School Strategic Plan for

Dorset Primary School

Eastern Region


Endorsement by School Principal / Signed………………………………………. (Principal’s signature)
Name John Jacobs
Endorsement by School Council / Signed………………………………………. (School Council President’s signature)
Name John Dousset
Endorsement by Regional Director or nominee / Signed………………………………………. (Regional Director or nominee’s signature)
Name Geoff Flett


School Profile

Purpose / Dorset Primary School aims to provide a safe, and supportive educational environment that promotes:
  • Development of each child’s learning potential through optimal learning experiences.
  • Development of resilience, social competencies and achievement for our students.
  • Quality teaching and learning and improved learning outcomes for all.
  • Engagement of students in learning in its broadest context and connecting them to the wider community.
  • Development of academic and personal capabilities to embrace life experiences and demands of the 21st century.
  • Development and appreciation of the benefits of living sustainably.

Values / Care: Caring is when we pay attention to the needs of others and to the things that matter to us.
Respect: Respect is an attitude of caring and consideration for everyone. It is treating others as we would like to be treated.
Responsibility: Responsibility means we are willing to be accountable for our behaviour.
Honesty: Honesty is being truthful and trustworthy.
Excellence: Excellence is giving your absolute best to any task you do.
Tolerance: Tolerance is accepting differences.
Environmental Context / Current enrolment at Dorset Primary School is 455 and,according to current demographic data for the area this figure is expected to increase over the next few years. School Council will need to address the possible need for the capping of enrolment due to the physical constraints of the school. The proportion of students from non-English speaking backgrounds continues to increase and diversify. Census data indicates that 38% of our families are in receipt of the EMA. The school’s SFO (Student Family Occupation) index is 0.4784.
The school has a newly constructed large hall with gym, music classroom, offices and kitchen facilities. The grounds have a number of children’s playgrounds, all of which are in good condition, and the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program (SAKGP and Sustainability program have a high priority in the school with students involved in recycling, gardening, attending to chickens, and growing herbs, vegetables, fruit trees and native plants. There is an opportunity for teachers to work together using innovative teaching strategies which would be accommodated easily in the new learning spaces and planning is in place for the school to develop its own documented and agreed pedagogy for 21st century teaching and learning.
Student learning results indicate good student progress is achieved across all year levels. The recent school review established that we are a school which reflects the Effective Schools model in all its facets. Teachers have a shared understanding of what effective teaching looks like and a strong commitment to collecting and using data to help shape the teaching program. More personalised planning and a strong focus on building processes to track individual achievement will support all students to achieve their potential.
The school has an effective student leadership program, peer mediation program, a range of effective specialist subjects, and a very active lunchtime and after school program, which all contribute to produce a school where students are engaged at a behavioural, emotional and cognitive level. The next level of work is for the school community to establish set of policies and protocols for student wellbeing which will be published on the school’s website.
An effective transition program supports student transitions and pathways. There is a well established Kinder to Prep program and students starting school are supported by the Prep – Grade 5 Buddy program. Student and parent feedback indicate that students leave the school well prepared for secondary schooling. In order to further support students as they transition through the school, we will review our inter – level transition processes and improve on our process of monitoring and tracking students as they move through the school.
Strategic Intent
Goals / Targets / Key Improvement Strategies
Student Learning / To improve student outcomes in Literacy, Numeracy and the broader curriculum / VELS Teacher Judgements
The percentage of students above the expected VELS level (score A or B) will increase:
Reading: from 42% in 2011 to 50% in 2016
Writing: from 33% in 2011 to 41% in 2016
Speaking and Listening:from 24% in 2011 to 32% in 2016
Number: from 44% in 2011 to 52% in 2016
Measurement, Chance Data: from 27% in 2011 to 35% in 2016
NAPLAN Targets:
By 2016 English and Numeracy (all dimensions):
Year 3: 85% above Band 3 and 50% above Band 4
Year 5: 85% above Band 5 and 50% above Band 6 /
  1. Build the capacity of teachers to deliver explicit teaching in Literacy and Numeracy within a school culture where high expectations guide student learning and teacher classroom techniques.
  1. Implement a consistent whole school approach to assessment and planning that ensures the curriculum is differentiated to cater for all students.

