Procedures for PhD Vivas
School of Medicine
January 2007
For students undertaking postgraduate study at TCD leading to a PhD, it is normal practice to undergo a viva voce exam. A review of the PhD viva procedures that are in place in different departments within the School of Medicine has been undertaken by the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning. Following this review, which highlighted varied approaches within different departments, and following changes in the PhD viva process at College level, it has been decided to establish formal structures which will be effected across the School of Medicine for those students undertaking postgraduate study that is intended to lead to a PhD.
Objective: To standardise PhD Vivas across the School of Medicine.
It is proposed to adapt the following format for PhD viva voces across the School of Medicine. All viva voces will be examined through a PhD Viva Committee structure.
PhD Viva Committee
Chairperson: Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning or his nominee
External Examiner
Internal Examiner
Note: the Chairperson is present to ensure that the viva voce takes place in accordance with the regulations of the University. He /she is not involved in the scientific assessment process.
The Candidate will give a presentation (40 mins duration) which will be open to any interested parties within or outside of the School of Medicine. The internal and external examiners will also attend this presentation but it is envisaged that most of their questioning of the candidate will occur in the viva voce. The presentation provides the opportunity for members of the school to hear a presentation of the work that was generated in the thesis, allowing it to be disseminated to as wide an audience as possible. Given that presentation skills are one of the areas that are part of the PhD training process, it also provides a platform for the student to perform to their best ability.
Viva Voce:
Following the Presentation, the viva voce will take place – this will be chaired by the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning or his/her designate. The role of the Chairperson is not to examine the thesis but to ensure that all procedures take place in an appropriate fashion. The External and Internal Examiner will evaluate the scientific merit of the thesis. General procedures for the thesis will be as indicated in the College Calendar (Part 2, P31 section 2.14).
Prof Mark Lawler
Director of Postgraduate Teaching and LearningSchool of Medicine
January 2007