School of Business Administration, Oakland University
Select articles published and accepted for publication
books/book chapters
2006-2007 Academic Year
Legend: [listed by first SBA author; if multiple authors from SBA, listed by the first author]
Aigbedo, H. (2007), An assessment of the effect of mass customization on suppliers' inventory levels in a
JIT supply chain,European Journal of Operational Research, 181, 704-715
Mellor, S., Barclay, L.A., Bulger, C.A., & Kath, L.M. (2006), Augmenting the Effects of Verbal Persuasion on Self-Efficacy to be a Steward: Gender Similarity in a Union Environment,Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 79, 121-129
Barclay, L. A., Mellor, S., Bulger, C.A., & Kath, L.M. (in press, 2006), Perceived Steward Success and Leadership Efficacy: The Role of Gender Similarity,Journal of Collective Negotiations
[Barclay with Markel]
Barclay, L. A. & Markel, K.S. (2007), Discrimination and Stigmatization in Work Organizations: A Multiple Level Framework for Research on Genetic Testing,Human Relations, 60 (6), 953-980
[Barclay with Willoughby and York]
Van Sell, M. P., Barclay, L.A., Willoughby, F.G., & York, K.M. (2006), Faculty Satisfaction with Unions: The Impact of Personal Instrumentality and Active Commitment,Journal of Collective Negotiations , 31 (1), 33-44
Senteney, D. L. & Bazaz, M. (in press, 2006), Tests of the Incremental Explanatory Power of Auditor Qualified Opinion and Audit Firm Changes in Predicting Impending Bankruptcy,International Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Performance Evaluation, 3 (4)
Callaghan, J. H.,Savage, A., & Mintz, S. (2007), Assessing the Control Environment Using a Balanced Scorecard Approach,CPA Journal
[Callaghan with Parkash and Singhal]
Callaghan, J. H., Parkash, M., & Singhal, R. (2006), The Impact of MJDS on Audit Fees of Cross-Listed Canadian Firms,International Journal of Accounting, The
Coppin, A. & Olsen, R.N. (2007), Public vs. Private Sector Earnings Differentials in the Caribbean Region: Evidence from the Economy of Trinidad and Tobago,Journal of Developing Areas, 40 (2), 51-74
Dadashzadeh, M. (2007), Recursive Joins to Query Data Hierarchies in Microsoft Access, Journal of
Information System Education, 18 (1), 5-10
Dillon, G. (in press, 2006), Developing Enthusiasm for Business Majors: Interaction with Professionals in a Professional Environment, Journal of Business Case Studies
Fliedner, E. (in press, 2006), Collaborative Supply Chain Forecasting: A Lean Framework,Alliance Journal of Business Research, 2 (1)
Folland, S. (in press, 2007), Does 'Community Social Capital' Improve Population Health? Social Science & Medicine
Folland, S. (2006), Value of Life and Behaviors Toward Health Risks,Health Economics, 15, 159-171
[Henke with Parameswaran, Pisharodi]
Henke, J., Parameswaran, R., & Pisharodi, R. Mohan (in press, 2007), Manufacturer Price Reduction Pressures and Supplier Relations, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Littig, S. J. & Isken, M.W. (2007), Short term hospital occupancy prediction,Health Care Management
Science, 10 (1), 47-66
[Izareli with Murphy]
Izraeli, O. & Murphy, K. (in press, 2006), The Impact of Proposal A on School Financing, Equity and Equality of Public School in the State of Michigan,Journal of Education Finance
Sivadas, E., Kim, J., Holmes, T.L., & Kardes, F.R. (2006), Approach and Avoidance Motivations in Online Auctions. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 3 (4), 318-334
Kardes, F. R., Cronley, M.L., & Kim, J. (2006), Construal-Level Effects on Preference Stability, Preference-Behavior Correspondence, and the Suppression of Competing Brands,Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (2135-144)
[Lauer with Deng]
Lauer, T. W. & Deng, X. (in press, 2007), Building Online Trust through Privacy Practices, The International Journal of Information Security (IJIS)
Liu, M. & Nabar, S. (2006), The Stock Market Reaction to Ernst & Young's Sale of Its Consulting Unit to Cap Gemini,Managerial Auditing Journal, 21 (9), 948-
Molla, A. & Licker, P.S. (in press, 2006), E-commerce Adoption in Developing Countries: an Empirical Investigation of Perceived eReadiness Factors, International Journal of ECommerce Research
Molla, A., Taylor, R., & Licker, P. (2007),E-Commerce Diffusion in Small Island Countries: The Influence of Institutions in Barbados,Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, The, 28
Licker, P. (in press, 2006), The Next Big IT Revolution: User Responsibility, Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications, 8 (2), 1-4
Licker, P.(in press, 2007),User Responsibility Redux,Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications, 9 (2), 1-4
Poortinga, E., Lemmen, C., & Majeske, K.D. (in press, 2007), A Comparison of Criminal Sexual Conduct of Defendants Based on Victim Age,Journal of Forensic Sciences
Majeske, K. D. (2007),A non-homogeneous Poisson process predictive model for automobile warranty claims. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 92 (2), 243-251
Majeske, K. D. & Glenn, D.W. (2007), An Optimal Tool Buy-off Decision Policy for Automotive Sheet Metal Stamping Dies. IIE Transactions, 39 (4), 335-346.
