School Safeguarding Audit form

Name of school:
Person/people carrying our audit:

School governing bodies are required to carry out an annual review of their school’s safeguarding practice and to provide information to the LA about how the duties set out in the DfE guidance (‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ 2016) have been discharged. This audit form enables schools to undertake a thorough review of safeguarding procedures and inform the annual report to Governors.

We would advise that The Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead and nominated Safeguarding Governor should work on this audit together during the autumn terms, and it should be signed by both Headteacher and nominated Governor to confirm that they agree the contents.There are question boxes for governors to consider after each area of focus. The audit should be formally recorded within school management and governing body meetings.

The audit enables you to:

  • Complete your school’s annual safeguarding report to governors accurately
  • Assess your school’s safeguarding practice, and discuss any obvious issues arising from this audit in terms of patterns of strength and areas for development in the light of your whole-school context.
  • Develop an action plan to address any weaknesses or areas for development which have been identified
  • Ensure that key people (including the governing body) have access to sufficient information to enable them to make a judgment about the quality of safeguarding within the school
  • Report to the Local Authority as required
  • Ensure your self-evaluation accurately reflects the school’s safeguarding practice
  • Assemble your evidence of impact of practice for any Ofsted inspection

Name: / Role within senior leadership team: / Date last attended OSCB Specialist level training: / Date when renewal of training is required:
Designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
Deputy DSL
Deputy DSL
Date of whole school generalist: / Delivered by : / Date when renewal of whole school training is required:
School /site security
  • Access points appropriately used and secured
  • If school has gates are they closed/locked
  • Clear signage for entrance/reception
  • Single point of entry
  • Head teacher and governing body have risk assessed security of the school site and an up to date written risk assessment is in place(reviewed annually).
  • ID checked and recorded
  • Signing in process for visitors
  • Visitors provided with visitor badges
  • Information provided for visitors regarding who designated lead is and some guidance on Child protection/safeguarding
  • Procedures are in place to limit access to school site

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Policy and procedure
  • School has a Child Protection/ Safeguarding Policy (which is compliant with OSCB and the Department for Education expectations) which includes:
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE),
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM),
Prevent (preventing radicalisation/ extremism)
Honour Based Violence
Forced Marriage
Peer on Peer
Online Safety
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
  • The policy has been updated and ratified by the governing body in the last 12 months
  • It is easily accessible for parents and carers through school website/prospectus etc
  • The policy is known to everyone in the school including the governing body and regular visitors
  • School guarantee that all staff, governors and volunteers receive regular updates and any recent changes
  • School have ensured that all staff, governors and volunteers have signed to say they have read and understood the CP policy
  • The following policies are up to date, in line with local and national guidance and have been ratified by the governing body:
Allegations against staff and volunteers
Behavior management
Child protection/safeguarding
Code of conduct (including an acceptable users policy)
Drugs and substance misuse
E-safety policy
First aid
Health and safety
Missing children
Safe recruitment and selection
Sex and Relationships
Social media policy for staff
Use of physical intervention
Use of photography/video
Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Managing allegations
  • All members of staff are aware of the procedure for responding to and managing allegations against staff, and are clear about how to report any concerns they may have.
  • Details of the LADO team are known by staff
  • Details of the LADO team are visible within the school
  • School, where applicable, have dealt with allegations in line with the OCC allegations management procedure
  • All staff are aware of the Whistleblowing policy for the setting
  • Whistleblowing policy is displayed in school and is accessible for staff

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
  • School have an up to date fully completed single central record which includes:
Start date
Date of birth
Proof of identity (what was seen, by whom and when)
Qualifications (where appropriate)
DBS check (with or without barred list check)
Prohibition order (where appropriate)
Right to work in the UK (where appropriate)
Overseas criminal record check (where appropriate)
European Economic Authority check (where appropriate)
Section 128 check (where appropriate)
Disqualification under the child care act disclosure (where appropriate)
Risk assessments (where appropriate)
  • School processes are compliant with DFE and OSCB guidance and include:
All adverts and related documentation contain a safeguarding statement
All job descriptions contain details on their safeguarding responsibility
References are requested prior to interview (where possible)
There at least 2 individuals involved in the entire recruitment process from shortlisting through to interview and selection
All interviews are carried out face to face (may include skype)
Any missing information or vague details are followed up at interview with candidate
All interview panels contain a member who has up to date recognised safer recruitment training
All successful candidates are subject to appropriate checks (see single central record requirements)
At least 2 references are taken for successful candidates
References are followed up and verified with a phone call to referee
Risk assessments where appropriate are in place, updated annually and shared with appropriate staff members
  • Personnel records for staff hold the appropriate documentation including:
Application forms
Copies of proof of identity
Copies of qualifications
Any checks that have been carried for the staff member
Up to date risk assessments
Supervision/appraisal forms
Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
  • All staff (including supply staff) and regular volunteers have received an induction which includes reading and understanding the following:
Keeping Children Safe in Education (Part 1)
Code of Conduct, including confidentiality guidance
Child Protection/ Safeguarding Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Allegations Policy
  • School have a record to show staff have signed to state they have read and understood the above
  • All new staff, governors and regular volunteers have undergone generalist safeguarding training
  • School have a comprehensive safeguarding section of their induction process which includes:
What to do if they are concerned about a child
Who the designated lead/s for the school are
How to access and where to record concerns about a pupil or family
Being made aware of how to access Child Protection information (e.g safeguarding notice board, specific shared drive on computer etc)
Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
  • Safer recruitment training:
The Headteacher and at least one governor have attended and passed safer recruitment training in the last 5 years
Additional senior management staff and governors have attended and passed safer recruitment training in the last 5 years
  • Designated lead training:
Designated lead/s have received specialist level training delivered by a LSCB in the last 2 years
A member of the governing has attended specialist level training delivered by a LSCB in the last 2 years
The Designated lead/s have undergone additional training on
Child Sexual Exploitation
Female Genital Mutilation
  • Generalist training:
All staff, governors and regular volunteers have undergone generalist safeguarding training in the last 3 years
  • Lead trainer training:
School have an approved lead trainer to deliver generalist safeguarding training in house, this person has been approved by the safeguarding team and uses the powerpoint that is provided
All staff, governors and volunteers have undergone the Channel General Awareness training
  • School have an up to date training record for all staff, governors and volunteers and ensure that everyone is up to date with their appropriate training
  • All staff and governors receive regular safeguarding updates from the Headteacher/DSL. Ideally through regular staff meetings but at least annually.

