Science 10 Pre-IB – Communication Plan
Mr. John Dickie
Program Overview: The goal of Science 10 Pre-IB is to assist the student in reaching the Curriculum Outcomes for Science 10 as outlined by the Department of Education as well as introducing additional topics to enable the student to be better prepared for IB science courses.
The main focus of the course will be developing the students’ knowledge of chemistry and physics. Topics dealing with weather and ecology will be integrated into the chemistry and physics units.
Expectations of Students for Learning: In addition to the Curriculum Outcomes, the Science 10 Pre-IB course will emphasize problem solving. Students will be expected to incorporate skills and information learned from other disciplines such as Mathematics, Arts, and English to show that problem solving in science does not isolate itself from other areas.
Students are expected to be able to work in group situations or individually in the lab. Additionally, students are expected to acquire, synthesize, and interpret results in lab or mathematical situations.
Students will be expected to read scientific literature and express the ideas in everyday language. To this end, an independent study component will be a part of the Science 10 Pre-IB course.
Students will be assigned homework on a regular basis and checked for completion at the beginning of the subsequent class. Practice problems will be assigned from both the text and worksheets.
Students are to be prepared and on time for class each day. Due dates for projects and labs will be clearly stated to the students.
Evaluation Procedure: The final mark in the course will be calculated based on the following percentages: Exam (30%) Class Mark (70%). The class mark will include tests, quizzes, labs, and projects. Students with a valid excuse for missing a test will be given the opportunity to write a make-up test according the school procedures outlined in the student handbook.
Formal and Informal Communication: Progress reports will be sent home to parents during the fifth week (October 13) and the tenth week (November15/16) followed by Parent-Teacher visitation (November 18/19). Test marks will give parents an excellent idea of how their child is doing in the course and, as such, parents are expected to keep themselves aware of their child’s continual achievement. As well, if required, communication may come in the form of a phone call home or a message in the student agenda.
Ways Parents Can Communicate: Parent-teacher interviews, note to teacher via student, e-mail (), or call the office (896-5700) and leave a message.