole Ortega

High Tech Center 109


Melanie Ewell Francom, Utah Valley University


Angela Banchero-Kelleher, Amy Markgraf Jacobson & Nichole Ortega, Utah Valley University

2:30Rudollf von Laban and the Nazis

Aleisha Paspuel, Utah Valley University

2:45Backwards and in High Heels: The Myth of Female Passivity in Ballroom Dance

Roger Wiblin, Utah Valley University

3:00Going Through Life Sideways: Fritz Lang’s Violence with His Female Characters

Elaine Sharp, Dixie State College

3:15 – 3:45Break (Refreshments in Student Pavilion)

Session Two

Session Leader: Marcus Vincent, Utah Valley University

High Tech Center 111

2:00Partcipant Motivation in College Ballroom Dance Classes

Johnny Ahn, Utah Valley University

2:15John Wayne, Producer

Stephen Armstrong, Dixie State College

2:30International Style v. American Style: The Coaches’ Perspective

Emily Darby, Utah Valley University

2:45Gender Performance and Performativity in Ballroom Dance

Veronica Argyle, Utah Valley University

3:00Alwin Nickolais: How His Choreography Reflects His Life Experiences

Breanna Orr, Utah Valley University

3:15 – 3:45Break (Refreshments in the Student Pavilion)

Session Three

Session Leader: Nichole Ortega

High Tech Center 109

3:45The Disillusioned Hero: Friz Lang and Dave Bannion

Trisha Haber, Dixie State College

4:00 Night Journey: Insight of the Subconscious of Martha Graham

Lauren Harris, Utah Valley University

4:15The Shadow Effect

Melanie Ewell Francom, Utah Valley University

4:30Visual Scripting

Elizabeth Micklavcic, University of Utah

4:45Reggaeton from a Feminist Perspective

Giselle Fernandez, Utah Valley University

Biological Sciences

Division Chair: Erin O’Brien

Dixie State College

Session Leader: Erin O’Brien

High Tech Center 107

2:00Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis fungusupdate for populations of Hyla arenicolor in Zion National Park

Britnee Moore & Curt Walker, Dixie State College

2:15The Effect of Rock Pool Properties on the Diversity and Abundance of Microflora and Fauna in SW Utah Slot Canyon Pools

Chad Roberts, Dixie State College

2:30Susceptibility Study of Staphylococcus aureus Carotenoid Deficient Mutants to Oxacillin

Uriwan Vijaranakul, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Thailand; R. K. Jayaswal & Brian J. Wilkinson, Illinois State University

2:45Novel Marinobacter-likeOrganism and a Related Phage Isolated from the Great Salt Lake

T. B. Simon, C. J. Oberg, M. D. Culumber, & M. J. Domek, Weber State University

3:00A Unified Study of Ethics on Conservation of Biodiversity

Ruhul Kuddus, Utah Valley University

3:15 – 3:45Break (Refreshments in Student Pavilion)

3:45Isolation and Characterization of Cellulytic Microorganisms from the Great Salt Lake, UT

Elizabeth Mora, Brian Bill, Craig Oberg Michele Culumber, Weber State University

4:00Comparison of Idiomarina Bacteriophage Isolated from the Great Salt Lake, UT

Carlie Benson, Craig Oberg, Matthew Domek, Michele Culumber, Weber State University

4:15Inhibition of Clostridium difficile by Lactic Acid Bacteria

Tarris Webber, Jed Lowe, Rachel Lowe, & Craig Oberg, Weber State University

4:30Antibacterial Properties of Originum vulgare Essential Oil on Staphylococcus aureus

Marcus Stucki, Dennis Farnsworth, Zachary Hazenwinkel & Dr. Don Warner, Dixie State College of Utah

4:45 – 5:00Q&A


Division Chair: Jon Westover

Utah Valley University

Session One – Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Student Research

Session Leader: Jonathan H. Westover, Utah Valley University

High Tech Center 206

2:00 Organizational Politics in a Utah Context

Trista Doxey, Utah Valley University

2:20 The Impact of Right to Work Policies in Utah

Troy Callahan, Utah Valley University

2:40 The Impact of Workplace Wellness Programs on Decreasing Employee Obesity and Increasing Overall Health

