Guidance for Licence Applicants

Riding Establishment Acts 1964 and 1970

You will need a Riding Establishment licence if you carry on a business of keeping horses to let out on hire or for being used in riding instruction for payment.

“Horse” includes any mare, gelding, pony, foal, colt, filly or stallion and also any ass, mule or jennet.

Licenses are renewable annually for a fee (see below).

All licences granted by the Council will be subject to certain conditions. It is therefore important that you read the following conditions before you apply and are satisfied that you will be able to comply with them.

  1. The carrying out of the business of a Riding Establishment on the premises shall, at no time, be left in the charge of any person under 16 years of age.
  1. No horse will be let out for hire or used for providing instruction in riding without supervision by a responsible person aged 16 years or over, unless (in the case of a horse let out for hire for riding) the holder of the licence is satisfied that the hirer of the horse is competent to ride without supervision.
  1. The licence holder shall hold a current insurance policy which covers, a) liability for any injury sustained by those who hire a horse from him/her for riding, and those who use a horse in the course of receiving from him/her, in return for payment, instruction in riding, b) liability arising out of such hire or use of a horse as aforesaid, and c) liability which may be incurred by such hirers or users in respect of injury to any person caused by, or arising out of, such hire or use. (£2 million minimum)
  1. A register shall be kept by the licence holder of all horses in his/her possession aged three years and under and usually kept on the premises. This register shall be kept available for inspection by an authorised officer at all reasonable times.
  1. Any horse found on inspection of the premises by an authorised officer to be in need of veterinary attention shall not be returned to work until the holder of the licence has obtained, at his/her own expense, and has lodged with the Council, a veterinary certificate confirming that the horse is fit for work.
  1. The feet of all horses must be properly trimmed and, if shod, their shoes must be properly fitted and in good condition.
  1. There must be available at all times accommodation for horses suitable as respects construction, size, number of occupants, lighting, ventilation, drainage and cleanliness and these requirements will be complied with not only in the case of new buildings but also in the case of buildings converted for use as stabling.
  1. In the case of horses maintained at grass, there will be available for them at all times during which they are so maintained adequate pasture, shelter and water, and supplementary feeds must be provided as and when required.
  1. All horses must be adequately supplied with suitable food, drink and (except in the case of horses maintained at grass, so long as they are so maintained) bedding material, and will be adequately exercised, groomed and rested and visited at suitable intervals.
  1. All reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent and control the spread among horses of infectious or contagious diseases.
  1. Veterinary first aid equipment and medicines shall be provided and maintained in the premises.
  1. Paramount consideration must be given to the conditions of the horses, which must at all times be maintained in good health and in all respects physically fit. In the case of a horse kept for the purpose of its being let out on hire for riding or a horse kept for the purpose of its being used in providing instruction in riding, the horse must be suitable for the purpose for which it is kept.
  1. No horse in any of the following three categories shall be let out on hire for riding, used for the purpose of providing, in return for payment, instruction in riding or used for the purpose of demonstrating riding:

a)Any horse aged 3 years and under;

b)any mare heavy with foal; and

c)any mare within 3 months after foaling.

  1. Appropriate steps must be taken for the protection and extrication of horses in case of fire and, in particular, the name, address and telephone number of the licence holder or some other responsible person shall be kept displayed in a prominent position on the outside of the premises. Also, instructions as to action to be taken in the event of fire, with particular regard to the extrication of horses, shall be kept displayed in a prominent position on the outside of the premises.
  1. Adequate accommodation must be provided for forage, bedding, stable equipment and saddlery.
  1. A minimum of two competent persons must be present during licensed activities at all times.
  1. A copy of this licence shall be suitably displayed to the public in a prominent position within the Establishment.
  1. The licence holder must notify the licensing authority immediately of any material change in personal circumstances including a change of address or any criminal convictions imposed or conditional offers of a fixed penalty accepted by him or her.
  1. The licence holder must notify the licensing authority immediately of any material change in circumstances relating to the Riding Establishment, e.g. alterations or addition to the premises, changes in management etc.
  1. It shall be the sole responsibility of the licence holder to ensure that any individual working (either paid or voluntarily) for the applicant who is doing regulated work in terms of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 is registered on the PVG Scheme.
  1. Every Authorised Officer of the Council shall be at all times allowed free access to the premises of the licensee for the purposes of ascertaining if the above conditions are properly observed.
  1. The licensing authority may order the revocation of a licence if in its opinion a condition of the licence has been contravened


  1. A licence may be granted to an individual over the age of 18 years or a body corporate.
  2. The refusal of a licence can be appealed to the Sheriff Court
  3. Any condition (except conditions 1-5) may be appealed in the Sheriff Court.


The licence application fee will be payable regardless of whether the application is approved or refused.

The fee is for administration costs, including inspection by an authorised officer of the Council, and the cost of the veterinary inspection will be charged separately once the inspection has been carried out. The account must be settled before issue of the licence.

Fees 2013/2014£175.80 plus vets fees (1st issue)

£144.00 plus vets fees (renewals)

Vets fees will be invoiced to you separately.

Useful information:

Riding Establishment Guidelines -

Horse and rider welfare -

Qualifications/ Training -


FEE PAID £….………………………..







