Curriculum VitaeIsolde Quadranti

Via Marsala, 33-37124 Verona- Italy
Via Carlo Montanari, 9 - 37122 Verona - Italy
+39 045 8028847
+39 3899752623

Date of birth September19th, 1971 | Nationality Italian
March 1st, 2003 - present / Documentalist Head of the European Documentation Centre of University of Verona
University of Verona - Law Department
November 2014- present / Member of the Italian European Documentation Centres’ Coordination Group
June 2007 - November 2014 / Coordinator of the Italian European Documentation Centres
University of Verona - Law Department
Years 1999 - 2002 / Librarian Assistant
University of Verona - Law Department
Years 1999 - 2000 / Collaborator of the Civic Library of Verona
Civic Library of Verona
Years 1996 - 1997 / Fellowship for the classification of the Fondo Pindemonte at the Civic Library of Verona and Doctoral research
Fondation pour des bourses d’études italo-suisses (Lausanne)
Years 1995 - 1996 / Italian temporary teacher
High School of Lugano
December 2014 / MA in International Relations (International trade and European integration)
University of Milan – Department of Social and Political Sciences (SPS)
July 2011 / Post-graduate module in Human Rights in Europe
ASERI – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan
Year 2005 / Master’s Degree in European integration
University of Padua
Year 2004 / PhD in Italian Literature
Université de Lausanne
October 1995 / MA in Modern Literature
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan
Mother tongue / Italian
Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
French / excellent / very good / very good / very good / very good
English / very good / very good / good / good / good
German / basic / basic / basic / basic / basic
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
-January 26th, 2018 Speaker at the conference “ I minori stranieri non accompagnati: il viaggio, l’accoglienza, l’integrazione (“Unaccompanied children: the travel, the reception, the integration” organized and promoted by Amnesty International and the University of Verona - Law Department)
- November 11th, 2017 – March 110h : Member of the Scientific Committee of the advanced postgraduate coursein “Governance dell’accoglienza nelle crisi umanitarie (“Reception Governance in the humanitarian crisis” - Verona, Law Department – Human Sciences Department,
-November 10th, 2017 Speaker at the conference “ La nuova disciplina sui minori stranieri non accompagnati” (“The new Italian discipline about unaccompanied children - Verona, Law Department)
- October 2017 – March 110h : Teaching seminars and workshops on International and European protection of human rights (within the course of Advanced International law held by prof. M.C. Baruffi, Law Department, University of Verona)
- Year 2017-Present: Participation as partner in the project “ European platform for the access to personal and familial rights – EPAPFR”, supervised by the association Femmes Informations Juridiques Internationales Rhône-Alpes and co- funded by the European Commission DG Justice under the Call for proposals “Action grants to support judicial cooperation in civil matters” (JUST-JCOO-CIVI-AG-2016) within the EU Justice Programme 2014-2020. Starting date of the project: 2 October 2017.
-Year 2016-Present: Collaboration with the Human Rights Commission of the Bar Association of Verona for the project realized in the secondary schools “Human rights before the International Courts” and for joint initiatives about different topics in the field of international and European Human Rights law”
-Year 2016-Present: Member of the teaching staff Jean Monnet module “Summer school on the Fashion industry in the European Union. UNIVR Fashion week” (Law Department, University of Verona 2016-2017-2018)
-Year 2011-Present: Member of the committee of the electronicjournalPapers di diritto europeo (EDC of the University of Verona);
-2015-Present: Member of the Coordination Group of the Italian European Documentation Centres (EDCs);
-April 2nd, 2017: Teacher for the Seminaron theEuropean migration flows and the EU Common European Asylum, within the course of European Union Law held by prof. R. Cafari Panico, Public Management Course, University of Milan
-March 9th, 2017: Speaker at the conference“I problemi dell’inserimento nella società occidentale delle donne immigrate” with a relation about “Donne richiedenti protezione internazionale in Europa: dalla necessità di vie di accesso legali e sicure a percorsi di integrazione e di inclusione sociale” (Verona, Law Department )
-Year 2016: Participates in the European project Eufam’s (local unit supervised by prof. M.C. Baruffi, Faculty of Law, University of Verona, within the national research project supervised by prof. F. Villata, I. Viarengo)
-Years 2009 – 2016: Seminars and teaching workshops on International and European protection of human rights (within the course of Advanced International law held by prof. M.C. Baruffi, Law Department, University of Verona)
-Member of the scientific board of F. Pocar, M.C. Baruffi, Commentario breve ai Trattati dell’Unione europea, Padova, Cedam, 2014;
-Years 2007 - 2014: Coordinator of the Italian European Documentation Centres (EDCs);