Skyler C. Macdonald &Jonathan H. Westover, Utah Valley University

3:00 – 3:15 Q&A

Session Two – Entrepreneurship

Session Leader: Peter Robinson, Utah Valley University

High Tech Center 209

2:00 Sources of Entrepreneurial Passion

Michael Glauser, Westminster College

Melissa Cardon, Pace University

2:20 The Challenge: Experiential Education in Theory and Practice

Dr. Peter Robinson, Dr. Laurent Josien & Rachel McGovern, Utah Valley University

2:40 What Successful Entrepreneurs Really Do

Michael Glauser, Westminster College

3:00 – 3:15Q&A

Session Three – Statistical Methods in Business Research

Session Leader: James B. McDonald, Brigham Young University

High Tech Center 206

3:45 Partially Adaptive Estimation of the Censored Regression Model
Randall A. Lewis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
James B. McDonald, Brigham Young University

4:05 Partially Adaptive and Semiparametric Estimation of Regression Models for Grouped Data
Jason B. Cook &James B. McDonald, Brigham Young University

4:25 Moments to Remember: Some Popular Models for the Distribution of Income

James B. McDonald &Jeffrey T. Sorensen, Brigham Young University; Patrick A. Turley, Harvard University

4:45 – 5:00Q&A

Session Four – Other Topics in Business

Session Leader: L. Dwight Israelsen, Utah State University

High Tech Center 209

3:45 An Analytical View of China as a Software Outsourcing Outlet*
Taowen Le, Weber State University; Wayne Huang, Ohio University; Jin Zhang, Professor, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

4:00 Advertising to Children: A Review to Determine Ethics and Social Responsibility

Benjamin Hart, Utah Valley University

4:15A Note on the Usefulness the Minimum-Variance Portfolio in Practice

Leo Chan, Utah Valley University

*Presentation by Ed Harris, Weber State University

4:30 Diversification and Comparative Advantage: 160 Years of Change in Utah’s Economy

L. Dwight Israelsen, Utah State University

4:45 – 5:00Q&A


Division Chair: David Williams

Brigham Young University

Session Leader: David Williams

High Tech Center 215

2:00Visions and Blueprints for Tomorrow’s Schools: Why We Need Them Now

Dr. Jim McCoy & Dr. Prent Klag, Southern Utah University

2:15Developing instruction for the diverse classroom:

Collegial collaboration in action

Vessela Ilieva, Ph.D. Utah Valley University

2:30The Use of Instructional Time for Teaching Science at the Elementary Level

Mary Sowder, Utah Valley University

2:45Teacher Training at Snow College, 1888-1936

David Rosier, Snow College

3:00Practical Theory: Making Research Writing Theory Useful for Students

Angie Carter, Utah Valley University

3:15 – 3:45Break (Refreshments in Student Pavilion)

3:45Mobile Technology

Talitha Hudgins, Utah Valley University

4:00Assessing Effective Instructional Design in the Developmental Mathematics Classroom

Jacque P. Westover, Utah Valley University


Division Chair: Doran Baker

Utah State University

Session Leader: Doran Baker

High Tech Center 223

2:00The Effect of Surface Geometry and Heat Flux on Thin Wire Nucleate Pool Boiling of Subcooled Water in Microgravity

Troy Munro, Utah State University

2:15Mechanical Property Effects on Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity of Planetary Soils

Daniel Garrett, Utah State University

2:30Document Flash Thermography

Cory A Larsen, Utah State University

2:45SABER OH Mesospheric Airglow Emissions

Bryant Svedin, Utah State University

3:00Mars to Go Lite: A Minimal Manned Mars Mission

Donovan Chipman David Allred, Brigham Young University

3:15 – 3:45 Break (Refreshments in Student Pavilion)

3:45Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Aerodynamic Thrust Vectoring on an Aerospike Nozzle

Shannon Eilers & Matthew Wilson, Utah State University

4:00Enhancing Multispectral Imagery of Ancient Documents

Trace A. Griffiths, Utah State University

4:15SAM Instrument Control and Tracking

Spencer Jackson, Utah State University

4:30Attitude Control Using Aerodynamic Vectoring on an Aerospike Nozzle

Crystal Frazier & Nate Erni, Utah State University

Health, Physical Education

& Outdoor Recreation

Division Chair: Shaunna McGhie

Utah Valley University

Session Leader: Shaunna McGhie

Student Pavilion 204

2:00Assessment of the Army’s Method of Predicting Body Composition

Jason V. Slack, PhD, & Jeffery Cowley, Utah Valley University

2:15Food Insecurities in Global Communities