Research Activity (continued)
Mark W. Roosa
October 12, 2018
School of Social and Family Dynamics
Tempe, Arizona85287 – 3701
(480) 727-6122
FAX: (480) 965-5430
Ph.D.198OMichiganStateUniversity, Family Ecology
M.A.1977MichiganStateUniversity, Family Studies
B.S.197OOhioStateUniversity, Mathematics Education
2003 -Cowden Distinguished Professor, ASU
1992- Professor, ASU
1986-1992Associate Professor, ASU
1981-82/8285Acting Director/Director, Center for Family Studies, ASU
1980-1986Assistant Professor, ASU
Knight, G. P., Roosa, M. W., & Umaña-Taylor, A. (in progress). Research methods for studying ethnically and economically diverse populations. Washington, DC: APA Books.
Knight, G.P., Roosa, M. W., Calderon, C., & Gonzales, N. A. (in press). Methodological issues in research with Latino populations. In F. A. Villaruel, G. Carlo, M. Azmitia, J. Grau, N. Cabrera, & J. Chahin (Eds.) Handbook of U.S. Latino Psychology, in press. Sage.
Knight, G. P., Jacobson, R. P., Gonzales, N. A., Roosa, M. W., and Saenz, D. S. (2008). An evaluation of the psychological research on acculturation and enculturation processes among recently immigrating populations (pp. 9-31). In R. L. Dalla, J. DeFrain, J. Johnson, & D. A. Abbot (Eds.), Strengths and Challenges of New Immigrant Families: Implications for Research, Education, Policy, and Service. Lanham, MD: Lexington Publishers, Inc.
Roosa, M. W., Morgan-Lopez, A., Cree, W., & Specter, M. (2002). Ethnic culture, poverty, and context: Sources of influence on Latino families and children. In J. Contreras, A. Neal-Barnett, & K. Kerns, (Eds.) Latino children and families in the United States: Current research and future directions (pp. 27-44) Westport, CT: Praeger.
Roosa, M. W., Wolchik, S., & Sandler, I.N. (1997). Preventing the negative effects of common stressors: Current status and future directions. In S. Wolchik & I.N. Sandler (Eds.), Handbook of children's coping (pp. 515-533). New York: Plenum.
Sandler, I., Wolchik, S., MacKinnon, D., Ayers, T., & Roosa, M. (1997). Developing linkages between theory and intervention in stress and coping processes. In S. Wolchik & I.N. Sandler (Eds.), Handbook of children's coping (pp. 3-40). New York: Plenum.
Roosa, M. W. (1993). Youth-at-Risk: The Family as a Contributor to Child Resiliency and as a Focus for Intervention. In V.L. Loyer-Carlson & F.K. Willits (Eds.), Youth-at-risk: The Research and Practice Interface (pp. 39-47). University Park, PA: NortheastRegionalCenter for Rural Development.
Fitzgerald, H.E. & Roosa, M. W. (1992). Developmental psychology and family systems. In R.L. Levine & H.E. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Analysis of dynamic psychological systems (pp. 245-262). New York: Plenum.
Christopher, F.S. & Roosa, M. W. (1991). Sexual decisionmaking. In K. McKinney and S. Sprecher (Eds). Sexuality in close relationships (pp. 111-133). Hillsdale, D.J.: Lawrence Earlbaum.
Roosa, M. W., Fitzgerald, H.E., & Crawford, M. (1985). Teenage parenting, delayed parenting, and childlessness. In L. L'Abate (Ed.), Handbook of Family Psychology (623-659). Homewood, Illinois. Dorsey Press.
Roosa, M. W. (1992). [Review of Preventing adolescent pregnancy: Model programs and evaluations.] Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54, 1002.
Roosa, M. W., White, R. M. B., Zeiders, K. H., & Tein, J. (In press). An examination of the role of perceptions in neighborhood research. Journal of Community Psychology.
White, R. M. B., Roosa, M. W., Weaver, S., Nair, R. L., Gonzales, N., Knight, G. P., & Saenz, D. (In press). Cultural and contextual influences on parenting in Mexican American families. Journal of Marriage and Family.
