(02/09/2013 - 24/07/2015)
Some objectives have been set up by cross-curricular teams [whole-staff, colour groups] (Department: Whole School) and others have been set up by one of the seven faculties. Each objective has been set up and written up on the platform by a named lead.
When the objective is established, the lead determines which of the 11 strategic aims (Colour KIPs A-K) are at least PARTLY addressed by the objective (or there is some alignment). Therefore some objectives can be found duplicated a number of times, across different strategic aims.
E.g. If the science lead believes that the work to be carried out in the objective “to improve confidence and attainment of students at KS3” will embrace a) the active promotion of independent learning, b) promotion of improved learning behaviours, c) improved questioning and d) addressing the curriculum; then it will appear, replicated, as an objective in at least those four KIPs. This ‘joined-up’ approach to school improvement lies at the heart of our colour-group work
StrategicAim / Objective / Department / Start Date / Target Date / Lead / Targetstobeachieved / EvaluationProcesses / OverallImpact /KIP A GREEN (MHH). The Active Promotion of Independent Learning in All Students / To reduce the gap between all vulnerable learning and whole cohort / Whole school / 01/09/2012 / 18/07/2014 / ZTW / Attainment gap is narrowed between each vulnerable group and whole cohort
Independent Learning team. Helen Holding (Lead). Students in Key Stage 3 and 4 are increasingly able to complete independent learning tasks at home, using research, analysis, project planning, timekeeping skills. / Whole school / 01/09/2013 / 31/08/2014 / MHH / Students are developing and improving their skills of research and time management and that students enjoy carrying out their projects. This will be evidenced via a Student voice feedback in July 2014 (this will compare favourably with a similar survey from 2013)
Usage statistics will demonstrate that the use of the library by students will be increased.
Staff survey will evidence that there will be a higher turnover of completed projects in 13/14 compared to 12/13.
A parental survey in July 2014 will show that involvement and support for students at home has increased. / Questionnaires for staff and parental survey (before (September 2013) and after (June 2014), student voice feedback (completed June 2013 - next one June 2014).
Host an activities week for the whole academy. / Whole school / 01/07/2013 / 21/08/2015 / PRM / Students will access a range of different experiences and activities in the last 3 days of the academic year.
Improve end of year attendance.
Increase in positive behaviours.
Decrease in negative behaviours. / Questionnaires: student and staff, in relation to success of the activities and the incentive to maintain/improve behaviour throughout the year.
Involvement of Progress Leaders
Data analysis of attendance in last week of term- comparing 2013/14 and 2014/15 / This has been postponed due to the impeding OFSTED visit
Independent Learning team. Ben Baines (Lead) Reduce the amount of time a teacher spends talking to a class and encourage the use of teacher strategies to enable student ownership, resilience and reflection of their own learning. / Whole school / 01/09/2013 / 31/08/2014 / PBB / Before (term 1) and after (term 6) "secret" ( timing exercise will demonstrate that on average teachers are talking less in the lessons and students are doing more by end April 2014.
By the end of July 2014, lesson observations, learning walks and Student Voice feedback should evidence that students are actively involved and enjoying their own learning. Also that students will have developed and improved skills of independent learning – such as taking responsibility for learning, resilience and review of learning.
/ • Comparison of "Secret" timing surveys of teacher talking time in lessons in September 2013 and June/July 2014.
• Lesson observation and Learning Walk feedback
• Student voice feedback
Independent Learning team. Nick Summers (Lead) Year 12 AS students will become competent to complete regular Independent Learning tasks for all of their AS subjects. As well as their homework, students will be allocated an hour per week per subject, in which they will carry out an Independent Learning focused task set by each subject. / Whole school / 01/09/2013 / 31/08/2014 / ZNS / Improvement in outcomes (ALPS) for AS levels in 2014.
Survey and ad-hoc questioning of staff and Year 12 student survey will demonstrate that year 12 AS students have developed skills to enable them to carry out tasks independently, including scheduling their time, interpreting a research brief and using a variety of research techniques to extend their knowledge. It should also show that students will feel more confident in lessons to discuss subjects they have researched, and more able to extend their learning in lessons. / • Improvement in outcomes (ALPS) for AS levels in 2014.
• Survey and ad-hoc questioning of staff regarding Year 12 student completion of independent learning tasks.
• Year 12 Student questionnaire
Improve attainment and confidence in Key Stage 3 Science (Year 7 & 8). / FACULTY: Science / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / SAW / A minimum of 80% of students to make at least 2 full levels of progress from their TA KS2 score (judged as a 'c' or '.3' e.g. TA of 5 = 5c or 5.3), including critical groups. / Assessments are valid, reliable and timely- Produced by KS3 LL- Checked by Science SLT - in science SLT meetings
All students on tracker with up to date data- Checked by KS3 LL (supported by SNS) - 5 working days before PR
All students have PR data entered (WAG, FOG, ATL, IL) - Checked ZTN- At PR deadline
Headlines shared in Faculty meetings and individual issues resolved face to face / Analysis of Y8 FOG 3 v WAG 4 (Final Exam)
More detailed review of teaching and sub group variations
Art A Level/IB Development of high achieving students in Art A Level Improve the IB profile / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CJG / Improve outcomes for Photography and Art.
2013 IB points Visual Arts 5.5
2013 A level Photography Alps: 6
2013 Art AS Alps: 3
2013 Photography AS Alps: 7
NB. Member of staff currently on Maternity leave.