Majeske, K. D. (in press, 2007),Approval Criteria for Multivariate Measurement Systems,Journal of Quality Technology
Majeske, K. D. & Gearhart, C. (2006), Approving Measurement Systems When Using Derived Values,Quality Engineering, 18 (4), 523-532
Majeske, K. D. & Hammett, P.C. (in press, 2007), Quantifying the variance contribution of special cause mean shifts in reconfigurable batch manufacturing processes, International Journal of Production Research, 45 (12), 2799-2815
[Markel with Barclay]
Markel, K. S. & Barclay, L.A. (2007), The Intersection of Risk Management and Human Resources: An Illustration Using Genetic Mapping,International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 7 (3), 326-340
Mathieson, K.(2007), Sneaking a Philosophical Camel into a Business Tent: Labeling the Summum Bonum for Business Students,Journal of College and Character, 8 (4)
Mathieson, K. (in press, 2007), Towards a Design Science of Ethical Decision Support,Journal of Business Ethics
Mayer, D. (2007), Corporate Citizenship and Trustworthy Capitalism: Co-Creating a More Peaceful Planet, American Business Law Journal, 44 (2), 237 - 286.
Cava, A. & Mayer, D. (in press, 2007), Integrative Social Contract Theory and Urban Prosperity Initiatives, Journal of Business Ethics, 72 (3)
Mayer, D. (2007), Nike v. Kasky and the Quarrelsome Question of Corporate Free Speech, Business Ethics Quarterly, 17 (1), 65 - 96
[Miree with Barclay]
Miree, C. E. & Barclay, L.A. (in press, 2008). The Use of Technologically-mediated Tools in Undergraduate Group Work: Issues and Implications for Practice. Journal of the Academy of Business Education.
[Miree with York]
Miree, C. E., York, K.M., & Lombardo, S. (in press, 2006). Using Competitive Intelligence processes to create value in the healthcare industry. Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, 4 (1), 127-146.
[Mukherji with Rajagopalan and Tanniru]
Mukherji, N., Rajagopalan, B., & Tanniru, M. (2006), A decision support model for optimal timing of investments in information technology upgrades,Decision Support Systems, 42 (3), 1684-1696
[Murphy, A]
Murphy, J. A. (in press, 2007), An Empirical Investigation of Investor Expectations in the Currency Market, International Review of Financial Analysis
Murphy, J. A. & Sabov, Z. (2006), Fynansovye i valjutnye krizisy: vozmoznye puti preodolenija (Finanz- und Währungskrisen: Mögliche Wege der Vermeidung), Finansy i biznes, 5 (1), 5-24.