Roosa, M. W., Weaver, S., White, R., Tein, J., Knight, G. P., Saenz, D., Gonzales, N. A. (2009 – in press). Family-neighborhood goodness-of-fit and the adjustment of Mexican American parents and adolescents. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Burrell, G.L. & Roosa, M.W. (in press). Mothers' economic hardship and behavior problems in their early adolescents.Journal of Family Issues, in press.
Kim, S. Y., Nair, R., Knight, G. P., & Roosa, M. W. (in press). Measurement equivalence of neighborhood quality measures for European American and Mexican American families. Journal of Community Psychology, in press.
Roosa, M. W., Liu, F., Torres, Gonzales, N., Knight, G. Saenz, D. (2008) Sampling and recruitment in studies of cultural influences on adjustment: A case study with Mexican Americans. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 293-302.
Deng, S. & Roosa, M. W. (2007). Family influences on adolescent delinquent behaviors: Applying the social developmental model to a Chinese sample. American Journal of Community Psychology, 40, 333-344.
Michaels, M. L., Barr, A., Roosa, M. W., & Knight, G. P. (2007). Self-esteem: Assessing measurement equivalence in a multi-ethnic sample of youth. Journal of Early Adolescence, 27, 269-295..
Deng, S., Lopez, V., Roosa, M. W., Ryu, E., Burrell, G., Tein, J., Crowder, S. (2006). Family processes mediating the relationship of neighborhood disadvantage to early adolescent internalizing problems. Journal of Early Adolescence, 26, 206-231
Proescholdbell, R. J., Roosa, M. W. & Nemeroff, C. J. (2006). Component measures of psychological sense of community. Journal of Community Psychology, 34, 9-24.
Roosa, M. W., Deng. S., Nair, R., & Burrell, G. L. (2005). Measures for studying poverty in family and child research.. Invited paper for the 2005 special issue on methodological issues in family research. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 971-988.
Deardorff, J., Gonzales, N., Christopher, S., Roosa, M. W., & Millsap, R. (2005). Early puberty and adolescent pregnancy: The influence of alcohol. Pediatrics, 116, 1451-1456..
Roosa, M. W., Deng, S., Ryu, E., Burrell, G., Tein, J., Lopez, V., & Crowder, S. (2005). Family and child characteristics linking neighborhood context and child externalizing behavior. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 514-528.
Deng, S., Liu, X., & Roosa, W.M. (2004). Agreement between parent and teacher reports on behavioral problems among Chinese children.Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 25, 407-414.
Lopez, V.A., Roosa, M. W., Tein, J.,& Dinh, K. (2004). Aggression, gang membership, social acceptance, and race as predictors of school misbehavior. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 2, 27-46.
Roosa, M. W., Jones, S., Tein, J., & Cree, W. (2003). Prevention science and neighborhood influences on low-income children’s development: Theoretical and methodological issues. American Journal of Community Psychology, 31, 55-72.
Hill, N.E., Bush, K.R., & Roosa, M. W. (2003). Parenting and family socialization strategies and children’s mental health: low-income Mexican American and Euro-American mothers and children. Child Development, 74, 189-204.
Dinh, K.T., Roosa, M. W., Tein, J., & Lopez, V.A. (2002) The relationship between acculturation and problem behavior syndrome in a Hispanic youth sample: A mediation model. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 30, 295-309.
Ruiz, S.Y, Roosa, M. W., & Gonzales, N.A. (2002). Predictors of self-esteem for Mexican-American and Anglo youth: A re-examination of the influence of parenting. Journal of Family Psychology, 16, 70-80.
Barrera, Jr., M., Prelow, H. M., Dumka, L. E., Gonzales, N. A., Knight, G. K., Michaels, M. L., Roosa, M. W., & Tein, J-Y. (2002). Pathways from family economic conditions to adolescents' distress: Supportive parenting, stressors outside the family, and deviant peers. Journal of Community Psychology, 30, 135-152..
Roosa, M. W., Dumka, L., Gonzales, N., Knight, G.P. (2002). Cultural/Ethnic issues and the prevention scientist in the 21st century. [Invited article]. Prevention and Treatment, 5. Article 5. Retrieved January 23, 2002 at
Gonzales, N.A., Pitts, S.C., Hill, N.E., & Roosa, M. W. (2000). A mediational model of the impact of interparental conflict on child adjustment in a multiethnic, low-income sample. Journal of Family Psychology, 14, 365-379.