-Years 2007 - 2014: Coordinator of the national projects realized by the Italian EDCs in collaboration with the Italian Representation of the European Commission;
-June 28 th, 2016: Speaker at the conference Il futuro dell'identità europea e nazionale a seguito del referendum Brexit (Verona, Società Letteraria)
May 10 th, 2016: Seminar on the protection of fundamental rights in Europe and the relationship between ECHR within the courseof European Law held by prof. R. Cafari Panico, Faculty of Political Sciences – University of Milan;
February 12 th, 2016: Speaker at the conference “Minori stranieri non accompagnati: prospettive di accoglienza “ (“Unacommpanied children: perspectives for the reception” , Verona, organised by the Comune di Verona)
January 19th,2016: Speaker at the conference “Unione europea e migrazioni: tra rotta balcanica e quella mediterranea” (Verona, Università di Verona)
January 10 th, 2015: Sspeaker at the international conference The Role of Human Rights Bodies in Promoting Human Rights Culture (University of Malta, Human Rights Programme). Subject: Protecting and Promoting Human Rights in Italy: the Renewal of the Proposal for a National and Independent Commission for Human Rights.The paper has been accepted for the first number of the Mediterranean Human Rights Review Issue No.1/017).
June 25 th, 2015: Speaker at the conference EXPO Milano 2015, il TTIP e la sfida di un piano europeo per la cooperazione alimentare nel Mediterraneo, University of Verona (subject: Il diritto all’alimentazione nella cooperazione internazionale dell’UE e nel quadro giuridico globale)
May 8 th, 2015: Teacher for the seminar on the protection of fundamental rights in Europe and the relationship between ECHR within the courseof European Law held by prof. R. Cafari Panico, Faculty of Political Sciences – University of Milan;
March 6 v, 2015: Speaker at the deliberative workshop “2015-2019. Verso un’Unione fiscale e politica per gli europei” for the European Awareness Days co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme ( ean Monnet “EUCivic” project realised by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa)
April 11th, 2014: Report at Youth for Europe (II ed), realized by ISPI (Italian Institute for International Political Studies) at University of Verona, with the financial support of the European Parliament;
June 14th-15th, 2012: Report at the International conferenceCulture, information, research and documentation, Roma, Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico (ICCU);
May 28th, 2012: Teacher for the seminar on European Union and ECHRwithin the course of European Law held by prof. R. Cafari Panico, Faculty of Political Sciences – University of Milan;
February 22nd, 2012: Teacher for the seminar on the protection of fundamental rights in Europe and the relationship between ECHRwithin the course of International protection of fundamental rights held by prof. I. Viarengo, Faculty of Political Sciences – University of Milan;
May 7th, 2011: seminars within the Festival of Europe Mobility and Placement Mobility in Europe. Digital agenda(Florence), in collaboration with the Italian Representation of European Commission;
March 4th, 2011: “Dal locale al globale: the experience through the Italian EDCs WiKI”. Report within the Italian librarians national meeting Stelline 2011 (L’Italia delle biblioteche: scommettendo sul futuro nel 150° anniversario dall’Unità nazionale, Milano, Palazzo delle Stelline);
December 3rd, 2010: Teacher for theseminar “Il diritto di informazione ed espressione nell’Unione europea” within the Master Management of Public Companies, Level 2, Faculty of Law, University of Verona;
March 15th, 2010: Seminar “Salute e diritti umani nel diritto internazionale e nella politica di cooperazione allo sviluppo dell’Unione europea” for teachers and students from Istituto superiore Lavinia Mondin, Verona;
October 30th, 2009: Report “Il diritto di informazione e libertà di espressione principi fondamentali per la salvaguardia della diversità culturale”wthin the conference “La diversità culturale nel processo di integrazione europea” (Faculty of Law - University of Verona);
December 2008: Seminar lectures within the course “Donne, politica e istituzioni” (University of Verona, ESF);
December 22nd-24th, 2008: Report at the Annual General meeting for the European Direct information network, European Commission, Lisbon;
December 16th, 2008:Documentation of the European Union: information sources, databases and Internet sources,seminar course for librarian operators of University of Verona;
May 22nd-23rd, 2008: Report at the training course for the Europe Direct web New tools in information management, European Commission,Bruxelles;
May 25th, 2007: Seminar “Ultimi sviluppi nei negoziati di adesione con la Turvhia” within the conference “La matrice culturale e giuridica dell’Europa”, realized for the 50th anniversary of Rome Treaties, University of Verona.
Year 2006: Participates in the project Prin 2006 “La cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile nell’UE e obbligazioni alimentary” (local unit supervised by prof. M.C. Baruffi, Faculty of Law, University of Verona, within the national research project supervised by prof. S. Bariatti, University of Milan).
  1. List of publications.

