2008 – 2009



Level 1
They recognise that signs, words and pictures give us information. Use a mouse to select images. Can discuss how information exists in different forms and convey different meanings.
Level 2
Generate, organise and amend different sorts of information. Purposeful use of basic software, such as a word processor. Using Shift key to get capitals and being aware of what specific keys do.
Enter, save and retrieve in a simple system (e.g. floppy disk). Use a cassette recorder to record sounds. Use My World to select appropriate items.
Level 3
Use ICT to exchange ideas in a variety of ways. Be aware that information and presentation needs to be appropriate for its audience. Navigate a hierarchical folder structure. Using a simple music or sound program and making appropriate selections. Using a graphics program to present information. Searching a CD-ROM for a specific purpose.
Level 4
Questioning accuracy and plausibility in information. Modify information according to its prospective audience. Refine an image and save previous drafts. Then select the best version and justify their reasons. Using a word processor and graphics program to create a newspaper or advert. Using digital video to convey information. Using a website like:
http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ to show how information must be checked at a variety of sources.
Level 5
Reviewing information to see that it meets its purpose. Amend and refine information. Review structure of the information they are presenting. Reflect, critically, on the presentation of information and justify their observations. Ensuring information chosen is accurate. Create a poster for a specific audience. Use presentation software to present information for an audience. Think about text, colour, font size and appropriate images. Can combine pictures and text.
Level 1
They recognise that many everyday devices respond to signals and instructions. Use TV remote to adjust volume Press button on toy to make it work Press a button on CD/ tape player
Level 2
They plan and give instructions to make things happen and describe the effects. Finding the information They can use a tape recorder/ CD player to fast forward, play and rewind to find a specific place.
Press buttons on a programmable toy to enter an instruction - Bee bot, Roamer
Level 3
They use sequences of instructions to control devices and achieve specific outcomes. They have to use the information that they have found for a specific purpose. Press buttons on a programmable toy to enter a sequence of instructions to follow a given path - Bee bot, Roamer Use screen Roamer to follow a path To write series of instructions in Logo to create a simple shape
Level 4
They use ICT systems to control events in a predetermined manner and sense physical data. Demands questioning and interpretation of the information. Use procedures to combine different shapes to create a predicted pattern. Junior Control Insight
Level 5
They create sequences of instructions to control events, and understand the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions. They understand how ICT devices with sensors can be used to monitor and measure external events. Rigorous use pupils able to justify why all choices have been made, explain why they have done all of the stages and create complex pieces of work often incorporating several programmes.
Level 1
Enter data (images, text, number). With support can create a pictogram (at this stage it is often teacher led). Able to talk and respond accurately to questions relating to the work. Can talk about how they used the ICT and what happens when they enter data. E.g. How many children come to school by car?
Level 2
Collect data (e.g. tally sheet) and enter into a graphing program (discussed and agreed upon by the class). After a teacher led session they can create a graph independently. Can compare two sets of data. Looking at a road traffic survey, can look at results for 2 busy roads, answer questions on this and give reasons why they come up with a particular answer.
Level 3
Enters data into a database (fields already set up for them). They can interrogate the database using a variety of searches including:- ‘same as’ (=), ‘greater than’ (>) or ‘less than’ (<).Can translate everyday questions such as ‘The hood for a baby buggy needs to be waterproof and transparent’ into a language suitable for a database such as ‘water = yes’ AND ‘transparent’ = yes’. Can interrogate the database to answer straightforward questions and produce a graph.
Level 4
To create their own database and make independent choices about fields and data types (number, text). They need to check the plausibility of data and recognise that poor quality information leads to unreliable results. Should be able to create a branching database. Decide on appropriate wording to questions. E.g. ‘Does it have 4 legs?’ Rather than ‘How many legs does it have?’
Level 5
Level 1
They explore and make choices when using devices to produce different outcomes. Using pen on interactive whiteboard
Level 2
They use ICT to explore what happens in real and imaginary situations.
Finding the information Dress teddy in My World for different weather Magic Forest make choices for their story Science clips (growing a plant) Thomas the Clown – picking strawberries
Level 3
They make appropriate choices when using ICT based models or simulations to help them find things out and solve problems.
They have to use the information that they have found for a specific purpose. Science Clips - make informed choices
e.g decide what the plant needs to grow before going to the computer. Blast Off To Space - choosing options for a space journey to earn the most stars. Town Census - make choices to get voted in.Map Detectives
Level 4
They use ICT based models and simulations to explore patterns and relationships, and make predictions about the consequences of their decisions. Demands questioning and interpretation of the information. Aware of the consequences of their decisions Planet 10
Zoombinis Wizard's apprentice
Level 5
They explore the effects of changing the variables of an ICT based model. Rigorous use pupils able to justify why all choices have been made, explain why they have done all of the stages and create complex pieces of work often incorporating several programmes.
Achieved +
Not yet achieved

Cheselbourne Village School