Lesson 3: How can you identify minerals:

1.A _mineral___is a nonliving, naturally occurring solid that has it’s own arrangement of particles.

2. minerals are found in _soil__and___rocks____.They are also found in the __litho__sphere.

3. Only __a few dozen__minerals make up most of the rocks on Earth.

4. Four uses of minerals: flavor food (salt), make jewelry (gemstones), wealth (gold), and for writing (graphite).

5. There are more than _4,000____ kinds of minerals

6. Minerals are identified by their properties: hardness, luster, color, streak, shape, and magnetism.Sometimes by their smell.

7. A Moh’s Chart that rates hardness of the mineral from 1 to 10. 10is the hardest.

8. Scientists use these terms to describe minerals:

LUSTER:determines how light is reflected by the mineral,

Glassy:shines like glass

EARTHY_:chalky and dull

Metallic:like polished metal

Soft shine: waxy, silky, or pearl like shine.

9. Color_is the mineral’s outside appearance

10. Elementsthat make the mineral can give the mineral color

11. _Color_ is the least useful property for identification.

12. Streak is the color of the mineral in powdered form after you rub it on hard, white, rough surface.

13. Some minerals have the same streak_ as the color of the mineral and some are very different.

14. A minerals _shape_ is not always easy to see.

15. Some minerals have a _definite shape.

16. When a mineral has _magnetism_ , it attracts other metals.

Lesson 4 : How can you identify rocks?

17. There are three _ kinds of rocks. They are igneous ,sedimentary, and metamorphic.

18. _igneous rock forms when melted rocks cool and harden. They can form deep inside the Earth or from lava_.

If it cooled quickly ,the crystals will besmall. If it cooled slowly the crystals will be large.

19. Sedimentaryrock forms when layers of materials and rock particles settle on top of one another then harden.

20. sandstone is a type of rock formed from sand.

21. conglomeratemeans to form from particles.

22. metamorphic_ rocks form inside of Earth from other rocks under heat and pressure.

23.Rocksare constantly being formed and destroyed. They can change from one kind to another or stay the same for millions of years.

24 Rocks are used for building materials, floors, kitchens, walls, and to produce cement and steel, carving and making statues.

Lesson 5:What is Erosion?

25. Erosionis the movement of materials away from a place

26. water, wind and ice carry particles from one place to another.

27. Erosion is destructiveor destroys things.

28. Landslides often occur during an earthquakeand after a heavy rain.

29. Water erosion is caused by rivers, rain, glaciers, and waves.

30. Gravity causes rivers toflow_.

31. A faster river carries more andheaviersediments

32.glaciersmoving down a valley grinding the rocks beneath them.

33.winderosion is caused by wind blowing dust, soil, or sand from one place to another.

34. Sand dunes are large deposits of loose sand.

35. Farmers plant rows of trees along the edge of the field to prevent winderosion.

36. Wavescause coastline erosion,

Lesson 6: What makes up Soil?

37. Most of Earth’s land covered by soil.

38. Soilis a mixture of nonliving materials and decayed materials from organisms. It takesyears to form.

39._weathering is a slow, destructive process that breaks rocks into smaller pieces called sediments.

40. Soil is made of: weathered rock, organic matter, and inorganic matter.

41. Organicis made of living materials or materials that were once alive.

42. Humusis decaying material. It makes space in the soil for air and water

43. inorganic is made of nonliving materials like Water, air, pieces or rocks and minerals)

44. Most soil hasthree basic layers: topsoil, subsoil, and bedrock

45. There are __many____ different kinds of soil. The _size of sediment in the soil determines its texture and ability to hold water.

46.Two factors that affect soil are climate and type of rock.

47. Rocks may break down faster_ hot and humid environment than cold and dry one.

KNOW graph on page 323!!! And ALL VOCABULARY FOR CHAPTER 8!