Roosa, M. W. (2000). Some thoughts about resilience versus positive development, main effects versus interactions, and the value of resilience. (Invited commentary on Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, “The construct of resilience: A critical evaluation and guidelines for future work.”) Child Development, 71, 567-569.
Roosa, M. W., & Gonzales, N.A. (2000). Minority issues in prevention: Introduction to special issue. American Journal of Community Psychology, 28, 145-148.
Prelow, H.M., Tein, J., Roosa, M. W. & Wood, J. (2000) Do coping styles differ across sociocultural groups? The role of measurement equivalence in making this judgment. American Journal of Community Psychology, 28, 225-244.
Roosa, M. W., Reinholtz, C. & Angelini, P.J. (1999). The relation of child sexual abuse and depression in young women: Comparisons across four ethnic groups. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 27, 65-76..
Roosa, M. W., Reyes, L., Reinholtz, C., & Angelini, P.J. (1998). Measurement issues in childhood sexual abuse: Implications for research and practice. Journal of Sex Research, 35, 225-233.
Dumka, L., Garza, C., Roosa, M. W., & Stoerzinger, H. (1997). Recruiting and retaining high risk populations into preventive interventions. Journal of Primary Prevention, 18, 25-39.
Dumka, L.E., Roosa, M. W., & Jackson, K. M. (1997). Risk, conflict, mothers’ parenting, and children’s adjustment in low-income, Mexican immigrant, and Mexican American families. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 59, 309-323.
Roosa, M. W., Tein, J., Reinholtz, C., & Angelini, P.J. (1997). Relationship of childhood sexual abuse to teenage pregnancy. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 59, 119-130.
Abstracted in Family Planning Perspectives, 29, 195-197, 1997, under the title: Early sexual activity, but not childhood sexual abuse, increases the odds of teenage pregnancy.
Roosa, M. W., Dumka, L., & Tein, J. (1996). Family characteristics as mediators of the parent problem drinking child mental health relationship. American Journal of Community Psychology 24, 607-624.
Ayers, T.A., Sandler, I.N., West, S.G., & Roosa, M. W. (1996). A dispositional and situational assessment of children’s coping:Testing alternative models of coping. Journal of Personality, 64, 923-958.
Short, J.L., Sandler, I.N., & Roosa, M. W. (1996). Adolescents perceptions of social support: The role of esteem enhancing and esteem threatening relationships. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 15, 397-416.
Dumka, L.E., Stoerzinger, H.D., Jackson, K.M., & Roosa, M. W. (1996). Examination of the cross-cultural and cross-language equivalence of the parenting self-agency measure. Family Relations, 45, 216-222.
Short, J.L., Roosa, M.W., Sandler, I.N., Gensheimer, L.K., Ayers, T.S., Shell, R., Braver, S., & Tein, J. (1995). Evaluation of a second generation preventive intervention for children of alcoholics. American Journal of Community Psychology, 23, 223-247.
Dumka, L. & Roosa, M. W. (1995). The role of stress and family relationships in mediating problem drinking and fathers personal adjustment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56, 528-537.
Dumka, L.E., Roosa, M. W., Michaels, M.L., and Suh, K. (1995). Using theory and research in the development of interventions for high risk families. Family Relations, 44, 78-86.
Knight, G.P., Virden, L.M., Ocampo, K.A., & Roosa, M. W. (1994). An assessment of the cross-ethnic equivalence of measures of negative life events and mental health among Hispanic and Anglo American children. American Journal of Community Psychology, 22, 767-783.
Tein, J., Roosa, M. W. & Michaels, M. (1994). Agreement between parent and child reports on parental behaviors. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 56, 341-355.
Reprinted in D. H. Demo & A.M. Lambert (Eds.) (1995), Parents and adolescents in changing families.(pp. 77-89). Minneapolis: National Counicl on Family Relations.
Spaccarelli, S., Sandler, I.N., & Roosa, M. W. (1994). History of spouse violence against mother as mental health risk for children. Journal of Family Violence, 9, 79-98.
Knight, G.P., Virden, L. & Roosa, M. W. (1994). Socialization and family correlates of mental health outcomes among Hispanic and Anglo American children: Consideration of cross-ethnic scalar equivalence. Child Development, 65, 212-224.