Student Engagement and Wellbeing / To improve student engagement in learning and their feelings of wellbeing. / Student Attitudes to School Survey
Improve scores for both girls and boys on the following measures:
Learning Confidence: from 3.84 in 2012 to 5.25 in 2016
School Connectedness: from 4.00 in 2012 to 4.60 in 2016
Student Motivation: from 4.41 in 2012 to 4.70 in 2016
Classroom Behaviour: from 2.81 in 2012 to 3.60 in 2016
Student Safety: from 4.19 in 2012 to 4.50 in 2016
Parent Opinion Survey
Improve scores on the following measures:
Social Skills:from 5.68 in 2011 to 6.0 in 2016
Connectedness to Peers: from 5.89 in 2011 to 6.0 in 2016
Classroom Behaviour: from 3.71 in 2011 to 4.0 in 2016
Staff Opinion Survey
Improve scores on the following measures:
Student Behaviour (time):from 86.4 in 2011 to 90.0 in 2016
Student Behaviour (school): from 68.8 in 2011 to 85.0 in 2016
Student Motivation: from 5.98 in 2011 to 6.50 in 2016 / Embed a whole school engagement and wellbeing plan to improve student wellbeing, behaviour and enhance student voice
Student Pathways and Transitions / To improve student transitions at all levels. / By 2016, the mean for the transition variable on the parent opinion survey to be at 6.50 or greater. (2011- 5.42) / Plan transition pathways and track student progress for all students with a focus on key transitions stages:
  • entering school - K - P
  • exiting the school - year 6 to year 7
  • through the school –year level to year level
  • transfers into / out of the school – P-6

School Strategic Planner 2013- 2016: Indicative Planner – Student Learning

Key Improvement Strategies / Actions / Achievement Milestones
(Changes in practice and behaviours)
Student Learning / 1.
Build the capacity of teachers to deliver explicit teaching in Literacy and Numeracy within a school culture where high expectations guide student learning and teacher classroom techniques.
Effective Schools Model:
Focus on Teaching and Learning
Shared Vision and Goals
Purposeful Teaching
High Expectation of all Learners
Learning Communities
Stimulating and Secure Learning Environment
Professional Leadership / Year 1 / Implement AusVELS curriculum and reporting systems as per DEECD requirements. / AusVELS curriculum and reporting processes implemented as per DEECD requirements
Further develop the ICT program throughout the school. / Identifiable improvements in engagement and assessments due to the ICT program.
Document and implement a consistent whole school approach to teaching and learning to deliver a differentiated curriculum for Literacy and Numeracy VELS/AusVELS domains. / Scope and sequence documents for Literacy and Numeracy VELS/AusVELS domains developed and used in teacher planning
Audit Special Needs programs and children at risk across the school, review and refocus programs targeting student with additional learning needs. / Review of Special Needs programs targeting students at risk across the school completed.
Revised suite of programs targeting at risk students devised and ready for implementation in 2014
Strengthen Professional Learning Teams as the main vehicle for professional learning and sharing of best practice to improve classroom teaching and learning / Regular PLT meetings focus teacher professional learning on sharing of best practice to improve classroom teaching and learning
Embed peer observation practices and include opportunities for mentoring and coaching. / School structure includes opportunities for all teachers to participate in mentoring and /or coaching programs.
Year 2 / Develop and publish an agreed format for weekly teaching and learning plans that include the learning intention, high level cognitive challenge, differentiated tasks, assessment criteria, ICT approaches, and identify students for specific focus / DPS common format for teacher work programs developed, implemented and monitored.
Common format includes: learning intention, high level cognitive challenge, differentiated tasks, assessment criteria, ICT approaches, and identifies students for specific focus
Classroom practice to make the learning intention and success criteria explicit at the start of each lesson / Teacher planners and classroom practice make the learning focus and success criteria explicit at the start of each lesson
Enable staff to view best practice within the school by conducting focused learning walks. / DPS Learning Walk protocol developed and timetable includes regular Learning Walks for all staff
Year 3 / Evaluate and refine the teacher performance review process. Ensure a goal aiming to improve student learning outcomes is included in annual teacher plans / Teacher performance plans reviewed and new process documented and implemented. All annual teacher plans include a goal targeting improving student learning outcomes
Support collaborative teaching practices such as team teaching, peer observation and sharing strategies in professional learning teams / PLT structure provides regular opportunities for staff to participate in team teaching, peer observation and sharing effective teaching strategies
Co-plan with students high expectations for student learning and behaviour in each classroom. Display charts to anchor the expected behaviors / Display charts detailing positive learning behaviors and characteristics developed with students and displayed in each classroom.
Year 4 / Embed the use of ICT in teacher development of rich learning tasks (meta-cognition) in Literacy and Numeracy across all levels. / A range of rich learning tasks (meta-cognition) developed and implemented for each learning year level. Rich tasks stored electronically and added to each year

