School of Rock Application Form

School of Rock 2017 will be held July 10-27 (subject to change) on the JOIDES Resolution, during a transit of the ship from Subic Bay, Philippines to Townsville, Australia.

The Australian IODP Office has positions for one educator and one early career researcher or post graduate student

Applicant Information

First Name /
Last Name (Surname) /
Title (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr., etc.) /
Gender (information needed for planning hotel/ship accommodation) / / Female
/ Male
Do you currently have a valid passport? / / Yes
/ No
Are you applying from a country that is not the U.S.? /

Residential Address

Address Line 1 /
Address Line 2 /
City /
Post Code /
Address /
Email /
Telephone (Home) /
Telephone (Mobile) /
Contact me at this location / / Yes
/ No

Work Address

Institution Name /
Department Name /
Address Line 1 /
Address Line 2 /
City /
Post Code /
Work Email /
Telephone (Work) /
Telephone (Mobile) /
Contact me at this location / / Yes
/ No

Type of Employer/Employment

/ College/University: Graduate student
/ College/University: Postdoc
/ College/University: Assistant Professor
/ High School teacher
/ Other (please specify below)

If you indicated "Other" as type of employer, please specify here:

Questions - Part 1

This year’s School of Rock is aimed at providing a unique hybrid workshop for pairs of secondary-level educators and early career scientists from communities traditionally underrepresented in the geosciences.ANZIC will select one participant for each role and connect the two participants prior to the event.
Levels you teach:
Courses taught: /
Years of teaching experience: /
Please list laboratory and field science courses, workshops, and/or trainings you have completed: /

Questions - Part 2

How will increased knowledge of IODP and the capabilities of the JR enhance your professional capabilities? /
How would you describe your communication and interpersonal skills? /
Please describe your interest in and experience in mentorship and leadership activities. /
Please describe ways in which you would represent a community underrepresented in the geosciences. /
How did you learn about this program? /

If accepted to the 2017 School of Rock, you will be expected to:

Arrive on schedule and stay for the duration of the School of Rock Workshop (i.e. you will not be able to get off the ship once it sails). Participate in all aspects of the program, including pre- and post-workshop webinars. Create a realistic plan for your partnership activities going forward. Share your experience with colleagues. Participate actively in post-workshop evaluation.By signing, you acknowledge your commitment to these responsibilities and certify that the information provided in this form is complete and accurate.Please sign below, using your mouse.

Date of signature

____/__/__ (YYYY/MM/DD)

You have now completed the Application Form for the School of Rock.Click "Back" to modify a previous page in this form; "Save & Continue" to save then further modify this page; or "Save & Exit" to save this form, return to the Task List, and continue with your application.