Title: Youth Network for Peace – Events Co-ordinator

Responsible to: Assistant Director / Project Lead

Links to: P/T youth Workers & 13 partner organisations

Timescale: January – December 2018

Location: College Square North

Project: Youth Network for Peace

Funder: SEUPB Peace 1V

Hours: 15 hours per week

Salary JNC Point 19 (2016) £27,845 (pro rata £11,137)

Description of Project

Youth Network for Peace is a new, regional, cross border, youth led initiative to build a vibrant movement of 10,000 diverse young people (aged 15 – 25 years) across northern Ireland and the border regions of Ireland, as agents of change, The objective is to build, strengthen and consolidate a regional network of 10,000 young people (60:40 NI;ROI) that is cost effective and sustainable; that will leave a lasting legacy of young leaders and activist committed to tackling sectarianism and racism.

Dialogue events:

8 Youth led democracy events for young people, throughout 2018, to explore thematic / inclusion / social issues of concern with their peers and with political and business leaders.

Job Responsibilities

-Liaise with Youth Steering Body to identify topical issues of concern.

-Organise 8 Let’s Talk Dialogue events (cross border and cross community) attended by a minimum of 60 young people at each event.

-Collaborate with partners to recruit 60 young people from across the regions to participate in each event.

-Train & support a youth planning group to lead on each event.

-Make practical arrangements (travel; refreshments; venue etc) within agreed budget.

-Support planning group of young people for each event to facilitate sessions & lead on event.

-Brief all political and business leaders contributing to Dialogue event.

-Liaise with Comms Intern to agree social media traffic and live recordings.(bfore, during and after event)

-Ensure a baseline and evaluation system in place for each event.

-Ensure cross border/ cross community participation in each event.

-Target specific topical issues linked to sectarianism; racism; voice of young people; democracy etc

-Complete a post event report, including “calls for action” from events.

-Sign post & support young people to progress onto new activities.

-Support young people to engage in wider Youth Network for Peace activities.

-Follow all financial, monitoring and administrative duties for tasks, as required by Project lead.

-To reflect the ethos, policies and practice of YouthAction Northern Ireland at all time (adhering to the youth workers charter) and demonstrate integrity, maturity and good judgement at all times.

-Comply with YouthAction NI’s “Protecting Children, young people and young adults – policy & procedures, including good practice guidelines” at all times.

-To become familiar with and adhere to YouthAction’s policies and procedures at all times (see company web).


Salary: JNC Point 19 (2016) £27,845 (pro rata £11,137)

Location:College Square North

Hours:15 hours per week

Holidays:22 days per annum plus appropriate statutory daysandYouthAction Christmas holidays (pro rata)

Hours of Work:These will require you to be available for work not only in the evenings but also, on occasions, on Saturdays and Sundays.

You will arrange your day to day working hours in conjunction with your Line Manager to suit the varying and often changing needs and requirements for the post. (Normal time in lieu arrangements will apply).

Travel:Mileage costs will be paid for travel costs incurred carrying out the duties of the post. (This post requires that you have access to a car or other suitable form of transport as and when necessary to facilitate the requirements of the job in a reasonable and effective manner).