Assignment Question Paper 2017-2018

M.A (Previous)Public Administration

Answer all Questions

All Questions carry equal marks

Paper I — Administrative Theory

Answer ALL Questions. 20 Marks

1. (a) Define politics - administration dichotomy of Woodrow Wilson.

. (or)

(b) Examine the differences between public administration and private administration.

2. (a) Write an essay on Max Weber's Bureaucracy.


(b) Explain the principles of management as propounded by Henry Fayol.

3. (a) Explain decision-making theory.


(b) Define Herzberg's two factor theory

4. (a) What is comparative public administration? Discuss.

. (or)

(b) Explain the assumptions of theory X and theory Y.

5. (a) Write about new public administration.


(b) Define about discourse theory.

Paper II — Public Personnel Administration

Answer ALL Questions. 20 Marks

1. (a) Examine the scope of .public personnel administration.

. (or)

(b) Discuss the growth of civil services in India?

2. (a) Define the role of civil services in. developing society.

. (or)

(b) Describe the relationship between civil servant and political executive

3. (a) Explain the importance of training.


(b) How does promotion facilitate the public servants for better performance?

4. (a) Examine the functioning ofU.P.S.C.


(b) Write an essay on staff selection commission.

5. (a) Discuss the working of the state public service commission.


(b). What is participative management? Discuss.

Paper III — Indian Administration

Answer ALL Questions. 20 Marks

1. (a) Explain economic context of Indian administration.

. (or)

(b) Examine the role of the president in Indian administration.

2. (a) State the functions of cabinet secretariat


(b) Write an essay on P.M.O.

3. (a) Analyse the role and functions of planning commission ..


(b) Examine Centre- state administrative relations.

4. (a) State the functions of chief secretary in state


(b) Explain the features of 74th constitutional amendment Act.

5. (a) Examine the public participation in administration.


(b). Define the role of public administration in the context of liberalisation.

Paper IV — Financial Administration

Answer ALL Questions. 20 Marks

1. (a) Define the scope of financial administration.


(b) Explain the principles of budget.

2. (a) How budget is approved in India? Discuss..


(b) State the main features of zero – based budget.


3. (a) Discuss the nature and types of Audit.


(b) Examine the powers and functions of comptroller and Auditor general of India.

4. (a) Discuss the functions of finance ministry.


(b) Define the working of Estimates committee.

5. (a) Write an essay on public accounts committee.


(b). Explain the functioning of Reserve Bank of India.


Paper V — Optional (A) – Rural Local Government

Answer ALL Questions. 20 Marks

1. (a) Explain the nature and scope of Local Governments.

. (or)

(b) Discuss 73rdConstitutional Amendment Act.

2. (a) Define Rural Local Government- during British Period.

. (or)

(b) Examine the functioning of Panchayati Raj in Tribal Areas..

3. (a) Write an essay on ZillaParishad.


(b) What· are the Financial Resources to Panchayati Raj Institutions?

4. (a) Discuss the powers and functions of State Finance Commission.


(b) Define how Legislative controls Panchayati Raj Institutions..

5. (a) Write about the changing status of Panchayat Raj Institutions.


(b). Define Leadership in Panchayati Raj.

Paper V — Optional (B) – Urban Local Government

Answer ALL Questions. 20 Marks

1. (a) Discuss the importance of urban local governments.


(b) Examine the urban local governments of U.S.A.


2. (a) Explain the causes of urbanization.


(b) Write an essay on 74th Constitutional Amendment Act.

3. (a) Examine the functioning’s of Bombay municipal corporation.


(b) What is the role of the commissioner?

4. (a) Write about V.U.D.A.


(b) Examine the concept of metropolitan administration.

5. (a) Write an essay on urban housing.


(b). Define the causes of urban pollution.

Paper V —(C) – E-Governance in India

Answer ALL Questions. 20 Marks

1. (a) Explain the concept of E-Governance and discuss the various E-Governance models.


(b) What are the challenges are encountered by E-Governance?

2. (a) Write an essay on theories of E-Governance


(b) Bring out an essay on 'Information Technology Act'.

3 (a) Discuss the organisation and functions of the Ministry of Information and



(b) High light the role of E-Governance in Higher Education in India.

4. (a) Critically analyse the E-Governance projects in Andhra Pradesh.


(b) Write an essay on 'CARD' and what are the merits and demerits of this system?

5. (a) Briefly explain the issues involved in implementation of E-Governance


(b). what are the Administration Reforms required for effective implementation of E-