Bishops Avenue Fulham London SW6 6ED

Tel 020 7736 2803 Fax 020 7736 2350

Head Teacher Carol Gray

Chair of Governors James Farquharson

School Uniform Policy

Area: PPC

Approved by: PPC Committee

Date: Autumn 2013

Ratified by: The Governing Body

Date: N/A

Review Date: Autumn 2016

We believe that a school uniform is important because it:

§  Contributes to a sense of belonging

§  Gives a common purpose

§  Fosters a feeling of pride

§  Looks smart

We ask that all children wear the uniform and we encourage them to maintain a high standard of clean and tidy dress in school. Our school colours are green and grey.

Our school uniform for Reception to Year 6 is as follows:

Winter Uniform (Autumn and Spring Term)

Long sleeved white shirt with top button done up

School tie

Green jumper or cardigan

Green blazer with badge (optional)

Green waterproof jacket (obtainable from school) or green or grey raincoat or duffle coat

Flat black, brown or grey walking shoes

Green woollen hat with badge (optional – obtainable from school)

Grey, green or white socks OR grey or green tights

Boys will also need

Grey trousers or shorts (not jeans, leggings or track bottoms)

Girls will also need

Grey skirt or pinafore dress or trousers (not jeans, leggings or track bottoms)

NOTE: Due to the weather, for the first half of the Autumn term pupils have the option to wear the summer uniform.

Summer Uniform, winter uniform as above or

Green and white striped dress

Green summer cap with badge (obtainable from school)

White polo shirt with the school name embroidered on it (obtainable only from the school) – Option available only for boys in all years and girls in Yr 5 and 6.

·  Hair accessories, such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc., should be fairly simple and in school colours.

·  Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name.

·  For safety reasons we ask that the children do not wear any jewellery in school. Stud earrings only may be worn.

P.E. Kit

For Health & Safety reasons it is important that children are properly dressed for any physical activity and change out of their every day clothes. (See P.E. Policy for more details).

Our uniform for P.E is:

Green shorts (obtainable from school)

Yellow T-shirt “ “ “

Black elasticated plimsolls

P.E. bag (obtainable from school)

Key Stage 2 will also need:

Green school tracksuit (optional)

Swimsuit (not long shorts for boys or bikinis for girls)

Bathing cap

Swimming bag

Trainers for outside games only (optional)

·  P.E. kit should be kept in a named, drawstring bag.

·  P.E.kit should be kept in school and returned home for washing at holidays.

·  All items of P.E clothing should be named.

·  Lost property is checked by the Prefects once a week and returned to the owners if the name is inside.

·  Unnamed property is returned to the Lost Property Box, which is kept under the staircase and available for Parents/Carers and children to check. This box is put outside on Fridays for owners to find unnamed items. At the end of term unnamed clothing is given to the Friends Association to sell at the second hand clothes sale.

Nursery Uniform

The nursery has its own school uniform which is available from the school. It consists of a summer and a winter uniform.

During the Autumn and Spring Terms children are required to wear:

§  Dark green sweatshirt with the All Saints’ logo

§  Dark green jogging pants

§  Grey or dark green socks

§  Sensible slip on shoes

§  Top coat in dark green or grey

During the Summer Term

§  Yellow T-shirt with the All Saints logo

§  Dark green shorts

§  Clarks type sandals or plimsolls

§  White or dark green socks

§  Raincoat in dark green or grey

All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the child’s name.