Dumka, L. & Roosa, M. W. (1993). Factors mediating problem drinking and mothers marital and individual adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 7, 333-343.
Gensheimer, L., Ayers, T.S., & Roosa, M. W. (1993). School-based preventive interventions for at-risk populations: Practical and ethical issues. Evaluation and Program Planning, 16, 159-167.
Christopher, F.S., Johnson, D.C., & Roosa, M. W. (1993). Family, individual, and social correlates of early Hispanic adolescent sexual expression. Journal of Sex Research, 30, 45-52.
Roosa, M. W., Tein, J., Michaels, M., Groppenbacher, N., & Dumka, L. (1993). Mothers' parenting behavior and child mental health in families with a problem drinking parent. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55, 107-118.
Roosa, M. W., Michaels, M., Groppenbacher, N, & Gersten, J. (1993). The validity of children's self-reports of family drinking problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 54, 71-79.
Knight, G., Shell, R., Tein, J., & Roosa, M. W. (1992). Cross-ethnic equivalence of parenting and family interaction measures among Hispanic and Anglo American families. Child Development, 63, 1392-1403.
Michaels, M., Roosa, M.W & Gensheimer, L.K. (1992). Family characteristics of children who self-select into a prevention program for children of alcoholics. American Journal of Community Psychology, 20, 663-672.
Shell, R., Groppenbacher, N., Roosa, M. W., & Gensheimer, L.K. (1992). Interpreting children's concern about parental drinking: Indicator of risk status? American Journal of Community Psychology, 20, 463-489. (Note: Equal contributions by the first two authors.)
Lengua, L., Roosa, M. W., Shupak, E., Michaels, M., Berg, C. & Ayers, T. (1992). The role of focus groups in the development of community based parenting intervention programs. Family Relations, 41, 163-168.
Roosa, M. W. (1991). Adolescent pregnancy programs collection: An introduction. Family Relations, 40, 370-372.
Reese, F. & Roosa, M. W. (1991). Early adolescents' self-reports of major life stressors and mental health risk status. Journal of Early Adolescence, 11, 363-378.
Roosa, M. W., Beals, J., Sandler, I.N., & Pillow, D.R. (1990). The role of risk and protective factors in predicting symptomatology in adolescent children of alcoholics. American Journal of Community Psychology, 18, 725-741.
Gensheimer, L.K., Roosa, M. W., Short, J.L., Ayers, T.E., Shell, R., & Reese, F. (1990). Children's self-selection into a prevention program for children of alcoholics: Evaluation of an innovative recruitment strategy. American Journal of Community Psychology, 18, 707-723.
Roosa, M. W. & Christopher, F.S. (1990). Evaluation of an abstinence-only pregnancy prevention program: A replication. Family Relations, 39, 363-367. (Equal contributions by each author.)
COMMENTARY: Roosa, M. W. & Christopher, F.S. (1992). Response to McBride and Thiel: Scientific criticism or obscurantism? Family Relations, 41, 468-469.
Roosa, M. W., Gensheimer, L.K., Ayers, T., & Short, J.L. (1990). Development of a preventive intervention for children in alcoholic families. Journal of Primary Prevention, 11, 119-141.
Roosa, M. W. & Beals, J. (1990). Measurement issues in family studies: The case of the Family Environment Scale. Family Process, 29, 191-198.
COMMENTARY: Roosa, M. W., & Beals, J. (1990). A final comment on `Measurement issues in family studies: The case of the Family Environment Scale'. Family Process, 29, 209-211.
Christopher, F.S. & Roosa, M. W. (1990). An evaluation of an adolescent pregnancy prevention program: Is "Just say no" enough? Family Relations, 39, 68-72. (Equal contributions by each author.)
Reprinted (1991) in Annual Editions: Marriage and Family. Guilford, Conn: Dushkin.
Reprinted (1991) in Annual Editions: Human Sexuality. Guilford, Conn: Dushkin.
Roosa, M. W., Gensheimer, L., Short, J., Ayers, T.S. & Shell, R. (1989). A preventive intervention for children in alcoholic families: Results of a pilot study. Family Relations, 38, 295-300.
