MS Choir Entry Level Grade 6

Unit of Study: Develop vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Theory; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Concert Prep./Fund. Skills; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 1 First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 6
§  1A Individually demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre
§  1B Use standard terminology in explaining music notation
§  2A Perform independently, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills
§  3B Use standard symbols to notate rhythm and pitch
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Hand signs
Vocal Cords
Sight reading
LRT: Long, Round, Tall Vowel Formation
Grand Staff
Whole Note
Whole Rest
Half Note
Half Rest
Rhythm / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /
The teacher will:
·  Present posture and breathing mechanics
·  Present sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
·  Learn solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
·  Demonstrate Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
·  Present music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
·  Introduce basic repertoire
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~How would you differentiate between LRT’s and “east-west” vowel production?
~ Can you recall and show the Solfege hand-signs?
~Describe a music staff and what it is used for. / ~Begin singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Learn and sing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory
~Begin learning and singing basic repertoire / Explaining
Explicit Teaching
Drill & Practice
Ø  Students demonstrate musical understanding of vocal production and music theory by singing correct pitches in-tune and using hand-signs.
Ø  Students will show how to produce long, round tall vowels.
Click here for more information on breathing mechanisms
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Entry Level Grade 6

Unit of Study: Develop vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Theory; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Concert Prep./Fund. Skills; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 2 First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 6
§  1A Individually demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre
§  1B Use standard terminology in explaining music notation
§  2A Perform independently, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills
§  3A Sight-read simple music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys
§  3B Use standard symbols to notate rhythm and pitch
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Key Signature
Key of C
Half Step
Whole Step
Chanting / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /
The teacher will:
·  Continue posture and breathing mechanics
·  Continue sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
·  Continue solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
·  Continue demonstrating Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
·  Continue music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
·  Present the concept of Audiation
·  Present the concept of Sight reading
·  Present Key Signatures and the key of C with solfege syllables and pitch names
·  Continue 1st 9 weeks repertoire
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~ How do the Solfege hand-signs correspond with the function of the note?
~How do you distinguish between LRT and “east-west” singing?
~What is the concept of audiation?
~How would you explain sight-reading? / ~Continue singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Continue singing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing and chant correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Begin audiation techniques
~Begin sight reading
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory in the key of C~Continue learning and singing of basic repertoire / Guided Practice
Group Practice
Drill & Practice
Ø  Students demonstrate musical understanding of vocal production and music theory by singing correct pitches in-tune and using hand-signs.
Ø  Students will show how to produce long, round tall vowels.
Ø  Students can explain and write the key of C on the treble clef or bass clef.
Ø  Students can explain the audiation process.
Click here for more information on Curwen hand signs
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Entry Level Grade 6

Unit of Study: Develop vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Theory; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Concert Prep./Fund. Skills; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 3 First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 6
§  1A Individually demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre
§  1B Use standard terminology in explaining music notation
§  2A Perform independently, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills
§  3A Sight-read simple music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys
§  3B Use standard symbols to notate rhythm and pitch
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Score Study
Quarter Note
Quarter Rest / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /
The teacher will:
·  Continue posture and breathing mechanics
·  Continue sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
·  Continue solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
·  Continue demonstrating Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
·  Continue music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
·  Continue the concept of Audiation
·  Continue the concept of Sight reading
·  Review Key Signatures and the key of C with solfege syllables and pitch names
·  Continue 1st 9 weeks repertoire
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~How does correct posture and breathing mechanics improve singing? Demonstrate and compare good and bad posture.
~What is the difference between solfege and pitch names?
~Under what conditions would you use audiation? / ~Continue singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Continue singing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Begin audiation techniques
~Begin sight reading
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory in the key of C
~Continue learning and singing of basic repertoire / Review
Work-based learning
Cooperative Learning
Drill & Practice
Ø  Students write key of C notes on music staff.
Ø  Students demonstrate correct hand-signs while sight-reading
Ø  Students listen for intonation while producing correct pitches.
Click here for more information on the history of solfege and related scales
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Entry Level Grade 6

Unit of Study: Develop vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Theory; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Concert Prep./Fund. Skills; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum Concert

