OCTOBER, 20-21, 2010



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check / Expectations - Introductions - Agenda Review - Identify New Business - Conduct of the Meeting (Code of Ethics & Conflict of Interest statements)

The Aerospace Quality System (AQS) was called to order at 10:30 a.m., 20-Oct-10.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Patricia / Berry / U.S. Air Force
* / Patrice / Bleau / Bombardier Inc.
* / Robert / Bodemuller / Ball Aerospace & Technologies
* / Robin / Borrelli / The Boeing Company / Vice Chairperson
* / Michael / Coleman / The Boeing Company
* / David / Day / GE Aviation / Chairperson
* / Warren / Ferree / 309th Maintenance Wing - Hill AFB
* / Harold / Finch / Spirit AeroSystems / Acting Secretary
Mark / Malcom / 309th Maintenance Wing - Hill AFB
* / Roy / Malott / United Space Alliance
* / Earl / Pruett / Lockheed Martin Corporation
* / Andre / Roy / Bombardier Inc.
* / Trish / Wesemann / The Boeing Company

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Mark / Brown / Braddock Metallurgical
John / Carpenter / U.S. Chrome Corp.
Delbert / Clubine / Advanced Heat Treat Corp.
Rachel Marie / DeSimone / American Tinning & Galvanizing Co.
Thomas / Dulude / PTI Industries
John / Edwards / Edwards Services
Shannon / Felps / Precision Forgings
Scott / Hasty / Valley Technologies Inc.
Rosa / Martin / Superior Plating, Inc.
Jesse / Norris / Stack Metallurgical
Jim / Olejdrczyk / Alcoa-Howmet
Crystal / Potter / Valley Heat Treat Co.
Mike / Reath / US Chrome Corp. of Ohio
Dawn / Stokes / PTI Industries
Bill / Strong / Epner Technology Inc.
Michael / Wolf / Finishing Professionals LLC

AQS Liaisons (* Indicates Task Group Liaison)

Patrice / Bleau / Bombardier Inc.
Robin / Borrelli / The Boeing Company
* / Bruce / Brownfield / Lockheed Martin Corporation / HT
Allan / Cooley / 309th Maintenance Wing - Hill AFB
* / Mark / Covert / Honeywell Aerospace / NMSE
* / David / Day / GE Aviation / CMSP
* / Ian / Kitson / The Boeing Company / CP
Roy / Malott / United Space Alliance
* / John / Nerz / GE Aerospace / CT
Earl / Pruett / Lockheed Martin Corporation
Andre / Roy / Bombardier Inc.
* / Scott / Sullivan / Honeywell Aerospace / NDT
* / Dewey / Whittaker / Honeywell Aerospace / ETG

PRI Staff Present

John / Barrett
Susan / Frailey
Kevin / Wetzel

1.2 Approval of June 2010 minutes

The minutes from June 2010 were approved as written.

Motion made by Patrice Bleau and seconded by Roy Malott to formally approve the minutes.

Motion Passed

The Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interests statements were reviewed.

The agenda for this meeting was reviewed by Susan Frailey.

New Voting Members:

Patrice Bleau will be the new Subscriber Voting Member (UVM) for Bombardier and Andre Roy will be Alternate Subscriber Voting Member (ALT/UVM).

Warren Ferree will become the new UVM for the 309th Air Maintenance Wing – Hill AFB.

Earl Pruett will become a new UVM for Lockheed Martin Co.

2.0 Task Group Tutorial – OPEN

The AQS Tutorial was given by David Day – No issues were raised.

3.0  Review of RAIL – OPEN

Susan Frailey reviewed the RAIL.

Item 208 was closed. Details in the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) section.

4.0 Metrics Review – OPEN

AQS metrics were reviewed, no issues were raised.

4.1 Task Group/NMC Metrics

Task Group metrics were reviewed, no issues were raised.

4.2 SE Delegation Oversight

AQS Staff Engineer delegation was reviewed for Jerry Aston, John Barrett, Susan Frailey, Mike Gutridge and Kevin Wetzel. All AQS Staff Engineers have had 100% review of NCRs and are at a concurrence level of 100%.

