Town of Harrietstown Planning Board
March 9, 2016
6:00 PM
Town Hall Board Room
Town Planning Board
Members Present: Dean Baker, Chairman – Present
Peter Wilson – Present
Barry Defuria – Present
Staff Present: Edwin Randig – Code Enforcement Officer, Present
Angela Sirianni-Lucey – Secretary, Present
Justin Grassi, Special Counsel - Present
Public Present: As per sign in sheet
Chairman Dean Baker called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.
The first item on the agenda is a Site Plan Review Application submitted by Nixon Peabody LLP and NY RSA2 Cellular Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for the insatallation of a 94 foot tall monopole telecommunication tower at 598 County Route 18, Lake Clear NY – Roy Warner, Owner of Record.
Attorney Robert Brenner is here to present on behalf of Nixon Peabody. He will give a brief overview on the project.
Attorney Brenner said the Planning Board recommended Special Permit Review on February 10, 2016, which was approved by the ZBA on 2/23/16 for an 89’ stainless steel pole with a 15’ crown branching top. There will be associated ground level improvements. This will assist in the 17 mile gap in service along NYS Route 30, by covering an additional 10 of those miles between Tupper Lake and Lake Clear.
Barry Defuria asked if there are provisions for road maintenance, and responsibility.
Robert Brenner said that Verizon Wireless will be the responsible party for road maintenance. To the extent they are able to be accessed, they will only be accessed about 1 to 2 times a month.
Barry asked where the water supply for fire protection would come from.
Robert Brenner said that with the cabinets they are using, an external water supply isn’t needed. If a fire occurs, it will be contained within the cabinet.
Barry said that is great. He has no additional questions at this time.
Peter Wilson asked how much heavy truck traffic they are expecting, and the length of time it would be there.
Robert said they usually try to construct everything as quickly as possible, and after that only pick-up trucks are used to access the site.
Peter asked would happen with the trees that are removed from the site.
Attorney Brenner said that tree removal is Verizon’s responsibility.
Peter asked for clarification on the access driveway location.
Barry Defuria used neighboring property owner’s Family Names to explain the location.
Dean Baker asked how far off the road the project site is located.
Barry said it is about 1 ½ miles from the road.
Robert Brenner said that it’s in excess of 3,000 feet.
All Board Members were finished asking questions of the applicant.
Barry Defuria made a motion to Approve the Site Plan Review Permit as presented by Attorney Robert Brenner, Nixon Peabody LLP, RSA2 Cellular Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless.
Peter Wilson second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Dean Baker – yes
Barry Defuria – yes
Peter Wilson – yes
All in favor, motion carried.
The next item on the agenda is a Site Plan Review Application submitted by Adirondack Health d/b/a Adirondack Medical Center for the “Saranac Lake Surgical Addition and Renovation”, 2233 NYS Route 86, Saranac Lake, NY.
Mark Yamrick stood to present on behalf of Adirondack Medical Center.
Dean Baker said this project application was reviewed by our third party, Chazen Companies. It appears that all the questions brought up have been answered. He introduced Sean Doty, who did the review.
Sean said the only outstanding issue is the septic connection.
Ed said that that all hospital sewage currently goes into the forced main. It no longer goes toward the beach; which avoids issues that were had there previously. No additional flows will be going to Village infrastructure. It will be handled in wet-wells within the Town. Todd Hodgson from AES will be providing a letter confirming that shortly.
Peter Wilson asked if there would be some decrease in surgical services during construction.
Mark said the existing OR would be in use while the new addition is being built, then they will employ the new OR while the old portion is being renovated.
Peter Gibbs, Engineering Ventures wanted to correct his spelling error on the Fire Chief’s name. He typed “Brenda”, and it should be “Brendan” Keough.
Ed Randig said he always reaches out to the Fire Department, and they have had ample time to respond.
Dean Baker asked if this addition/renovation will be sprinkled.
Mark Yamrick said that it would be.
Dean Baker asked if a ladder truck would be able to access the new structure.
Ed Randig said that it would.
Dean wanted to take a minute to read thru the DRAFT Resolution of Approval prepared by Justin Grassi of Nixon Peabody LLP.
Dean said that item F. a. “is a large percentage, but is not all that great of an increase”
Barry said that “SARANAC” is spelled wrong on the top of page 1.
Peter Wilson made a motion to Approve the Special Permit as presented by Adirondack Health d/b/a Adirondack Medical Center, “Saranac Lake Surgical Addition”.
Barry asked if Justin Grassi is going to complete the Resolution of Approval.
Ed Randig said that he will rough out the approval resolution tomorrow in the office.
Barry Defuria second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Dean Baker – yes
Barry Defuria – yes
Peter Wilson – yes
All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Peter Wilson made a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes from 2/10/16 as presented.
Barry Defuria second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Barry Defuria – yes
Peter Wilson – yes
Dean Baker – yes
All in favor, motion carried.
Old Business: Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2015:
Chairman Baker asked Attorney Grassi how to proceed with the minutes of September 9, 2015.
Justin Grassi said in the case of members changing, where there isn’t a quorum to approve, they can go on in perpetuity as a DRAFT or the members that were present can act on them.
Dean Baker made a motion to approve the minutes as presented from 9/9/15.
Peter Wilson Second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Barry Defuria – abstained
Peter Wilson – yes
Dean Baker – yes
Motion carried.
Peter Wilson made a motion to close.
Barry Defuria second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Barry Defuria – yes
Dean Baker – yes
Peter Wiison – yes
All in favor, meeting closed 6:30 PM.