Prayer Concerns
Travelers, Northeast Area,
our nation, government, military and their families, andfamilies needing a church.
1 Game Night 6:30 pm
4 Independence Day
5 Worship 9:30 am
Fellowship Dinner 10:45 am
11Men’s Breakfast, Church 7:30 am
Ladies’ Breakfast, Richie’s 8:00 am
12MMM Supplies
Worship 9:30 am
Fellowship 10:30 am
Sunday School 10:45 am
15Board Meeting 6:30 pm
18-22General Assembly
19Worship 9:30 am
Bill Riddle’s 90th Birthday Party 10:30 am
Sunday School 10:45 am
26Diva Box Scholarship Offering
Canned Goods Sunday
Worship 9:30 am
Fellowship 10:30 am
Sunday School 10:45 am
Statistically Speaking–June2015
June 21 Offering - $671.00
June 28 Offering - $1,096.00
JuneOfferings – (Total) $7,513.76
*Monthly Budget $8,352.00
5 Lea/Dennis
12 Lea/Dennis
19 Lea/Dennis
26 Lea/Dennis
Worship Leader:
5 Shannon Oliver
12 Ted Beaty
19 Julie Craddock-Bragg
26 Volunteer Needed
Fellowship Snacks:
5 Fellowship Dinner: Everyone
12 Fellowship Snacks: Everyone
19 Bill Riddle’s 90th Birthday Party
26 Fellowship Snacks: Everyone
We will be updating our church directory so please help us make sure we have current information for you!
Fellowship News
The next Fellowship Dinner will be July 5.
Central Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
P. O. Box 796,110 Sage St.
Winnsboro, TX 75494
July 1, 2015
I was calling in a district softball tournament in Mineola this week and I mentioned to my co-official that I probably wouldn’t be calling next year because my eye doctor doesn’t want me to call behind the plate because my retina was weak and if I got hit by a ball it could detach.
My co-official said, “I don’t mind covering the plate for you. I will do the J.V. and Varsity games behind the plate.” He then said there are others who will do the same, because they want me to call.
How gracious it is to hear people willing to sacrifice for others. How often do we hear those words from those around us? People willing to go that extra mile; make calls to check on people; volunteer to help drive people to doctor appointments; deliver meals to those who have had surgery and need help cooking – these are the sacrifices that show others the true love of God.
Please make a difference in someone’s life this week as you show them the love that God has for all people.
Est. 1893
Blessings from the Blessing Box
“Oh my goodness!” This is the first thing we hear as the volunteers come in on Thursday and Friday mornings. It’s very evident the rains subsided, people are moving in or out of Winnsboro, some are down-sizing but staying here, and the garage sales are numerous! A friend working with us these past two weeks made the statement Friday, “Just look at this room! We work hard”! Yes, we do.
We laugh a lot too. Last Thursday a lady from Louisiana bought $225.00 worth of “stuff” that got boxed and packed carefully. Kevin, Jerry, and Bill McDonald made three separate trips to her vehicle with all of it. They set it on the parking lot and we left her unpacking and stuffing it wherever it would fit, so that she could get it in the car. Those who live close by sometimes make two or three trips.
So – we work hard, visit, laugh, and in general, have a great time we’ll call fellowship. We even eat left overs from Sunday or game night if we find it in the refrigerator!
Come by and visit – we’ll share!
Thank you all and
May God Bless!
Annita and The Blessing Box Bunch
Disciples Readers
The next book club book is The Diary of Mattie Spenser, by Sandra Dallas (author of Prayers for Sale.)
Just a reminder of our Suggestion Box in the Fellowship Hall. It is “open for suggestions and ideas” concerning any and all areas of our church. We want your input!
We had seven ladies helping at our blanket work day and we got all caught up! If you see a really great deal on fleece, we could use a bit more. Thanks to Dale, Barbara, Julie, Cora, Eva Lee, Ruby, and Linda Hollowell. Our next work day will be announced in church.
Lea and Julie have returned from their trip attending the Regional Disciples Women’s Assembly in Kerrville and report a wonderful two days of spiritual singing, messages, and fellowship with about 100 women of our region. The DWM bylaws were voted on and passed. We enjoyed our stay at the YO Ranch and hotel which had excellent food! Items were given to Lilies of the Valley project in South Texas and Hill County Cares, a local crisis center for abused women and children. The silent auction brought in $1300.00 to be given to the Regional Disciples Women’s Fund for future events. Lea King also accepted a position as Consultant for the North East Area beginning July 1 of this year.
If you follow Kimberly on Face Book, you know she made it safely to California and has started her new internship. Thanks to everyone who helped give her pocket money to get thru the summer. On July 26, we will take up our Diva Boxes so that we may give another scholarship so be adding to your little box.
Dale has told us she is accepting donations for the Back Pack program however there haven’t been many donations. There are very few things in the box of items being brought. We just want to remind you that this project goes on all summer so that there is money or food to start the program in August. You may still continue to bring the listed items or make a donation to Dale. We also thank you for continuing to help with the Morgan’s Mercy Mansion items.
Blankets went out during June to: Billy Joe Grubbs, Karen McQueen, and Donna Hodge.
Morgan’s Mercy Mansion Items needed for July:
Fabuloso (Dollar Store)/Lysol Spray