Board of Directors Meeting

April 20, 2009

Community Clubhouse


Board Members Present:

David Anderson

George Mitchell

Terry Fonda (Alternate)

Property Management:

Jim Kenney

Rick Whitman

1.  Call to Order- Meeting called to order by President, David Anderson, at 7:15 P.M. A quorum was established with 2/3 Directors present and one Alternate.

2.  Proof of Meeting Notice-Notice was posted on Bulletin Board at the main elevator on the first floor on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 (More than 48 hours in advance of meeting).

3.  Reading/Waive Reading of Previous Minutes from March 14, 2009- A motion was made by Terry Fonda to waive the reading of the minutes, 2nd by George Mitchell and approved by all.

4.  Financial Report-Jim Kenney from Fairway Management explained that the two Balance Sheets handed out were different because one did not include the reserves-which are taken out (Credits the accounts) when the payments are made. A motion was made by Terry to accept the Financial Reports, 2nd by George and approved by all.

5.  Officer and Committee Reports:

a.  Painting Project-Rick Whitman from Fairway Management reviewed the status of the project based on meeting with Gary from GPF on April 17th. Rick indicated that Gary expected to have the painting completed by the end of May. He also explained that with an unpaid Invoice of $5,000, the total to date paid to GPF would be $41,763. Rick also indicated that based on the documented payments, $30,000 of painting work remained and approximately $10,000 of carpentry work had been completed but not invoice. Rick also reiterated that Gary had been asked to submit any further carpentry work as estimates for Fairway to review and approve before Gary was to do the work. The Board agreed with this action to more closely monitor the carpentry work. There was agreement that the building looked so much cleaner now that areas had been pressure washed and painted.

b.  Clubhouse Project-Trudy Reinecker reported that nothing additional had been completed on the Lobby because Gary had agreed to do the work when the weather was not conducive to painting outside (Weather had been ok). A question was raised about the cost of $500 to do the work in the Lobby. It was explained that the painting was to include the trim and floor moldings and that this was considered a good price.

c.  Pool Committee-Terry Fonda reported that Rick from ACME Pools had been doing a good job. Rick Whitman confirmed that Rick’s regular schedule was Fridays and Tuesdays. Trudy requested and the Board agreed that a Sign In Sheet should be placed in the Pool Shed for Rick from ACME to not when he services the Pool. Rick Whitman was to ensure that the Sign In Sheet was placed in the Pool Shed and to let Rick from ACME know.

d.  Landscape Committee-Diane Karschnick reported that any landscaping work would wait until the painting was completed. It was also confirmed that GPF was responsible for replacing and landscaping that was damaged during the painting. A request was made to Fairway to ensure that the Palm Trees were only trimmed to 180 degrees and not as severely as the ones near the building were cut. Rick was to communicate this to the landscaper.

6.  Management Report-Rick Whitman presented the report from Fairway Management. (See attached). The following are discussion items under the Management Report:

a.  Termites-Approval was given to have Sunstate Pest Control treat the Pool Shed for $200 and revise the Termite Bond to include the Pool Shed. Fairway is to communicate this to Sunstate.

b.  Fire Alarms-After a brief discussion about the Advanced Detection Services test of the fire alarm system, it was agreed that Fairway should ask ADS to determine exactly how many alarms/strobes were not operating. Fairway will then communicate the number and cost to the Board for approval before authorizing the repair/replacement work.

c. Evacuation Plan-There was a question of what to do in case of a fire. Jim Kenney explained that the elevators are programmed to go to the top floor if the fire alarm goes off. Residents should use the stairways to evacuate the building. Fairway was asked to develop an Evacuation Plan for the next meeting. Included in the Plan should be clear notification of any resident in need of special assistance in order to evacuate the building.

6. Old Business-None

7.  New Business

a.  Entry Codes-Jim Kenney explained that the description of the Entry System and how to change the codes appeared to be complex. The suggestion was made to have Richard from All Around Property Management assist with changing the codes. Jim also indicated that Dave from Gate Technologies may be able to program the codes and determine if each resident could have their own random entry code. It was also requested that the Entry Code be changed regularly so that renters who receive/give out the code would not have access after they no longer are renting. Fairway was asked to work on this project with the first priority to delete the old code (7711) as quickly as possible.

b.  Short Term Renter-Fairway was asked to check on the renter in Unit 301 and take steps to ensure that the lease was for at least 90 days.

8.  Open Discussion:

a.  Carpet-It was requested that Fairway clean/remove the carpet inside the main door leading to the first floor elevator.

b.  Clubhouse Bathroom-It was requested that Fairway ask GPF workers to use the bathrooms of the Waterline Marina instead of the bathrooms in the Clubhouse.

9.  Next Meeting-May 18, 2009 at 7:15pm

10.  Being no further business before the Board, a motion was made by George Mitchell to adjourn, 2nd by Terry Fonda and meeting adjourned at 8:10pm by President, David Anderson.

Minutes Prepared By:

Rick Whitman, LCAM

Fairway Management