Brandon M. Crowe

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Arizona State University

School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies

Arizona State University

P.O. Box 873104

Tempe, AZ, 85287-3104

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Veritas Preparatory Academy

3102 N. 56th Street, Suite 100

Phoenix, AZ, 85018

(602) 263-1128

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Ph. D., Religious Studies, with emphasis in Religions in the Americas, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, expected May 2015

Dissertation Topic: “Biblical Conservatism to Theological Liberalism: the Irony of Biblicism in the Evangelical Theological Society”

Committee Members: Linell Cady, Owen Anderson, Moses Moore

M.A., Religious Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 2008

B.A. with Honors in Religious Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 2005, Summa Cum Laude

Honor’s Thesis: “Bart D.Ehrman, Epistemological Skepticism, and the Consideration of an Alternative Presupposition” Committee Members: Owen Anderson, Advisor; Karen Bruhn, Internal Reader; Surrendra Gangadean, External Reader

Psychology Minor

Work Experience – Post-Secondary Institutions

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 2008-Present

Faculty Associate

New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, 2010-Present

School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies, 2008-Present

School of Letters and Sciences, 2011-Present

REL 100: Religions of the World

REL 320: American Religious Traditions

REL 321: Religion in America

REL 381: Religion and Moral Issues

PHI 306: Applied Ethics

PHI 406/IAS 406: Moral Dilemmas

MAS 598: Topic: Moral Dilemmas

Teaching Associate, Department of Religious Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 2009

Work Experience – Secondary Institutions

Anthem Preparatory Academy, Phoenix, AZ, 2012-Present

Board of Directors – Member

Veritas Preparatory Academy, Phoenix, AZ, 2007-Present

Assistant Headmaster, 2012-Present

Faculty, Department of Humanities, 2007-Present

Humane Letters 11 – Ancient Greece

Humane Letters 10 – Rise of Modern Europe

Interim Headmaster, November 2011-February 2012

Dean of Students, 2010-2012

Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory, Phoenix, AZ, 2005-2007

Faculty, Division of History,

United States History

World History

Teaching Interests

World Religions

American Religious History

American Religious Traditions

Religion and Ethics/Morality

Introduction to Christianity

American Evangelicalism

Western Classics (Literature and Philosophy)



“Church Bombings”. Encyclopedia of Religion and Violence. General Editor: Jeffrey Ian Ross. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2010.

“Joan of Arc”. Encyclopedia of Religion and Violence. General Editor: Jeffrey Ian Ross. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2010.

“Martin Luther King, Jr.”. Encyclopedia of Religion and Violence. General Editor: Jeffrey Ian Ross. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2010.

Book Reviews:

“J.I. Packer and the Evangelical Future: The Impact of his Life and Thought”. Reviews in Religion and Theology, (forthcoming)

“Presbyterians in Ireland Today: Identity in the Twenty-First Century”. Reviews in Religion and Theology, 2010.

“Religious Liberty in America: The First Amendment in Historical and Contemporary Perspective”. Reviews in Religion and Theology, 2010.

“Religion in America: A Very Short Introduction”. Reviews in Religion and Theology, 2010.

Work in Progress

“Contesting Credulity: The Ethics of Belief as Common Ground for ‘Secularism’ and Conservative Christian Apologetics”

“Ascertaining Assurance: Solidifying an Epistemology of Salvation in the Context of Challenge and Response in the First Great Awakening”

“Concerned Conservatism: The Shifting Relationship of Conservative American Protestantism and the Social Gospel, to 1940”

“Contesting the Canon: Bart D.Ehrman, Epistemological Skepticism, and the Consideration of an Alternative Presupposition”

Conference Presentations

“Explaining Religion: Doctrine and Emotion in the Context of Challenge and Response in the First Great Awakening”. American Society of Church History. Montreal, Quebec, April 2009.

“Modern Mission in America: Dinesh D’Souza and the Conservative Apologetic”. American Academy of Religion. Western Regional Meeting. Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California, March 2009.