Roosa, M. W. (1988). The effect of age on the transition to parenthood: Are delayed childbearers a distinct group? Family Relations, 37, 322327.
Reprinted (1989) in O. Poes (Ed.), Marriage and Family 89/90. Guilford, Conn: Dushkin.
Filsinger, E.E. & Roosa, M. W. (1988). Speculation vs. substantiated explanation: Family science research from 196O198O. Family Science, 1, 4147.
Roosa, M. W., Sandler, I. Gehring, M. Beals, J. & Cappo, L. (1988). The children of alcoholics life events schedule: A stress measure for children of alcoholics. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 49, 422429.
Reprinted (1990) in M.C. McClellan (Ed.). Teenage Alcohol Abuse. Bloomington, Ill: Center on Evaluation, Development, Research.
Roosa, M. W., Sandler, I., Beals, J., & Short, J. (1988). Risk status of adolescent children of alcoholics. American Journal of Community Psychology, 16, 225239.
Roosa, M. W. (1986). Adolescent mothers, school dropouts and schoolbased interventions. Family Relations, 35, 313317.
Roosa, M. W. (1984). Maternal age, social class and the obstetric performance of teenagers. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 13, 365374.
Roosa, M. W. & Vaughan, L.A. (1984). A comparison of teenage and older mothers with preschool children. Family Relations, 33, 259265.
Vaughan, L.A., Roosa, M. W. & Campbell, K. (1984). Feeding practices of teenage and older mothers. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 36, 344O.
Roosa, M. W., & Vaughan, L.A. (1983). Opinion versus fact in social issues: The case of teenage pregnancy and parenting. Journal of Home Economics, 75, 71O.
Roosa, M. W. (1983). A comparative study of pregnant teenagers' parenting attitudes and knowledge of sexuality and child development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 12, 213223.
Reprinted (1987) in D.B. Strother (Ed). Teenage Pregnancy. New York: Plenum.
Reprinted (1987) in M.C. McClellan (Ed.). Teenage Pregnancy. Bloomington, Ill: Center of Evaluation, Development, Research.
Roosa, M. W., & Vaughan, L.A. (1983). A comparison of teen mothers who had enrolled in an alternative parenting program and their peers. Urban Education, 18, 34836O.
Gladhart, P.M., & Roosa, M. W. (1982). Family lifestyle and energy consumption: An energy adaptation model. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 6, 2O5222.
Reprinted (1987) in P.M. Gladhart, B.M. Morrison, J.J. Zuiches (Ed). Energy and Families: An analysis of lifestyles and energy consumption. East Lansing, MI: MichiganStateUniversity Press.
Roosa, M. W., Fitzgerald, H.E., & Carlson, N.A. (1982). A comparison of teenage and older mothers: A systems analysis. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 44, 367377.
Roosa, M. W., Fitzgerald, H.E., & Carlson, N.A. (1982). Teenage parenting and child development: A literature review. Journal of Infant Mental Health, 3, 418.
Roosa, M. W., Fitzgerald, H.E., & Carlson, N.A. (1981). What do we know about teenagers as parents? Journal of Home Economics, Winter, 384O.
Rolfe, D.J. & Roosa, M. W. (1979). Courtordered evaluation of young teenage applicants for marriage licenses: Followup of a pilot study. Conciliation Courts Review, 17, 2529.
Gonzales, N. A., Roosa, M.W., White, R. M. B., Knight, G. P., & Zeiders, K. Longitudinal relations between neighborhood disadvantage and adjustment in Mexican American adolescents; the protective effect of familism. In review.
Roosa, M. W., Burrell, G. L., Nair, R., L., Coxe, S., Tein, J., & Knight, G. P. Neighborhood disadvantage, life events, and the mental healthof Mexican American adolescents.
Nair, R. L., White, R. M. B., Knight, G. P., Roosa, M. W., & Saenz, D. Cross-language measurement equivalence of parenting measures for use with Mexican American populations.
Proescholdbell, R. J., Roosa, M. W., & Nemeroff, C. J. Designing psychological sense of community interventions.
Knight, G. P., Gonzales, N. A., Saenz, D. S., German, M., Deardorff, J., Roosa, M. W., & Updegraff, K. A. The Mexican American cultural values scale for adolescents and adults.