Please read the Guidance for Licence Applicants before completing this application

1. / Full name of applicant
Age (including place and date of birth)
2. / Private address of applicant (or if body corporate, address of registered office and telephone number)
3a / Name of riding establishment
3b. / Address of riding establishment (if different from (2) above
Telephone No:
3c. / Preferred Method of contact (please indicate) / Email:
4. / Is the establishment operative throughout the year? / YES  / NO 
5. / If no, state period when normally operative.
6. / Name of person who will have direct control or management of establishment.
6a. / Place and Date of Birth of named person(s) in section (6)
7. Indicate if the person named at (6) above is the holder of any certificates shown below
(enclose the certificates with this application)
(a) / Assistant Instructors Certificate of British Horse Society / YES  / NO 
(b) / Instructors Certificate of the British Horse Society / YES  / NO 
(c) / Fellowship of the British Horse Society / YES  / NO 
(d) / Fellowship of the Institute of the Horse / YES  / NO 
8 / If the person named at (6) above does not hold any of the certificates listed above, give details of any relevant experience in the management of horses (continue on separate sheet if necessary)
9. / Is a responsible person living on the establishment? / YES  / NO 
If no, what arrangements are there in case of emergency?
10. / Will the carrying on of the business of the establishment be left at any time in charge of a person under 16 years of age / YES  / NO 
11. / Will supervision by a responsible person of 16 years or over be provided at all times while horses from the establishment are used for providing instruction in riding or are let out for hire for riding (except where the hirer is competent to ride without supervision)? / YES  / NO 
12. / Are you, or any person who will have control or management of the establishment, disqualified for the time being from:-
(a) / Keeping a riding establishment? / YES  / NO 
(b) / Keeping a dog? / YES  / NO 
(c) / Keeping a pet shop? / YES  / NO 
(d) / Having the custody of animals? / YES  / NO 
(e) / Keeping a boarding establishment for animals? / YES  / NO 
13. / Are you the holder of a current insurance policy which:- *see note below
(a) / Insures you against liability for any injury sustained by those who hire a horse from you for riding and those who use a horse in the course of receiving from you, in return for payment, instruction in riding? / YES  / NO 
(b) / Insures you against liability arising out of such hire or use of a horse? / YES  / NO 
(c) / Insures such hirers or users in respect of any liability which may be incurred by them in respect of injury to any person caused by or arising from such hire or use? / YES  / NO 
If the answers to any of the questions in 13 (a), (b) or (c) is No, state what steps you are taking to obtain such insurance
If the answer is Yes, please enclose a copy of your insurance certificate.
* the level of public liability insurance is required to be £2 million minimum
14. / (a) / How many horses are kept under the terms of the Act at the present time?
(b) / How many horses is it intended to keep in terms of the acts during the year (see note 3)
15. / What accommodation is available for :-
(a) / Horses (please state number and / Stalls
dimensions in the case of a yard) / Boxes
Covered Yard
(b) / Forage and bedding
(c) / Equipment and saddlery
16. / Is land available for:-
(a) / Grazing
(b) / Instruction or demonstration riding (please give details)
17. / What arrangements are made for watering
18. / What are the arrangements for the protection of horses in the event of a fire?
19. / What is the name and address of your usual veterinary surgeon/practitioner?
20. / Subject to the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, have you ever been convicted of any crime or offence?
If YES, please give details below / YES  / NO 

Criminal Convictions

The Council requires all applicants for most types of licence to disclose any criminal convictions recorded against them.

You need not disclose any convictions which are 'spent' in terms of this Act, but must list below all other convictions against you. You must also give details of any conditional offers of fixed penalties which you have paid (e.g. endorseable speeding tickets).

If you have no such convictions, please write 'NONE'. Your application will not be processed unless this sheet is completed and signed.

If you are unsure of your convictions, a certified copy may be applied for from Police Scotland, Police Station, Loreburn Street, Dumfries (£10 fee applies).


I am/We are* aware of the provisions of the Riding Establishments Acts, 1964 and 1970 and I/We* apply for a *licence/(extension to my/our* provisional licence) to keep a riding establishment commencing (see note 4) the first day of issue / January 20 ……

(* delete whichever is inapplicable)

I enclose:-(a) the licence fee (see note 5)

(b) the certificates referred to in item (7);

(c) the Certificate of Insurance referred to at item (13)

21. Declaration

I/we declare that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief

I/we understand that the information supplied by me/us as provided for on this application form may be stored on a computer system by Dumfries and Galloway Council for the purpose of Licensing and that information may be disclosed to Police Scotland and any other relevant parties for vetting and background enquiries whilst processing this application.

If signing on behalf of a body corporate, please state appointment held. / APPOINTMENT:

Any person who knowingly or recklessly gives any false information or false statement shall be guilty of an offence.

PLEASE NOTE: Debit and Credit card payments can now be taken. If you wish to pay by this method please ring your area office as listed below.

This application should be lodged, together with the appropriate fee, (cheques made payable to Dumfries & Galloway Council) with the Trading Standards Serviceat your nearest office-

Dumfries and Galloway Council
Trading Standards
Municipal Chambers
Buccleuch Street
030 33 33 3000 / Dumfries and Galloway Council
Trading Standards
Ailsa House
Sun Street
01776 705454

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