/ Uptake of IB art students for 2014 to increase
Feb2014 - currently 5 opting for HL Visual Arts
Outside opportunities to be booked the reviewed / TO date 5 students have opted to take Visual Arts HL IB from Sept'14
Art GCSE Percentage of GCSE Art students A*-C meets target and is in line with National average. Improvement in boys attainment from last year / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CJG / Redesign of CW and exam structure
Assessment of % boys who make up groups
Provide differentiated workshops aimed at boys attainment
/ Monitoring of progress through PRs
Close monitoring of boys results
After school workshops to raise attainment boys and girls. / Improvement on previous years attainment figures - improvement in boys attainment
Drama Tighter monitoring and assessment / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CAL / Create accurate assessment trackers for monitoring purposes that monitor each assessment objective on the GCSE course for each unit / Tracking and assessment monitoring in place, much tighter than previous sessions. AL and AH
After school revision and catch up sessions are in place AL and AH
Close monitoring of PR progress and outcomes evaluated in August results / Continual check on PRs and results evidenced in August
Intervention Strategies implemented in Drama / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CAL / AL to implement intervention programme for all students below MAG
Regular standardisation of the CW elements
Assessment trackers used for intervention
/ Create accurate assessment trackers for monitoring purposes that monitor each assessment objective on the GCSE course for each unit
CW elements moderated by Drama staff / Closer monitoring of progress within Drama, and support strategies in place for underperforming students.
Promote take up for A Level Drama / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CAL / Re-launch A level with more “practical” exam board
Promote the A Level and PA Tec courses
/ Notable increase in students wishing to continue with Drama into KS5 and Performing Arts.
Increased confidence in new Head of Drama / Final numbers wishing to study A Level Drama, Performing Arts and possibly IB
Maintain success rate of Btec Textiles 100% pass rate during the transition to GCSE textiles. / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CDW / Recruit Textiles staff
External training with AQA
Link with another school – with a current successful course for mentoring and group standardisation
/ Temporary teacher in place from September, now on a permanent contract / Permanent contract from January 2014
Dance GCSE Robust FOGs/assessment / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CLB / Unit 1 and Unit 4b assessment and forecasting grades to be more rigorous
Develop intervention strategies to ensure more efficiency, effectively to improve students confidence with performing
- more peer assessment in class
- adapt stimulus where necessary
- compile a folder of stimuli
- start the choreography process earlier
- narrow the stimuli choice
- teacher led choreography sessions
- Unit 1 written exam work into practical sessions
- Rehearsal schedule implemented early in the session
- Refer to last year’s exam paper outcomes and grade boundaries
- 1:1 sessions for 4b
- study evening
- mini performances built into the calendar to develop confidence
/ PR reports, monitor closely progress within each module.
Check last year’s examiners reports.
Check moderation via the available video recording samples / Improvement on last year’s A-C pass rate
Practical exam must be booked prior to Easter holidays
Music GCSE Improved pass rate A-C D/C borderline target students A-A* exam techniques / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CDW / - Intensive workshops to aid completion of coursework ahead of schedule
- “non” musicians to receive a block of tuition via external tutors
- imperative that students attend all classes in the Terms prior to exam
- students to attend revision classes after school
/ Attendance at after school session, effectiveness of music tutor support for underachieving students, success and marks achieved after the ensemble/composition workshops. / Overall impact will be measured by PRs, improvement from PR2 to PR3 and final results.
Btec Level 3 Music Continue excellent results from Aug 2013 / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CSA / SLT to confirm actions for managing withdrawn candidates and qualification changes
- Continue to develop a secure intervention strategy across the Btec KS5 creative curriculum
- Audit of equipment: budget/replacement/repair
/ Monitor/moderate each Btec Unit and PR point
Moderation with other MUSIC TECH staff in MK / Continued success from previous year
Media GCSE Improve on 2013 results / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CMF / - Aim for all coursework to be TAG
- Ensure MF has access to exam board specification and guidance
/ Continual improvement in data notable via PRs
Regular meeting with SA to monitor teaching and learning / Improvement on previous years Media results
Media KS5 Level 3 Creative Media and final year of A2 - develop, plan and embed the Level 3 course - All students on A2 achieve at least MAG / FACULTY: Creativity / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / CMF / - MF to attend training and receive advice from another school in MK
- Devise units and SOW
- Plan tracking
-all students to work at least towards MAG aim for TAG
/ Schemes Of Work planned and in place.
Training sourced and attended
Cross moderation with external and internal media teachers
/ Improved results from last session
KS5: Improve attainment and retention at KS5 / FACULTY: Mathematics / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / MLR / Improve ALPs score at A level and IB by at least one grade and increase number of students opting to study Mathematics post 16 / Analysis of IB and A level results summer 2014 by MRK and MLR for presentation to ZTN, ZMB, NS and governor during TIPs meeting, faculty meeting.
Analysis of group sizes/exam grades compared to previous years
Review of SOW/time plans to ensure best practice is shared/updated across the faculty
Improve levels of progress at Key Stage Five. / FACULTY: English / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / EDR / All courses achieve an ALPS rating of 4 or better. IB achieves mean grade of 5 or better.
Improve levels of progress at Key Stage Three. / FACULTY: English / 02/09/2013 / 24/07/2014 / EOM / 80% of student make three sub-levels of progress in Key Stage Three (Year 7-8). / Complete schemes of work are in place that adhere to new framework. Resources are relevant and of a high quality.
All colleagues understand the OFSTED definition of outstanding KS3 teaching and learning.
Successful assessment means students make good to rapid progress.
Students to develop holistic skills that are transferable between different schemes of work.
Fewer/No split classes and more knowledge of new students.
Lack of low level disruption in English classes.
Teachers use restorative language when dealing with students.
English develop a ‘house style’ in dealing with behaviour.
Teachers have acute knowledge and awareness of subgroups and how to cater for their needs.