MSW Concentration Field Education Orientation Notes

Social Work Students,

Please find below another checklist to assist you as you move into your concentration year of your field placement. This checklist should be used in conjunction with your MSW Field Application Schedule. We hope that this note/checklist will support your journey of discovering the field placement perfect for you, not a perfect field placement. J Since there is no particular order to this checklist, it is our recommendation to read this entire document prior to beginning your field placement search.

Review Field Application Schedule for due dates

Submit Field Education paperwork (Note: for your convenience, we are moving toward

Electronic submissions)

Procure Field Instructor with a MSW or MSSA degree and Two (2) years post-degree experience and a minimum of one (1) year at the agency

Begin agency interview process immediately

Be aware that field assignments will be made by date listed on field education orientation schedule

A Concentration student in the Field is searching for a Micro or Macro placement only

Micro Concentration = individual, family, small group problem solving process; case-

based research

Macro Concentration = organizational, neighborhood, community development;

Administration, (budgeting, fundraising, staff recruitment/development); policy development; program/service development/implementation (grant writing, needs assessment, outcome measures,) legislation; accreditation; program research

Field Education Concentration must match Course Concentration as noted by the

Agency roster you review (Micro or Macro)

Concentration Field = Two (2) required Learning Areas- Micro or Macro Practice &

Professional Development (see Student Integrative Learning Contract)

Concentration Field = 250 hours per semester; 17 hours per week

Field Placement in the same agency, two (2) consecutive semesters –Fall and Spring


Start and end field semester at same time as classes (see MSW Field Calendar)

No field allowed over holidays or semester breaks

All missed field time must be made-up within the semester

Write Field at Place of Employment Proposal (FAPE) if doing Concentration field where

you work, specifying field time in blocks of minimum 3 hours or more. Remember- Field activities must be different from work activities. Field instructor must be different from work supervisor.

Note (*) on “Prior to Interview Form” if exploring agency not on the roster

Copy Agency Acceptance form as needed

Dress as for a job interview (you are presenting the professional ‘you’ and representing

the University of Akron)

Update your resume- may be needed

Review “Some Guidelines for Practicum Selection” for interview question preparation

(This section is in continuous review and updating is frequent)

Review “Mock Email” as you craft your professional introduction to agencies

Take time to think about what you want to learn in advanced practice

When interviewing talk about 17 hours of concentration learning/week, mutuality of schedules, need for liability insurance, physicals, costs to you, required orientations

Communicate your appreciation for any interview with a verbal and written thank

you to every agency where you interviewed

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