5.0 AC7004 – OPEN

5.1 Comments, Concerns, Questions

A comment was made as to why we bridged to move more closely to AS9100.

David Day explained the differences between them in relationship to special processors and 9100 houses, indicating that 9100 houses for the most part, are design and manufacturers.

5.2 Affects of New Revision on Other Task Groups

No comments, concerns or questions were raised. It was stated by Susan Frailey that a few other Task Groups use Appendix A (Software) of AC7004 Rev D as their software questions if an AQS audit is conjoined with a special process audit. All commodity Staff Engineers were notified of its removal in the new AC7004 revision and it was up to each Task Group to incorporate new questions into their respective checklists to cover the removed questions.

5.3 AQS Audit Handbook Review

Roy Malott discussed the formatting for the revised handbook. The red text means “documented” (either a procedure or records) and the blue text indicates verification points by the Auditor. He also indicated that an earlier version of the AS9101 was used as guidance, so this will need to be updated before final approval.

Patrice Bleau asked if the Auditors needed to check every bullet provided in each section of the handbook. David Day answered “No” to this and indicated that the handbook was only a guidance document and all the requirements come from the checklist.

Warren Ferree asked what we want the handbook for. He commented that he thought it was scattered in scope and begs him to ask more questions.

Bob Bodemuller commented on Section as to changing interactions being documented.

Mark Covert suggested looking over the new revision of AS9101 and copying any updated areas in the black text to our audit handbook.

The review of the audit handbook’s last two sections will be discussed on a conference call in the near future and arranged by Susan Frailey.

ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to update black text in auditor handbook if any changes exist between AS 9101 revisions. (DUE DATE: 03-Nov-10)

ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to schedule conference call for discussion of the last two Audit Handbook sections. (DUE DATE: 04-Nov-10)

ACTION ITEM: Roy Malott to place verbiage in the Auditor Handbook, to be used as the introductory paragraph on the use of the handbook, and what each of the columns means. (DUE DATE: 16-Nov-10)

ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to schedule a conference call to address “Right of Access” for handbook. It needs to be redefined and shorter. (DUE DATE: during conference call)


A part of the regular meeting to discuss any issues that were brought forth by the Liaisons.

6.1 Liaison Meeting Prep

No comments or issues

6.2 Liaison Projects (as applicable)

Bruce Brownfield will be the new Heat Treat (HT) Liaison to AQS.

David Day will sit on the Conventional Machining as a Special Process (CMSP) Task Group at the February 2011 meeting and Mark Covert will cover Nonconventional Machining and Surface Enhancement (NMSE).

There was some discussion that if an AQS audit is up for failure, should we notify the commodity audit. Currently the Staff Engineers will do it out of courtesy but consensus was that we will not change our current practices or make any updates procedurally.

Roy Malott brought up that in the Heat Treat Task Group they want to get training on how to audit non-technical aspects, mainly dealing with preparation and reporting.

6.3 Re-Validate Liaison MOU

A change in Task Groups listed on the current MOU was discussed. Fasteners are to be removed and possibly adding CMSP and Fluids (FLU).

Motion made by Patrice Bleau and seconded by Mark Covert to formally approve the MOU.

Motion Passed

7.0  SSC Status Report – OPEN

Mark Brown gave the presentation and feedback from the RAIL Item 208 - No comments or issues were raised.

RAIL Item 208 - What can the AQS Task Group do better or in support of the Suppliers?

What recommendations do Suppliers have for the improvement and support from the AQS Task Group?

ACTION ITEM: David Day and Robin Borrelli will get together and take the feedback for next October meeting and will develop a presentation for SSC. (DUE DATE: 30-Sep-11)

8.0  Misc Reporting – OPEN

Acceptance of on-site observation documentation will be put on the RAIL until David Day can get some information on this.

Nadcap Management Council (NMC) meeting may be moved in Barcelona which may change AQS meeting days and times to allow for the added sub-teams and NMC meeting times.

8.1 Audit Observations

Susan Frailey discussed that only 6 observation audits have been performed this year by the AQS Task Group out of the 200 plus available. She suggested that anyone that hasn’t done one should do one and will send out the next 6 month schedule for potential observations.

ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to send out a schedule for the next 6 months on potential observation audits to the task group. (DUE DATE: 30-Nov-10)

8.2 eAuditNet

No comments or issues were raised.

9.0 Data Collection - OPEN

Auditor consistency discussion topic has been tabled until guidance from the NMC sub-team is released.

9.1 Registrar Notification Presentation

The Registrar notification presentation was given. No comments or issues were raised.

10.0 New Business - OPEN

Discussion on new NMC meeting footprint and how the change of NMC meetings may affect the AQS Task Group was held. Susan Frailey will send NMC meeting footprint to Task Group for review with discussion to follow on new meeting times.

AS9100: Robin Borrelli made two formal motions, assigned to David Day to bring to NMC:

1) PRI to develop a process to validate a Supplier’s certificate at scheduling via the OASIS database (not by a copy of a certificate). During an audit, the Auditors also validate the Supplier’s certification via the OASIS database (not by a copy of a certificate).

2) AS9100C transition cut-off date is 01-Jul-12. AS9100B certificates have expiration dates past 01-Jul-12, with the paper copy still show as being valid although the Supplier will be removed from OASIS. The current process of notification to Nadcap / PRI of a certificate being withdrawn, suspended or expired is not adequate. Nadcap / PRI needs to have a plan in place to handle the transition of AS9100B to AS9100C, including how to handle the suppliers that do not meet the transition cut-off date.

Bob Bodemuller gave an update on the AS9003 revision. The ballot was failed at IAQG and a new team roster is being created. It failed in regards to some internal audit verbiage and non-agreement within the group.

There was a recommendation to remove AS9003 out of NOP-002.

Motion made by Mark Covert and seconded by Bob Bodemuller; to remove AS9003 out of NOP-002. Roy Malott opposed. Motion Passed

This topic will be talked about at the NMC level for full withdrawal as there is no Nadcap Supplier that holds this accreditation.

11.0 Auditor Conference – OPEN

11.1 Review of Auditor Conference

All Auditors had positive comments about the training; suggestion is to maintain separation of Auditors for future Auditor Conferences.

11.2 Maintaining/Training of Auditors

A request came from an auditor trainee that we have some type of documentation for them to review prior to training audits. Roy Malott stated that the AQS Audit Handbook should cover the request.

NIP 6-01 Appendix AQS, Auditor Training and Certification compared to AS9104. A team was formed to complete a draft version of NIP 6-01 Appendix AQS. The team members are: Roy Malott (lead), Mark Brown, Patrice Bleu, and Trish Wesemann.

John Barrett reviewed the presentation that was given to non-AQS Auditors titled “How Many AQS Findings in Commodity Audits (by percent)”.

ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to schedule a team conference call to look at AQS Auditor qualifications and make proposal for new criteria. (DUE DATE: 03-Mar-11)

ACTION ITEM: Roy Malott will craft some language along with training for AQS auditors not performing any audits regularly. (DUE DATE: 04-Mar-11)

12.0 Meeting Feedback – OPEN

The meeting feedback form was filled out with 3 comments made.

13.0 New Business – CLOSED

Susan Frailey indicated that she wanted to become an Auditor. The Task Group reviewed the requirements of NIP 6-01 for work experience and education.

ACTION ITEM: Susan Frailey to forward her credentials to the Task Group before the February 2011 meeting for review. (DUE DATE: 03-Mar-11)

Bob Bodemuller indicated that he would like Susan to fill out paperwork and submit her resume to the Task Group. Once the preliminary aspects are completed then the Task Group will review and discuss at next meeting.

Susan Frailey presented “Failure Ballot & Supplier Advisory” presentation to make everyone aware what to do during a failure ballot. She showed the screen shots and what choices are available and what each means.

There was discussion on providing mentors for the new voting members. David Day will mentor Patrice Bleau and Andre Roy. Trish Weisman will be asked to mentor Warren Ferree. Another member will be asked to mentor Earl Pruett.

Audit Consistency review will be looked at in Barcelona.

An audit was looked at for the Main/Satellite audit findings and discussed the need for the findings to be documented once, instead of twice, but make it a Major since the finding happened at both facilities.

14.0 Auditor Conference – CLOSED