Latymer All Saints CE Primary School
School’s SportsFundingAllocation 2016 –2017: £8,000 then another £5 per pupil
Action / Cost£ / Intended ImpactPremier Sports Clubs
At the beginning of 2016/17 academic year Premier Sports have again set up clubs and will be setting up an even wider range of clubs.
This year, again, we aim to deliver a range of clubs that will promote physical activities and healthy lifestyles.
During the first two half terms we have had an archery club. A club that has never ran in our school before but has proved to be very successful.
The club is aimed at those pupils who, we felt, could improve their discipline, focus and motivation during the school day.
During all clubs pupils are also told about the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and how a healthy lifestyle can easily be achieved. / £1,000 (subsidized by pupils) / We aim to increase physical activity to at least 5 hours a week.
The clubs are also used to improve physical, social and healthy lifestyles.
We aim to run clubs that involve sports that are not usually delivered in our curriculum to target pupils that do not usually attend OOSH clubs.
SEN/Healthy lifestyle club
Premier Sports are once again delivering a high quality Multi Skills club for KS1. This will be for targeted pupils to improve their gross and fine motor skills but also for everyday living.
These pupils access 1 session per week lasting approximately 45 minutes.
This year we have increased the capacity of the club and Premier Sports have introduced new equipment and activities into each session. / £2,000 / This year we are aiming to target both SEN pupils and pupils we feel would benefit from a healthier lifestyle.
A large focus of these clubs is not only the physical activity side but how pupils can keep themselves healthy through food and how they can look after their bodies correctly.
SEN virtual competition
A new Enfield borough incentive to allow SEN pupils to access more regular recorded competition is to have set up a borough wide SEN virtual competition.
The money will be used to purchase any specialist equipment needed and to make sure every child who enters has an equal chance to compete.
Latymer came 3rd in the Autumn 1 virtual competition and are looking to continually improve throughout the year. / £1000 / To make sure all the equipment that is needed is readily available and is usable on a weekly basis for practice.
School Kit
In 2016/17 we aim to replace the school football kit. / £300 / To raise the profile of PE we aim to purchase / replace the existing football kit as it has not been replaced since 2011/12
Student Sports Council
During Spring 2017 a student sports council will be set up. This will comprise of 2- 6 students per year group (depending on the key stage) who will be tasked with finding out what activities/equipment students wish to participate in during OOSH (including lunch times).
They will also be responsible for promoting a healthy lifestyle in their year groups and feeding back any ideas/concerns pupils may have regarding sports/activities/health. / £1000 / This will be used to promote a healthy lifestyle, increase the number of physical activities within the school and
Release Time
The sports funding allows money to be used to pay for cover staff if the teacher/TA/LSA is released to attend a PE course or to have time out to attend a competition. / £1,000 / This money can be used to allow all adults within the school an opportunity to develop in areas of PE they choose. It also allows the school to cover the adult for the time they are out.
Sports Week
After a very successful sports week in Summer 2016, we aim to repeat the successes in Summer 2017.
This will promote a healthy lifestyle as well as teaching pupils about the different sports/activities that go on around the world and will also allow pupils to participate in some of them. / £500 / To pay for any additional resources and equipment that the week may require.