Week 4 First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 6
§  1A Individually demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre
§  1B Use standard terminology in explaining music notation
§  2A Perform independently, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills
§  3A Sight-read simple music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys
§  3B Use standard symbols to notate rhythm and pitch
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Time Signatures / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /
The teacher will:
·  Continue posture and breathing mechanics
·  Continue sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
·  Continue solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
·  Continue demonstrating Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
·  Continue music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
·  Continue the concept of Audiation
·  Continue the concept of Sight reading
·  Review Key Signature and the Key of C with solfege syllables and pitch names
·  Continue 1st 9 weeks repertoire
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~What are the results when you use good posture to sing?
~Discuss the differences in vocal sound when using LRT’s and “east-west” type of singing.
~Demonstrate the correct use of audiation by singing the last note of every measure in tune and on the correct beat. / ~Continue singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Continue singing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Continue audiation techniques
~Continue sight reading
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory in the key of C
~Continue learning and singing of basic repertoire in preparation for the 9 weeks concert. / Compare & Contrast
Guided Practice
Review & Re-Teaching
Physical Response
Ø  Students demonstrate application of LRT’s and compares them to “east-west” style of singing.
Ø  Students can label and discuss the music staff and the key of C.
Click here for more information on key signatures
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Entry Level Grade 6

Unit of Study: Develop vocal range/skills/LRT; Intro Music Theory; SR/Solfege Skills; Score Analysis;

Round/Canon Challenge; Repertoire; Concert Prep./Fund. Skills; 1st 9 weeks Curriculum

Week 5 First Grading Period

TEKS Choir 6
§  1A Individually demonstrate characteristic vocal timbre
§  1B Use standard terminology in explaining music notation
§  2A Perform independently, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills
§  3A Sight-read simple music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys
§  3B Use standard symbols to notate rhythm and pitch
College Prep / Vocabulary / Resources / Instructional Guidelines

Word Wall
Eighth Note
Eighth Rest / Experiencing Choral Music
McGraw Hill Glencoe 2005
Teaching Masters
Evaluation Masters
Music & History
Vocal Development
Skill Builders
Sight-singing Masters
Kodály, Dalcroze, Interdisciplinary
Supporting Resources
Fine Arts Transparencies
The Singing Musician
Patti DeWitt Co., 2004
John Curwen Hand signs
Conducting Patterns
Preparatory Pages
Sequential Sight-reading
IPA Chart
District Score Study
Curwen/Kodály Hand Signs
Concert Requirements
Repertoire (9 weeks concert minimum are 3 octavo length songs appropriate for grade level)
SAISD Concert Template
Sight-reading materials
Tape/CD Recorders
SAISD Weekly Rubric
SAISD 9 Weeks Rubric /
The teacher will:
·  Continue posture and breathing mechanics
·  Continue sirens, vocal warm-ups, and vocalizes to find correct singing register
·  Continue solfege syllables and hand signs for a diatonic scale (d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’)
·  Continue demonstrating Long, Round, Tall vowels (LRT)
·  Continue music staff, treble/bass clef(s), music notes/names and basic rhythms
·  Continue the concept of Audiation
·  Continue the concept of Sight reading
·  Review Key Signature and the key of C with solfege syllables and pitch names
·  Demonstrate clear, concise pronunciation of text and articulation
·  Continue 1st 9 weeks repertoire: phrasing, dynamics, musicianship/artistry
How to Teach
Key Questions / Student Behaviors
Getting the Big Ideas / Strategies
~Identify d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d’ in the key of C on the staff and while sight-reading.
~Can you distinguish between LRT’s and “east-west” singing while performing repertoire?
~While sight-reading can you always find “do” and sing it in-tune? / ~Continue singing with proper posture and breathing mechanics
~Continue singing exploratory exercises to find correct singing register
~Reproduce vocal warm-ups and vocalizes
~Sing correct solfege syllables with appropriate hand signs
~Continue audiation techniques
~Continue sight reading
~Produce LRT vowels
~Read and write basic music theory in the key of C
~Chant and sing clear, concise pronunciation of text and articulation
~Continue learning and singing of basic repertoire in preparation for the 9 weeks concert. / Compare & Contrast
Teacher Questions
Music Writing
Ø  Students demonstrate correct vowel (LRT) and consonant production in repertoire.
Ø  Students demonstrate phrasing in 1st 9 weeks repertoire.
Click here for more information on key signatures
Canon Definition
/ SAISD MS Choir Round/Canon Challenge
Repertoire (Vocal Music Curriculum Website)
Week 1: Learn Song by Rote
Week 2: Sing Solfege & Hand Sign
Week 3: Sing Rhythm
Week 4: Sing Text while Conducting
Week 5: Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 6: Sing Solfege w/hand signs while Cnducting
Week 7: Hand Sign Solfege & Sing Rhythm while Conducting
Week 8: Manuscript Song
Week 9: Perform Round/Canon in small groups for each other in class
Education / Instructional Modifications/ Accommodations Determined by ARD/IEP
Highlighted materials
Recorded examples / Partner special learners with another student.
Individually aurally assess students

MS Choir Entry Level Grade 6