Zeiders, K. H. & Roosa, M. W. Single-Parent Mexican American Families and the Role of Familism
Berkel, C., Knight, G. P., Zeiders, K. H., Tein, J., Roosa, M. W., Gonzales, N. A., Saenz, D. S. Discrimination and adjustment of Mexican American adolescents: A prospective examination of the benefits of culturally-related values.
Nair, R.,Roosa, M. W., Burrell, G., Knight, G. P. Cultural values and the marital adjustment of Mexican Americans.
Nair, R. L., Roosa, M.W., White, R. M. B., Gonzales, N., Knight, G. P., & Saenz, D. Mexican American fathers’ traditional gender roles and child outcomes.
Nair, R., Gonzales, N.A., Knight, G. P., Deardorff, J., & Roosa, M. W. Traditional cultural values, family processes, and child mental health: A test of a moderated-mediational model with Mexican immigrant families
White, R. M. B., Saenz, D. Roosa, M. W., Gonzales, N., Knight, G. P., Nair, R. L. Variations of risk and resilience for mental illness among Mexican American youth.
Teaching/Mentoring (continued)
Roosa, M. W. (PI), Gonzales, N., Knight, G., & Saenz, D . “Culture, context, and Mexican American mental health”. National Institute on Mental Health.(1 R01 MH68920-01) 7/2003 – 4/2008. $2,402,000 in direct costs
Sandler, Braver, Wolchik, Roosa (Co-PI), Gonzales, Millsap, Tein, & Chassin. "Center for Prevention of Child and Family Stress". National Institute of Mental Health, 2/1/00-1/31/2003, about $800,000 annually in direct costs, approximately $1.25 million per year in direct and indirect costs; about $3.8 million total, 3 years.
Sandler, Roosa (Co-PI), Wolchik, West, Braver & Chassin. "Center for Prevention of Child and Family Stress". National Institute of Mental Health, 2/1/95-1/31/2000, $5.9 million ($3.9 million in direct costs).
Landers, et al. (Co-PI). A biopsychosocial approach to enhancing health among inner-city children.
ArizonaStateUniversity, Office of the Provost Multidisciplinary Initiatives Program, 1/95 to 12/96, $150,000.
Roosa, M. W. "Relationship of childhood victimization to teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases". Arizona Disease Control Research Commission, 7/93 to 6/95, $128,126.
Sandler, Wolchik, West, Roosa (Co-PI) & Braver. "Center for Prevention of Child and Family Stress". National Institute of Mental Health, 2/1/90-1/30/94, $5.3 million ($3.5 million in direct costs).
Sandler, Wolchik, West, Roosa (Co-PI) & Braver. "Center for Prevention of Child and Family Stress". National Institute of Mental Health, 7/1/89- 1/30/89, $130,000.
Roosa (Co-PI) & Christopher. Evaluation of Success Express: Planning for Life. Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs (through the MaricopaCountyYWCA), NIH, 9/87-89, $10,000./
Sandler, Wolchik, West & Roosa (Investigator). "Center for Prevention of Child and Family Stress". National Institute of Mental Health, 7/1/84- 6/30/89, $1.1 million.
Zeiders, K., Roosa, M. W., White, R. M. B., Nair, R., L., Gonzales, N., Knight, G. P., & Saenz, D. (2008, March). Overweight Status and Depression: Associations among Mexican American Adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, Illinois.
Nair, R. L., Roosa, M. W., White, R. M. B., Zeiders, K., Burrell, G., Knight, G. P., Gonzales, N., & Saenz, D. (2008, March). Profiles of Risk among Mexican American Adolescents: Relations with Mental Health and Academic Outcomes. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, Illinois.
White, R. M. B., Roosa, M. W., Gonzales, N., Knight, G. P., Saenz, D., Nair, R. L., Zeiders, K., & Burrell, G. (2008, March). Neighborhood Contexts and Mexican American Adolescent Internalizing Disorders. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, Illinois.
White, R. M. B., Roosa, M. W., Nair, R. Zeiders, K., Burrell, G., Gonzales, N., Knight, G. P., & Saenz, D. (2007, November). Variations of risk and resilience for depression among Mexican-origin parents. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.