Education & Professional Development (EPD) external programme scoping proposal
ProgrammeProposer (s):
Document Author (s) if different from above:
Please use the following proforma as a guide for a successful EPD programme scoping proposal. Not all sections will be relevant for every programme so please explain why if the sections do not apply to your programme. This should be completed by non-RCPCH staff member such as College members or other individuals who wish to propose a College educational programme. Please return to to seek consideration of whether your programme can be developed as part of the wider RCPCH Education and Professional Development portfolio.
In what capacity are you involved with RCPCH?[If a member, provide your RCPCH number. If not a member, provide current institution, position and area of expertise. Please also indicate if any conflicts of interest exist or may arise]
What type of involvement do you require from the RCPCH?
[eg. financial resources, clinician time,children, young people and families (CYPF) collaboration, RCPCH endorsement, other]
Purpose, Scope, Resources and Timeline
Proposed programme titleDate of planned programme release (provide estimate if not yet agreed)
Background & Reference Documents
[Insert brief overview of the background to the work, referring to any existing work / documents / funding / partnerships in the area]
Target Audience
[Who will benefit from the immediate outcomes? List grade and profession e.g. paediatric trainees, allied health professionals. Is it a UK or overseas audience (or both)?]
Programme Aims and Outcomes
[Brief summary of need/question and how programme will address this]
- What learning needs will be answered through this programme?
- What supporting market research / evidence of demand for this programme do you have?
- What are the specific aims and learning outcomes?
Scope of the programme
[Brief overview of proposed programme including e.g…]
- Format of output (document, website, course, e-learning, blended learning etc)
- Programme structure (e.g. workshop, lecture series, webinar, elearning)
- Proposed topics/detailed content
- Teaching and learning methods (e.g. lecture, role play, case study, quiz, focus group)
- Assessment process (if applicable)
- Evaluation process
- Coverage (England, 4 countries or international)
- Identify any gaps in your proposal and why they exist (e.g. can’t collect data)
Expert involvement
[Provide details of the paediatric, other specialty, children, young people and families (CYPF) or other expertise you are offering to the programme development/delivery, or what expertise you require if to be sourced from RCPCH e.g. name, position, area of expertise]
[How will the project be resourced e.g. delegate fee, sponsorship, external funding?]
Possible Partnerships
[List possible or existing partners/stakeholders to be involved. Please also indicate if any conflicts of interest exist or may arise]
[What risks are there with this proposal and how can these be managed e.g. RCPCH reputational risk, contentious subject matter, funding etc?]
When could programme development start? How long will the programme development take?
Fit with College Objectives
Use the College corporate and operational plans to list specific strategic priorities that the proposal links to. / For RCPCH staff use only
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