AP/HRM 2600 3.0 Q (Winter 2013)

Instructor: Linda Love



This course examines a number of issues in Canadian human resources management including human resources planning, recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, industrial relations, and training and development.


Belcourt, M., Bohlander, G., & Snell, S. (2011). Managing Human Resources (6th edition). Toronto: ITP Nelson

Course Learning Objectives:

The primary objective of this course is to acquaint students with the basic principles and concepts of human resources (HR) management. In so doing, students will gain an appreciation for the opportunities and challenges facing HR managers in contemporary organizations.

Another objective is to develop the skills and abilities to implement these principles and concepts.

An awareness of the basic principles is complemented by the ability to recognize organizational problems and to subsequently prescribe and implement corrective actions.

These objectives will be accomplished through lectures, class discussions, relevant projects, discussion on current events and group interaction during class.


Date / Topic / Chapter
Jan. 9, 2013 / Introduction to the course: Discussion of course outline and course evaluation
The World of Human Resources Management / Chapter 1
Jan. 16, 2013 / Strategy and Human Resources Planning
Equity and Diversity in Human Resources Management / Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Jan. 23, 2013 / Equity and Diversity (Con’t)
Job Analysis, Employee Involvement, Flexible Work Schedules / Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Jan. 30, 2013 / Expanding the Talent Pool: Recruitment and Careers
Employee Selection / Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Feb. 6, 2013 / Training and Development
Appraising and Improving Performance / Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Feb. 13, 2013 / Mid-term Exam (Chapters 1 – 8)
Feb. 20, 2013 / Reading Week – No Class
Feb. 27, 2013 / Managing Compensation / Chapter 9
Mar. 6, 2013 / Pay-For-Performance: Incentive Rewards / Chapter 10
Mar. 13, 2013 / Employee Benefits
Safety and Health / Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Mar. 20, 2013 / Employee Rights and Discipline
The Dynamics of Labour Relations / Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Mar. 27, 2013 / International Human Resources Management / Chapter 15
Apr. 3, 2013 / Creating High-Performance Work Systems/Final Exam Review / Chapter 16

Class schedule may be changed at the discretion of the Instructor.


Mid-Term Exam:45%

Final Exam:55%

All final grades will be reviewed by the School of Human Resources Management. The School reserves the rights to modify them in order to maintain high standards.

Mid-Term Exam: 45%

A mid-term examination will be held during the sixth week of the course in class. It is imperative that you attend the mid-term since there will be no other alternative dates to write a make-up exam. The mid-term exam is a closed-book exam covering materials covered in class – chapters 1 - 8. The format will most likely be a combination of multiple choice and essay/short answer questions. You will be advised of the format prior to the mid-term date.

Final Examination: 55%

The exam will be held during the formal examination period for the semester, in a room and location to be announced closer to the exam date. More details will follow as the semester progresses. There will be no other alternative date to write the final exam. The final exam will most likely be a combination of multiple choice and essay/short answer questions. The instructor will provide more details of the format.

In accordance with the University Policy, medical documentation (Attending Physician Statement) will be required when an examination is missed, in order to defer the final exam. A Deferred Standing Agreement must be submitted to the School of Human Resources Management within one week of the missed exam. The dates are set by the School. Students who miss the final may petition to write a deferred exam. Deferred exams are written during the final exam period of the next semester. No make-up dates will be offered during this term. If a student does not write the final exam, and is not able to provide medical documentation, s/he will need to petition for a deferral to the faculty council.

Additional Information/Notes:

School of Human Resources Management policy on Deferred Exams:

  • The deferred exam will be a closed book, cumulative and will include all subjects/topics of the textbook.
  • Deferred exams are not necessarily in the same format as the exam written by your section of the course.
  • The format for the deferred exam is not released in advance.
  • Access to the course website will not be given. Please save your lecture notes/presentation slides.