School Strategic Planner 2013- 2016: Indicative Planner – Student Learning(continued)

Key Improvement Strategies / Actions / Achievement Milestones
(Changes in practice and behaviours)
Student Learning / 2.
Implement a consistent whole school approach to assessment and planning that ensures the curriculum is differentiated to cater for all students.
Effective Schools Model:
Focus on Teaching and Learning
Shared Vision and Goals
Purposeful Teaching
High Expectation of all Learners
Learning Communities
Stimulating and Secure Learning Environment
Professional Leadership / Year 1 / Develop whole school approach to student assessment and use of data that specifies what assessment tasks are mandatory, how data is collected, who is responsible, the timeline, who analyses, consultation process and specific follow up. / School based assessment and data schedule developed and followed by all staff.
Build teacher capacity to triangulate data using VELS, AUSVELS NAPLAN, and VCAA and On Demand testing data / Professional development delivered focussing on teacher capacity to triangulate data using VELS, AUSVELS NAPLAN, and VCAA and On Demand testing data.
Embed use of SPA student tracking program to monitor student performance / Teachers regularly use SPA program to monitor student performance and inform their planning.
Year 2 / Develop and document the role of PLTs in monitoring school wide data / The role of PLTs in monitoring school wide data documented and actioned
Develop teacher expertise to use data ( rubrics, assessment maps) to inform teaching, personalise instruction and moderate achievement / Data, rubrics and assessment maps used to inform teaching, personalise instruction and moderate achievement
Develop and implement school wide practices that encourage the active participation of students in their learning – goal setting, self-assessment, peer assessment, / ICT used by students to set goals, track their progress and receive feedback from teachers and peers
Year 3 / Develop a common ILIP proforma that that explicitly defines learning focus and expected outcomes. Ensure these plans are time bound and details additional actions for school and home including who is responsible for what interventions. Store electronically. / Common ILIP proforma developed and implemented for all students outside expected level (ABLES templates used as teacher resource)
ILIPs stored electronically and monitored regularly.
Facilitate student feedback for teachers on integrated units and teaching practices / Process developed and documented by which student feedback is gathered each term for teachers on integrated units and teaching practices.
Principal/ Leadership Team to conduct regular instructional rounds: always give feedback / Regular program of Instructional rounds by Principal / Leadership Team
Year 4 / Establish common assessment tasks and associated rubrics/criteria for success in Reading and Number dimensions / Common assessment tasks and associated rubrics/criteria in Reading and Number established, stored electronically and used by teachers
Ensure authentic Student ‘Voice’ in Learning by involving students in leading student/parent/teacher conferences / Process and practice of students leading student/parent/teacher conferences documented and implemented
Enable staff to view best practice assessment and use of data at other schools by conducting focused school visits. / Staff participate in program of focused school visits.

School Strategic Planner 2013- 2016: Indicative Planner – Student Engagement and Wellbeing

Key Improvement Strategies / Actions / Achievement Milestones
(Changes in practice and behaviours)
Student Engagement and Wellbeing / Embed a whole school engagement and wellbeing plan to improve student wellbeing, behavior and enhance student voice.
Effective Schools Model:
Stimulating and secure Learning Environment
Learning communities
Shared Vision and Goals / Year 1 / Review and document student engagement and wellbeing policies and programs, invite community participation and student feedback. / Revised Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy detailing suite of activities and programs developed and publicised
Develop and document the school’s attendance strategy plan (communicating the importance of regular school attendance, awards, parents to ring the school if students are absent, school to contact families when students are absent etc). / DPS Attendance Strategy Plan developed, documented and implemented.
Develop and document student leadership and student voice opportunities so students have varied options when participating in decision making and taking responsibility across the school. / DPS Student Voice policy and practices strategy developed, documented and implemented.
Use ‘Restorative Justice’ and Circle Time to ensure students are aware of school welfare and well-being policies and procedures / Classroom timetables indicate regular use of ‘Restorative Justice’ and Circle Time being used to focus students on welfare and well-being policies and procedures
Further develop behavioural and academic programs and strategies to ensure the needs of the students at risk students are addressed. (For example: ABLES, YCDI, Chaplain) / The relevant student engagement components of the Attitudes to School Survey identify improvement.
Year 2 / Review purpose of Stephanie Alexander Garden program and sustainability program programs and identify opportunities for these program to be more fully integrated into core learning program. incorporated into / Purpose of Stephanie Alexander Garden program and sustainability program programs reviewed by whole school community and integration of programs into core learning program documented and implemented.
Broaden the means by which teacher contact with parents occur e.g. meetings, letters, postcards, emails, phone calls and sms messages / School Parent Communication strategy developed and implemented.
Conduct an annual evaluation of the student engagement and wellbeing policies and programs, invite community participation and make changes as necessary. / Annual evaluation of the student engagement and wellbeing policies and programs conducted. Changes made as necessary.
Year 3 / Co-ordinate support for students and families through internal and external support agencies including student wellbeing officer, guidance officer, local government agencies, student wellbeing team / Support for students and families available at DPS mapped, documented and made available to all stdeunts identified as being at risk at the school.
Conduct an annual evaluation of the student engagement and wellbeing policies and programs, invite community participation and make changes as necessary. / Annual evaluation of the student engagement and wellbeing policies and programs, including opportunities for community and student feedback conducted. Changes made as necessary.
Year 4 / Review school values, vision and purpose statement with staff, students and families / Revised school values, vision and purpose statement documented, celebrated, publicized and evident in every classroom
Review, revise and extend current instrumental music, clubs and extracurricular opportunities for students / Review of current instrumental music, clubs and extracurricular opportunities for students completed and new program of activities documented, sourced and implemented
Conduct an annual evaluation of the student engagement and wellbeing policies and programs, invite community participation and make changes as necessary. / Annual evaluation of the student engagement and wellbeing policies and programs conducted. Changes made as necessary.

School Strategic Planner 2013- 2016: Indicative Planner – Student Pathways and Transitions

Key Improvement Strategies / Actions / Achievement Milestones
(Changes in practice and behaviours)
Student Pathways and Transitions / Plan transition pathways and track student progress for all students with a focus on key transitions stages:
  • entering school - K - P
  • exiting the school - year 6 to year 7
  • transfers into / out of the school – P-6
  • through the school –year level to year level.
Effective Schools Model: