District Advisory Council – DAC
November 7, 2016
3:30 pm
Call to Order: Kim Reed called meeting to order at 3:38 pm. Mrs. Reed introduced herself and her position at the district as Data & Curriculum Coordinator and explained the purpose of serving on DAC council. All members of the council then introduced themselves and the school sites they are representing.
Election of Officers: Per DAC By-laws an election of officers must take place at the first DAC meeting annually. Offices include Chair (must be a parent), Vice Chair (parent recommended) and Secretary (parent or staff). Officers will be as follows: Christy Smith, LMS parent will serve as Chair; Kelly Parson, TDS parent will serve as Vice Chair; Teri Cook, district staff will serve as Secretary. Officers take affect immediately upon approval.
Minutes: Chair Christy Smith presented minutes from the June 8, 2016 DAC/DELAC meeting. In previous years the two councils were held as one meeting. The June 8 minutes reflect this combination of discussions. The district has determined these should be two separate committees and will move forward as such beginning with this meeting. Nina Drammissi, Principal Lindo Park motioned to approved the minutes as presented; Patricia Fernandez, Asst Principal Lakeside Middle School 2nd them, motion passed.
Agenda Items Discussed:
- Kim Reed conducted School Site Council training. The representatives on the District Advisory Council must all be parents from their school Site Council. Training included recommendations for reviewing site by-laws; many are old and may need updated. All documentation presented at an SSC meeting must be maintained for three (3) years at the site level. For voting purposes if the parent representative is also a staff member they must be considered STAFF during a vote.
- Additionally, discussed the main purpose of the SSC is to oversee and consult how schools spend their Title I and categorical money. SSC members should also have input to their school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for funding and programs to be offered at school site.
- Kim presented sample SSC agendas to be used at sites. Also shared a quick facts “cheat sheet” for Robert’s Rules of Order to maintain meetings are run correctly.
- Shared SBAC results from last year with parents. Students across the district saw improvement in English Language Arts, with slight drop for 7th grade. Similar results for all students in Math.
New Business: Will bring more in-depth information for SBAC results to the January 23, 2017 meeting to share. Nina also suggested sharing the assessment results being done at the elementary level so parents can see how students are achieving at the end of the first grading trimester.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 4:12 pm