Night and Day/Seasons Resources:
*Read Alouds: Day and Night by Teddy Newton, What Makes Day and Night? by Franklyn M. Branley and Arthur Dorros, The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons
*Learn 360 Video: Click on the link, log-in, scroll down to Related Segment Part 2.
Bill Nye Video: “Seasons”- Click the link below to view all 3 parts of this video.
Here is a link to a Seasons article along with an activity titled, “The Earth is tilted”.
Here is a link to create “Earthmallows Models”- This art activity allows students tocreate a model of the Earth that shows day and night during different seasons. also has a video on “Seasons” if you are a member of this site.
Time Zone Resources:
*Books-Teacher Guide: Time Zones by David Adler…What are time zones and why do they exist? When it's noon where you live, why is it midnight halfway around the world? This entertaining book explains why time zones exist and includes little-known facts and historical lore, an explanation of Daylight Savings Time, and a hands-on activity that can be performed at home or in the classroom.
*View the “WORLD” Clocks- Click the link below to view “Live” times from all over the world.
*Learn 360: “Why We Have Time Zones”
*Learn 360 Video: “Latitude, Longitude and Time Zones”
* also has a video on “Time Zones” if you have a membership to the site.
Time Zones in the U.S.-View an article and map by clicking below.
Moon Phases Resources:
*Example Read Aloud: The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons
*Learn 360 Video: “MathMastery: The Earth In Space”
Click on the Related Segment Part 2- Moon Phases and Eclispes
* also has video on “Moon Phases” if you have a membership to the site.
*“The Moon with Bill Nye” from Watch, Know,
*Lunar Cycle Challenge SMART Board Game: Drag moons to their place in the lunar cycle.
*Oreo Cookie Moon Phases Activity- use paper plates or paper for this activity.
Stars/Constellations Resources:
*Read Alouds and Book Resources:
-What's Out There?: A Book about Spaceby Lynn Wilson,
-They Dance in the Sky: Native American Star Myths by Ray A Williamson,Jean Guard
Monroeand Edgar Stewart
-A Child's Introduction to the Night Sky: The Story of the Stars, Planets, and Constellationsand
How You Can Find Them in the Skyby Michael Driscoll
-Zoo in the Sky: A Book of Animal Constellations by Jacqueline Mitton and Chrstina Balit,
-Coyote Places the Stars by Harriet Peck Taylor
*Constellations Picture Gallery: Click on the link below to view…
Learn 360 Video: “Video Quiz The Stars” has videos on “Stars” and “Constellations” if you have a membership to the site.
Bill Nye on Constellations and Astrology Video from
Astro-Venture Game- go with Astro and learn about the tools that astronomers use to detect planets.
*Bill Nye Video on Atmosphere: Click link to view all 3 segments.
* has a video on “Atmosphere” is you have a membership to the site.
*Click below to view a kid-friendly article on the Atmosphere. There is also a song about the layers of the Atmosphere.
*Air Pressure Experiment: “Unspillable Water”
*Earth’s Layers of the Atmosphere Kid-Friendly Article:
*Learn 360 Video: “Greenhouse Effect”
* has a video on “The Greenhouse Effect” if you have a membership to their site.
The Greenhouse Effect Video from Watch, Know,
Kid-Friendly Article about Greenhouse Effect link below:
The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Dramatization Activity for Kids:
The Water Cycle Resources:
*Read Aloud: The Snowflake :A Water Cycle Storyby Neil Waldma
* has a video on “The Water Cycle” if you have a membership to their site.
*Startling Statistics about our Water: Click below to view the video.
*Bill Nye Video on Water Cycle: Click below to view all 3 segments.
*Water Evaporation Game: Study the effect of humidity and temperature on the evaporation rate of water.
*Thirstin’ Question and Answer Game: How much do you know about water?
Interactive Water Cycle:
CLOUDS Resources:
Read Alouds:
Cloud Dance by Thomas Locker
The Weather Wizard’s Cloud Book: A Unique Way to Predict the Weather Accurately and Easily
by Reading the Clouds by Neil Waldman.
Little Cloud by Eric Carle
* has a video on “Clouds” if you have a membership to the site.
*SOAP CLOUDS! Idea from PINTEREST website! Make your own clouds…click on the link below.
