Final Report (40 points)


KIN 492 / 493 is not over with yet! The Final Report serves as a justification of your entire internship experience. This needs to be a report that is more than “What I did on my summer vacation (internship).” The report should be in a neat, typed format (except for selected materials that cannot be typed). If you want a good grade in this class, you need to put some work into your Final Report! Many students do very poorly on their Final Report. It could bring your final grade down almost an entire grade (4.0  3.0). By not handing one in, you could possibly fail the course.



Make sure your name,internship site, and site supervisor’s nameis at the top of your Final Report!

You need to cut and paste your proposal and place it at the top of your Final Report. If you received anything other than a 15 out of 15 possible points on your proposal, you need to revise it first.

You must label (underline and bold face) each section in this specific order-

1. Summary of Objectives

  1. Assessment
  2. Summary

Summary of Objectives

Write a summary of your internship experience that includes how you did or did not achieve ALL of thegeneral & specificobjectives in your proposal. This section should be a couple of pages long. You should write a paragraph for each general &specific objective. In addition, be sure to label each paragraph with its own general & specific objective either through footnotes or headings. Place them in the order that you have listed on your proposal and be sure to number them.


Write a paragraph about all of the assessment tools that were used to demonstrate successful achievement of your goals (i.e. tests, materials from projects, letters, sample exercise prescriptions, etc.). You may also include these tools as attachments.

Include the checklist(based on your objectives) that you developed along with your proposal. Have your site supervisor initial & sign the checklist. Scan it into your Final Report. It does not need to come from your site supervisor.

Your assessment should be at least a paragraph long. Do not just include attachments of your assessment tools. Students have been known to skip this section of the Final Paper all together!


Here you should reflect on your internship experience, address boththe positive and the negative aspects of your experience. This should be about 2 paragraphs long. Next, address how your internship fits into your MSU KIN educational experience (classes that you took), give multiple examples. This should be a paragraph long. The last paragraph should be your future goals (graduate school, future career, etc.). Your summary should be about 4 paragraphs long.


Name your final report file- FirstName_LastName_Final_Report

Make sure your Final Report is in .doc format (NOT .docx). Reports should be downloaded to a drop box on D2L. The final report will be graded by giving up to 10 points for each of the following areas listed on the next page.


KIN 492 / 493


Final Report

Name Date

1. ______Presentation: Proper labeling of first page and each section. Use of

correct grammar and spelling with proper paragraph formation.

(10 possible)

2. ______Summary of Objectives: Complete summary of internship

experience with explanation of how ALL general & specific

objectives have or have not been achieved. In addition, proper

labeling & numbering of ALL general & specific objectives.

(10 possible)

3. ______Assessment: Includes checklist (based on objectives) with

supervisor’s initials & signature. At least one paragraph about

these tools.

(10 possible)

4. ______Summary: Reflection on the positive and negative aspects

of internship experience and how it fits into MSU KIN educational

experience and future goals.

(10 possible)

______TOTAL (40)