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Record keeping
  • The school has a system for clear and accurate recording of child protection concerns including:
Use of record of concern form, with actions and outcomes
Records of any consultations with other agencies, including appropriate referrals
Individual files established once welfare concerns have been identified
Front page chronology for individual files
Files stored confidentially and securely, separate from main school records
Only appropriate staff members can access the child protection records
  • Files are transferred securely when children move to new school
  • School have evidence of conformation that transferred information has been received from new school
  • Files are regularly audited by DSL or Headteacher to ensure quality and consistency of recording and actions and outcomes
  • Staff received feedback of outcome of file audit, and any good practice or learning is shared

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
External groups/agencies/host families
  • External groups/agencies that access the school site, (in and out of school hours) are monitored to ensure:
They have an up to date and effective CP policy
If working with children implement safer recruitment procedures
Provide evidence that appropriate checkshave been carried out on adults that they use to work with children including
DBS number
Proof of identity
Overseas check (where applicable)
Safeguarding training etc
Have procedures in place if they have concerns about a child
  • School have written conformation/agreements in place with these external groups and agencies guaranteeing that all the above safeguarding measures are in place
  • School undertakes DBS checks on all members over 16 years old in a host family for exchange visits.

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Schools safeguarding team
  • The school regularly access the schools safeguarding page for guidance and updates
  • The school uses the safeguarding team template policies or other versions which are compliant with the expectations of the safeguarding team and the OSCB.
Templates for the following policies are available on:
Allegation management
Child protection/safeguarding policy
Code of conduct
Social media guidance for staff
  • The Headteacher/DSL liaise direct with the team for guidance and advice on a regular basis
  • Details of the team are displayed within the school

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Oxfordshire safeguarding children board (OSCB)
  • The school regularly access the OSCB website for inter-agency guidance and procedures
  • All staff are aware of the toolkits provided by the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board including:
Parental substance misuse
Threshold of needs Matrix
  • The above toolkits are displayed for staff to refer to
  • Multi agency training is accessed through the website

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Annual safeguarding report
  • The school return an annual safeguarding report to the safeguarding team at OCC
  • The school carry out the audit to help inform the report
  • The safeguarding audit is carried out part way through the academic year to identify where progress has been made and to identify where further developments are needed
  • Feedback from the audit is shared with staff and governing body

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Missing children
  • School are aware of the statutory guidance in relation to Children Missing Education and Missing pupils
  • School understand the difference, and know who to contact in regards to Children Missing Education and Missing pupils
  • School have a procedure in place to record and report students who are deemed as missing
  • School understand, and where applicable have carried out, return interviews with students who have gone missing

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Looked After Children
  • School have a designated lead to support Looked after children, and to monitor their progress and identify areas of support
  • School are aware of the Headteacher for the virtual school
  • School, where applicable, liaise regularly with staff from the virtual school
  • The designated person attends all CP conferences/core groups/LAC meetings

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
Anti-bullying and E-safety
  • The school management have completed the Anti-bullying self-assessment (docxformat, 155Kb) and Anti-bullying self-assessment action plan (docformat, 90Kb)recommended by OCC and the OSCB available on
  • Through the above surveys the school have identified an area to focus on and develop over the coming year
  • Over the last year pupils and parent have been given opportunities to feedback about the effectiveness of the Anti-Bullying Policy (e.g. surveys, consultation, school council involvement, etc.)
  • A planned e-safety education programme takes place through PHSE / ICT / other lessons and across the curriculum and is regularly revisited.
  • The school has a comprehensive and effective training programme for staff which is regularly updated and reviewed
  • School provide information to parents around e-safety through:
Internet safety sessions
School website
School newsletter
  • School has an Acceptable Users Policy that is signed by all staff, pupils and parents

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding
General child protection/safeguarding
  • The curriculum provides opportunities for their pupils to learn about areas of safeguarding including:
keeping themselves safe
sex and relationship education
online safety
British Values
Knowing where to go for help and support
  • Child protection/safeguarding is a regular agenda meeting on all staff meetings and governing body meetings
  • Details of the MASH and other appropriate contact details are displayed

Inadequate / Adequate / Good / Outstanding

Audit form produced by School Safeguarding Team June 2016Page 1