*Fun with Clouds: Click on the link below to find 10 clever ways to have fun with clouds. Whether you're looking for science, art, or just something fun to play with –this website has got all the bases covered:
*Watch It Rain Activity!
1. Fill the cup with water.
2. Put shaving cream on top for a cloud.
3. Explain that when clouds get really heavy with water, it rains! Then put blue food coloring on top of the cloud, and watch it rain.
*How Do Clouds Form? Watch, Know, Learn Video:
*Where Do Clouds Come From? Watch, Know Learn Video:
*View Different Cloud Types through this video:
*Read aloud: Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett and Ronald Barrett.
*Observe Precipitation in this video. Click below.
*Make It Rain Activity:
WEATHER Resources:
*Read Alouds: See Non-Exemplar Text Resources Sheet and Books About Weather from Unit 2.
*Learn 360 Video: Real World Science- Weather and Climate
*Weather Station Symbols Print Out:
*Weather Reporter Game: Report and Predict the Weather
*Interactive Weather Maker:
* has a video on “Temperature” is you are a member of the site.
*Make a Thermometer with these simple materials! Click below.
*Interactive activities for Temperature
*Recording Temperature:
Rain Gauge:
*Create your own Rain Gauge:
Wind Vane:
*Make a Wind Vane:
Difference between Weather & Climate Activity: has a video on “Climate Types” if you are a member of the site.
Other Weather Links…
*View a current Natural Disaster list for our planet:
*Games for kids…“Preparing for a Disaster”:
*View BrainPop Video on “Natural Disasters” if you are a member of their site.
*Learn 360 Video: Hurricane Katrina
*Teen survivors of Hurricane Katrina share their stories:
*View BrainPop Video on “Hurricanes” if you are a member of their site.
*Hurricanes 101: National Geographic Video:
*Informational website on Hurricanes with great links to resources:
*Learn 360 Video: Tornados
*View BrainPop Video on “Tornadoes” if you are a member of their site.
*Tornado in a Jar Experiment:
*Tornadoes 101: National Geographic Video:
*Informational website on Tornadoes with great links to resources:
*Learn 360 Video: Floods
*View BrainPop Video on “Floods” if you are a member of their site.
*Informational website on Rain/Floods with great links to resources:
*View BrainPop Video on “Tsunami” if you are a member of their site.
*Informational website on Tsunami that shook Japan:
*Learn 360- Tsunami 101: National Geographic Video:
*Visit Natural Disaster Preparedness for Kids Website (Wildfire, Drought, Earthquakes):
*Earthquakes for Kids Interactive Website:
*All about earthquakes for kids (Information, Real Life Videos, Lesson Plans, Project Ideas):
*View a real-time earthquake map:
VOLCANOES Resources:
*Build and learn about volcanoes
*All about volcanoes for kids (Information, Real Life Videos, Lesson Plans, Project Ideas):
*Frequently asked Volcano Questions:
*View different types of real life rocks:
*Videos on 3 Different Types of Rocks:
*Edible Sedimentary Rocks: form when bits of sand and stone are cemented together
As you discuss how layers of sediment forms, sedimentary rocks you explain to the kids that we are going to make some edible sedimentary rocks. The kids will be divided in groups and have their prospective sediment. Each group will pour their sediment in a 5x8 container in this order: crushed Butterfinger, coconut, mini chocolate chips, graham cracker crumbs. Now since heat, pressure, and time bonds the sediment, you need your blowdryer. Fan the blowdryer back and forth while pressing the layers with a wooden spoon. Be sure to let the kids do this. When the layers are fairly melted, STOP! Let the rock formation cool. Then ask the students which layer is the oldest, youngest etc... How has the sediment changed, why did it change, are the layers different? Explain.
*Edible Metamorphic Rocks: form when rock from inside the earth is heated and squeezed.
Give each student two pieces of unwrapped Starburst candy in a Ziploc bag. Tell the students to use their hands to generate heat and pressure to mold the two pieces of Starburst candy into one new “rock”.
*Edible Igneous Rocks: form when rock from inside the earth cools and hardens.
Show students two different types of chocolate chips. Using a Crockpot to represent deep inside the earth, melt the chocolate chips. After they are melted, spoon out small scoops and place on a plate. Set the plates on student desks and allow them to watch the “rock” cool and harden.
*FOSSIL FUELS Resources:
View Information Kid Friendly Websites about Fossil Fuels:
Online Energy Quiz: