Current & Pending Support
Dr. Benbow is a Federal Scientist where 100% of his salary and benefits are received from the Federal Government (Smithsonian Institution). Internal SAO support of VERITAS site operations is not grant-based.
Dr. Benbow is named as PI on the following grants and proposals:
Pending, Renewal of NSF #1205389
Operations of VERITAS in the Epoch 2016 to 2019
NSF Program Solicitation 15-579
$3,664,284 10/1/16 – 9/30/19
Project Abstract: A portion of this request will be NSF contribution to VERITAS site-operations budget. The overall budget supports the salaries of VERITAS Project Office personnel, project-related travel, project utilities, services, materials and equipment required for VERITAS operations, and shipping expenses. Support of VERITAS operations is the PI’s primary responsibility and the PI spends 100% of his effort on VERITAS-related projects.
Nearest Person Months: 4 Months (FTE)
Operations of VERITAS in the Epoch 2013 to 2016
NSF #PHY-1205389
$1,425,000 10/1/13 – 9/30/16
Project Abstract: This is the NSF contribution to VERITAS site-operations budget. The overall budget supports the salaries of VERITAS Project Office personnel, their project-related travel, project utilities, services, materials and equipment required for VERITAS operations, and shipping expenses. Support of VERITAS operations is the PI’s primary responsibility and the PI spends 100% of his effort on VERITAS-related projects.
Nearest Person Months: 4 Months (FTE)
The Application of Two Dimensional Imaging to Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
DOE #DE-FG02-91ER40635;
$1,425,000 5/1/13 – 4/30/16 (Renewal); No-cost extension committed, but not formalized.
Project Abstract: This is the DOE contribution to VERITAS site-operations budget. The overall budget supports the salaries of VERITAS Project Office personnel, their project-related travel, project utilities, services, materials and equipment required for VERITAS operations, and shipping expenses. Support of VERITAS operations is the PI’s primary responsibility and the PI spends 100% of his effort on VERITAS-related projects.
Nearest Person Months: 4 Months (FTE)
Fermi-VERITAS Joint Observations of Radio Galaxies
NASA – Fermi Guest Investigator Cycle 4
$191,965 1/19/11 – 1/18/16
Project Abstract: This project provided multi-year support for a post-doctoral researcher to perform joint Fermi-VERITAS studies of galaxies. The effort involves reducing now existing VERITAS and Fermi data and modeling the results. The PI administers this grant and supervised the post-doc, who was also partially supported by since expired DOE funds. Only $435 remains on this grant. The PI spends 100% of his effort on VERITAS-related projects.
Nearest Person Months: 1 Months (FTE)
Collaborative Research: MRI Consortium: Development of aNovel Telescope for Very High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astrophysics.
NSF - UCLA Sub-award to SAO
$175,000 9/15/12 – 7/31/16
Project Abstract: This sub-award pays for technician, consulting and foundation-related construction services contracted by SAO project managers to erect a ~10-m Cherenkov telescope at the Whipple Observatory. This telescope will potentially be integrated with VERITAS when fully operational. The PI administers this grant, supervises the project managers, and performs high-level coordination of the work at the VERITAS site. The PI spends 100% of his effort on VERITAS-related projects.
Nearest Person Months: 2 Months (FTE)
Current, Contingent:
Triggered Observations of a New VHE Gamma-Ray Blazar
NASA - XMM Guest Investigator AO 14
$51,855 10/1/15 - 9/30/16
Project Abstract: This approved award, which is contingent upon a rare astrophysical trigger condition being met, would support a post-doctoral researcher for ~1-year to analyze XMM, VERITAS, Swift, Fermi-LAT and other multi-wavelength data, and model these data to understand the astrophysical processes. The trigger condition is a bright flare of a new VHE gamma-ray blazar, and will initiate target-of-opportunity observations with XMM, VERITAS, Swift and other facilities. The PI will supervise this post-doc and administer this grant. The PI spends 100% of his effort on VERITAS-related projects.
Nearest Person Months: 1 Months (FTE)
Probing Dark Matter and Fundamental Physics with VERITAS
DOE: FOA #DE-FOA-0001358
$285,000 5/1/16 - 4/30/19
Project Abstract: This proposal request support for a post-doctoral researcher for 3 years to reduce VERITAS data on dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The researcher will produce the VERITAS legacy results for these targets, which represent the primary focus of the project’s indirect dark matter detection program. If approved, the PI will supervise this post-doc, administer this grant, and attend one conference with travel support from this grant. The PI spends 100% of his effort on VERITAS-related projects.
Nearest Person Months: 2 Months (FTE)