Science 8 Course Outline

Science 8 Course Outline

Teacher: Ms. R. BainsWebpage:

Welcome to Science 8! Over the next few months, you will be actively engaged in an exciting journey that will allow you to understand ……….:
  • how the billions of microscopic cells that make up your body give rise to organ systems that allow you to function
  • how light energy, which allows us to see the world around us, is produced and used to generate images
  • what fluids really are in terms of their properties, behaviour, and uses all over the Earth

You will enjoy the journey if you follow the guidelines listed below:
  • be punctual and come prepared with all supplies
  • have a positive attitude
  • contribute and participate actively
  • demonstrate respect for yourself and others

One more thing….

  • make sure you read and understand the rest of this course outline

Textbook:BC Science Probe 8 (2006 Nelson)

Supplies:binder, paper, blue & red pens, pencil, eraser, calculator, ruler

Topics: ▪ Fluids & Dynamics▪ Optics

▪ Water Systems▪ Cells & Body Systems

You are expected to be reading relevant textbook chapters as we “uncover” these topics.


Distribution of MarksPercentage
Assignments 15%
Labs/Projects 25%
Tests 50%
Final Exam 10%

Lates: Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to begin AT the bell. Unexcused lates will be dealt with swiftly and firmly. To avoid detentions, phone calls to your parents, etc……, come to class before the bell and have your books, pens, papers out on your desk.

Absences:You must bring a note on the day you return explaining why you missed

the class. Unexplained absences will result in a phone call home and

report sent to the office. YOU are responsible for seeing the teacher

regarding missed work. Without a note, assignments will not be

accepted. If you miss a test, your note must include reference to the

missed test and you will be required to write it when you return.


Homework:Homework and assignments are checked/collected at the BEGINNING

of class. Late assignments will be accepted with a 20% deduction per

day (unless an excused absence). Once assignments have been marked, you may(see me) still submit them for a maximum of 50% (it must be

perfect of course!).

Extra Help:See the teacher and set up an appointment.

Science 8 Course Outline:

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Thank you for reading the Science 8 course outline with your child. Please do not hesitate to call me should you have any concerns regarding the course or your child’s progress during the semester. Our “Meet the Teacher” evening is on ______and I look forward to meeting you then. Please acknowledge that you have seen and read the contents of the course outline by recording your signature below. Your child should return this signed form to class tomorrow.

My child and I have read and understood the expectations and policies of Ms. Bains’ Science 8 class.


(Parent Name (print) (Date)


(Parent’s Signature)

Parent Contact Information
Home Phone:
Work/Cell Phone: