Science, Math, and Kinesiology

Learning Area Meeting Agenda

Date / Thursday, November 18th, 2015
Time / 12:15-1:00 PM
Location / P4 and NDC 35
Faculty Member / Present
Yes / No
Mark Arce / x
Atif El Naggar / x
Stephanie Droker / x
Arkady Hanjiev / x
Lynnette Mann / x
Mark Matteson / x
Stefan McGovern / x
Staci Mosher / x
Cam Olson / x
Ken Sowden / x
Jeff Wanderer / x
Scott Wilson / x
Steven Wright / x
1.0 Call to order
1.1 Call to order at 12:18 PM
1.2 Additions to the Agenda - None
2.0 Approval of Minutes
2.1  Approval of Minutes from September 24th, 2015 – No quorum.
3.0 Committee Reports
3.1  Facilities Development Council – roof repairs have been made.
3.2  Curriculum – most recent meeting was cancelled. Several items currently in routing.
3.3  Board Meeting – Last meeting for Len Falter. Bobby Lee will be seated next month. ACCJC will be replaced by another accrediting commission. District sunshined their openers for negotiations this Spring (health insurance eligibility and distance education stipends for splitting).
3.4  Program Review Committee—Math PR passed. Several others are in the pipeline. Accreditation visit looming so as many as possible need to be done. Stephanie will be included in email requests to complete reviews in a timely fashion. TRC was created to expedite routing process. Deadlines have been established for first reading.
3.5  College Planning Council – two program reviews were discussed (Psych and DSPS). Student equity plan presented by M. Gritton and V. Harper. Several BPs and APs were looked at (4050 and 5050 – “District” instead of “College”). Decision-making relegated to chancellor instead of chancellor and designee. Sent back with suggested changes.
3.6  District Leadership Council – Meetings for October and November were cancelled.
3.7  Equivalency – None
3.8  SLO Committee – Assessment meeting scheduled for December 11th.
3.9  DECC Committee – None
4.0 BP and AP
5.0 Other Items
5.1 Online Counseling Project – fully online students are not using Student Services as much as traditional students. M. Matteson is launching a pilot online counseling program to serve online sections. Appointments can be made and students have been notified by email.
6.0 Adjournment at 12:41 PM