7th Grade Mathematics Information
Welcome Back! We are looking forward to a productive and successful school year in mathematics. It is our hope that you will participate in and enjoy many exciting and rewarding experiences this academic school year. The goals of all mathematics at the seventh grade level are that all students will have an improved command of their mathematical skill sets to draw upon, the ability to integrate these skills with related concepts, and the ability to apply procedural and conceptual knowledge to new situations. This year in 7th grade we will work through Curriculum NOW exploring the Number System through Rational Numbers, Ratios & Proportional Relationships, Probability & Statistical Analysis, Expressions and Equations with Real Life Applications, and Geometry. Students in the seventh grade Common Core Math Accelerated Part 1 will cover all of these as well as most of the 8th grade Common Core Math topics including Geometry, Number Sense, Expressions, Linear Equations, Functions, and Statistical Analysis.
Materials Needed for Math Class Everyday: 1 inch Binder with 5 Tab Dividers, Colored Pencils, Single Subject Spiral Notebook, Notebook Paper, Graph Paper, Checking Pens, Pocket Folder, 10-12 Sharpened #2 Pencils, Handheld Pencil Sharpener, Dry Erase Markers and Student Agenda or a calendar/date book where students record assignments. Optional: Tissues, Scissors, and Calculator.
Grades: Math grades will be determined by assessing the skills mentioned above for computation and application mastery using the following three weighted categories listed below:
60% Assessments 35% Classwork 5% Homework
Letter grades are based on the percentage grade earned and are based on the FCPS grading scale.
Textbook: We are most fortunate to have access to some wonderful resources. Each student will be issued a consumable textbook. FCPS purchased the Go Math series by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), for each middle school student. This textbook is to stay with the student daily. It is the at-home resource as well as the in-class participation book. The new books are hole-punched, as work is completed and turned in, it will be returned for students to organize in his or her binder. The textbooks are consumable, allowing the students to write on, highlight through, tear out, and turn in pages. If a student loses the Go Math consumable textbook the replacement cost is $35, payable cash or check to BCMS. Once the replacement fee is received a new book will be provided for the student.
In addition, all students and parents will have online access to the entire textbook and all textbook resources: animations, manipulatives, video clips, and much more. Parents, guardians, and students will be able to utilize these resources to review concepts that have been taught and explored in class. Lost or missing assignments will also be able to be printed from this location. To access the HMH textbook online go to the website listed below. Enter your User Name. This is the letters 'fcps' then your student ID number with no spaces. The Password is listed below. Once your teacher has allowed you into the class you will be able to access all the great resources listed above.
Website -
User Name - fcpsStudent ID# (example:fcps 2001234)
Password - Pa$$word1
Homework: You can expect math homework about 4 days per week. Occasionally, a weekend assignment may be required. Homework will be checked or collected the next school day. Homework turned in on time will be given full credit. Anything not presented at teacher check time can be turned in by the next math class for half-credit. Anything after that time receives no credit.
Make-up work: In the event of an absence, the student should see the teacher about the work that is missed. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all missing assignments.
Late work: Partial credit may be given for late work depending on the assignment and the circumstances.
Melanie Haines ()
Lisa Loveless ()
Marie Tully ()
Irene Viti ()
Heather Wurster ()