“American Evangelicalism, the Ethics of Belief, and the Challenge of Fideism.” American Academy of Religion. Western Regional Meeting. Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, March 2007.

Research Experience

Research Assistant for Eugene Clay, Associate Professor, Arizona State University, 2009

Conducted Transliteration of 19th Century Russian Census Data into English for further research on Religion in Russia; Conducted Preliminary Search for Scholars of Buddhism and Southeast Asia; Read and Edited Academic Papers;

Research Aide for Owen Anderson, Assistant Professor, Arizona State University – West, 2006

Assisted in the Editing and Research for work in Philosophical Approaches to American Religion

Research Fellow in Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Arizona State University, 2004-05

M. Sani Umar, Professor

Assisting in the compilation of demographic data of Sub-Saharan African nations; compiling files from internet databases discussing the topic of Islamic-Christian conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Research Assistant in Social Psychology, Arizona State University, 2003-04

Darwyn Linder, Professor

Running experimental tests with undergraduate students testing for degrees of situational contributions to collective good; Analyzing data from experiments; Assisting in presenting findings to Principle Investigators.

Research Interests

American Religious History/Historiography

American Evangelicalism

Christianity and Education in America

Christian Sabbatarianism


Section Chair, Ethics. American Academy of Religion – Western Region, 2010-Present.

Arizona State University, March 2010

Whittier College, March 2011

Santa Clara University, March 2012

Arizona State University, March 2013

Seminar and Session Leader, Great Hearts Academies Summit and Orientations, Phoenix, AZ, 2010-Present

Panel Chair for God, Gods, and the Afterlife in Byzantium and Rus’. “What’s in a Name? The Name of God and Eschatology in Philosophy, History, and Art” Conference. Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizona, April 2009.

“Author’s Presence in Reading Literature” article for Humanitas Newsletter. Veritas Preparatory Academy, Spring 2008.

Thesis Advisor. Veritas Preparatory Academy, 2007-Present

Lengthy list (more than 10), available upon request

Thesis Reader. Veritas Preparatory Academy, 2007-Present

Lengthy list (more than 30), available upon request

Honors and Awards

Great Hearts Academies Leadership Fellowship – 2012-2013

“Outstanding Major”. Religious Studies Department, Arizona State University. 2005

Undergraduate Research Fellow. Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict, Arizona State University. 2004

Provost’s Scholarship. Arizona State University. 2002-2005

Professional Development

Preparing Future Faculty Program – Exploratory Phase. Arizona State University. 2008-09

Humanities Writer’s Studio – Religious Studies. Arizona State University. 2009

Professional Memberships

American Society of Church History

American Academy of Religion

Language Proficiency

Classical Latin (basic translation)

Spanish (basic translation)

Professional References

Please feel free to contact any of my references.

Dr. Owen Anderson, Assistant Professor of Integrative Studies

Arizona State University – West Campus

P.O. Box 37100

Phoenix, AZ, 85069-7100

(602) 543-4444

Dr. Joel Gereboff, Professor of Religious Studies – Department Chair

Arizona State University – Tempe Campus

P.O. Box 873104

Tempe, AZ, 85287-3104

(480) 965-7738

Dr. Moses Moore, Professor of Religious Studies

Arizona State University – Tempe Campus

P.O. Box 873104

Tempe, AZ, 85287-3104

Mr. Andrew Ellison, Headmaster

Veritas Preparatory Academy

3102 N. 56th Street, Suite 100

Phoenix, AZ, 85018

(602) 263-1128

Ms. Maidi Terry, Provost

Veritas Preparatory Academy

3102 N. 56th Street, Suite 100

Phoenix, AZ, 85018

(602) 263-1128

Dr. Linell Cady, Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies

Arizona State University – Tempe Campus

West Hall 131

Dr. Daniel Ramírez, Assistant Professor of History

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Dr. Tisa Wenger, Assistant Professor of American Religion

Yale Divinity School

Updated: 11/17/12

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