Last updated January15th, 2018

Isolde Quadranti


List of publications

In legal field:

Articles, Book’s Chapters and Essays in collective works:

-Protecting and Promoting Human Rights in Italy: the Renewal of the Proposal for a National and Indipendent Commission of Human Rights", in Mediterranean Human Rights Review, December 2017, No. 1,

-The fashion industry in the EU: challenges for the sustainable competitiveness of one of the most vibrant and creative sectors in Europe, in Papers di diritto europeo, 2016, n. 2 ,

-Protecting and Promoting Human Rights in Italy: the Renewal of the Proposal for a National and Independent Commission for Human Rights, in Mediterranean Human Rights Review, No. 1 (not yet published)

-Artt. 51, 53-55 TUE, 212, 356-358 TFUE, in F. POCAR, M.C. BARUFFI, Commentario breve ai Trattati dell’Unione europea, Padova, Cedam, 2014, pp. 152-153, 154-158,1164-1165, 1570-1571

-La Carta dei diritti fondamentali nell’e-book dei CDE italiani, in UE: diritti e cittadinanza. L’e-book ad accesso aperto dei CDE italiani a cura della Rete italiana dei CDE con il contributo della Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea, Lussemburgo, Ufficio delle Pubblicazioni (OP), 2014,

-Mobilità per studio e formazione nell’Unione europea: un diritto non scevro di difficoltà, in M.C. BARUFFI e I. QUADRANTI (a cura di), Libera e circolazione e diritti dei cittadini europei, Napoli, ESI, 2012, pp. 221-238

-Libertà di espressione e diritto all’informazione: principi fondamentali per la salvaguardia della diversità culturale, in M.C. BARUFFI (a cura di), Cittadinanza e diversità culturale nello spazio giudiziario europeo, Padova, Cedam, 2011, pp. 135-162

-Conoscere l’Unione Europea. Risorse e strumenti per gestire un Centro di documentazione europea, Rappresentanza della Commissione europea, 2009

-Il trattato di riforma: una parziale risposta alla capacità di integrazione dell’Unione europea, in M.C. BARUFFI (a cura di), Dalla Costituzione europea al Trattato di Lisbona, Padova, Cedam, 2008, pp. 209-213

-Turchia: anello di congiungimento tra Unione europea e Medio Oriente?, in M.C. BARUFFI (a cura di), L’evoluzione del sistema comunitario a 50 anni dalla sua istituzione, Padova, Cedam, 2008, pp. 269-288

-La politica culturale europea nel periodo di riflessione sul futuro del trattato costituzionale, in Aedon. Rivista di arti e diritto online, 2006, n. 3

-La politica culturale nel Trattato che adotta una Costituzione per l’Europa, in M.C. BARUFFI (a cura di), La Costituzione europea. Quale Europa dopo l’allargamento?, Padova, Cedam, 2006, pp. 181-188

-La nuova strategia di informazione e comunicazione dell’UE e i CDE, in M.C. BARUFFI (a cura di), Il Futuro dell’Unione europea. Sviluppi nelle sue politiche, Padova, Cedam, 2004, pp. 183-190.


-C. Fratea, I. Quadranti (a cura di), Minori e immigrazione: quali diritti? Napoli, ESI, 2015

-M.C. BARUFFI, I. QUADRANTI (a cura di), Libera circolazione e diritti dei cittadini europei, Napoli, ESI, 2012

In literary field:


-La biblioteca di casa Pindemonte e i libri di Ippolito, voll. 1-2, Verona, Bonato edizioni – Biblioteca Civica di Verona, 2010.


-L’ordinamento del Fondo Pindemonte nella Civica di Verona e la biblioteca di Ippolito, in Atti del Convegno Vittorio Alfieri e Ippolito Pindemonte. L’amicizia, i libri e le lettere, Asti, 2004;

-Un esemplare della lettera a Mr. Guillon conservato nel Fondo Pindemonte della Biblioteca Civica di Verona, in Bollettino della Biblioteca Civica di Verona, 2(1996).

-Last updated January 15th, 2018

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