[Murphy, K]
Murphy, K. J. (2007),The Impact of Unemployment Insurance Taxes on Wages, Labour Economics, 14 (3), 457-484
Murphy, K. (2006), Payroll Tax Incidence when the Tax Varies by Jurisdiction: The Case of the U.S. Unemployment Insurance Tax, Journal of Economics and Finance, 30 (2), 198-204
[Murphy with Izraeli]
Murphy, K. J. & Izraeli, O. (in press, 2007), The Impact of Proposal A on School Financing, Equity, and Public Schools in the State of Michigan, Journal of Education Finance
[Pelfrey with Sidaway]
Pelfrey, S. & Sidaway, D. (2006). The Impact of Non-Profit Organizations Guide on Accountants and Auditors. Today's CPA, 33 (5), 20-23
Gu, B., Konana, P., Rajagopalan, B., & Chen, H.M. (2007), Competition among virtual communities and user valuation: The case of Investing-Related Communities,Information Systems Research, 18 (1).
Deshmukh, A. & Rajagopalan, B. (in press, 2006), Performance analysis of filtering software using signal detection theory, Decision Support Systems
[Rajagopalan with York, Doane and Tanniru]
Rajagopalan, B., York, K.M., Doane, D.P., & Tanniru, M. (2006), Enablers of Enterprise Systems Training Success: An Exploratory Investigation, International Journal of Business Information Systems
Sahu, A. P. (in press, 2007), Degrees of Tax Indexation and Nominal Interest Rates: Effects of Inflation on Incentives to Save and Invest, Journal of Economics and Finance
Schiele, J. J. & McCue, C. (2006), Professional service acquisition in public sector procurement: A conceptual model of meaningful involvement, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 26 (3)
Schiele, J. J. (in press, 2007), The value that can be associated with the involvement of public purchasing departments in acquisition processes for consulting services, International Journal of Procurement Management
Schwartz, H. & Hirschhorn, L. (in press, 2008), Organization and meaning: A multilevel psychoanalytic treatment of the Jayson Blair scandal at The New York Times, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 11 (1)
Schwartz, H. S. (2007), Reality and Truth in the Politically Correct Organization: The Case of the Dan Rather Memo Debacle at CBS News,Free Associations: Psychoanalysis, Groups, Politics, Culture, ejournal
Kalay, A., Singhal, R., & Tashjian, E. (in press, 2006), Is Chapter 11 Costly? Journal of Financial Economics
S, P., Na, H., Park, S., & Sugumaran, V. (2006), A Semi-Automated Filtering Technique for Software Process Tailoring Using Neural Network,Expert Systems with Applications, 30 (2), 179-189
Dietrich, A., Kirn, S., & Sugumaran, V. (2007), A Service-Oriented Architecture for Mass Customization - A Shoe Industry Case Study, IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management, 54 (1), 190 - 204
Bose, R. & Sugumaran, V. (2006), Challenges in Deploying Web Services-Based E-Business Systems in SMEs,International Journal of E-Business Research, 2 (1), 1-18
Sugumaran, V. (2007), Managing Requirements Conflicts in Software Product Lines: A Goal and Scenario Based Approach, Data and Knowledge Engineering, 61 (3), 417-432
Sugumaran, V. & Park, S. (2007), Modeling Web Service Profiles for the Semantic Web: A UML Based Approach,Journal of Computer Information Systems, XLVII (2), 86 - 99
Sugumaran, V., Park, S., & Kang, K. (2006), Software Product Line Engineering,Communications of the ACM, 49 (12), 28 - 32
Sugumaran, V., Dietrich, A., & Kirn, S. (2006), Supporting Mass Customization with an Agent-Based Coordination Method: Concept and Application,Journal of Information Systems and E-Business Management, 4 (1), 83 - 106
Sugumaran, V. & Storey, V.C. (2006),The Role of Domain Ontologies in Database Design: An Ontology Management and Conceptual Modeling Environment,ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 31 (3), 1064 - 1094
Kim, J. S., Park, S., & Sugumaran, V. (2006), Contextual Problem Detection and Management during Software Execution in Complex Environments,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 106 (4)540-561
Kim, J., Park, S., & Sugumaran, V. (2006), Improving Use Case Driven Analysis using Goal and Scenario Authoring: A Linguistics-Based Approach,Data and Knowledge Engineering, 58 (1), 21-46
Tomlin, K. (in press, 2007), FDI into U.S. Service Industries: Exchange Rate Changes and Services Tradability, Japan and the World Economy
Tomlin, K. & Liebman, B. (in press, 2007), Safeguards and Retaliatory Threats,Journal of Law and Economics
Tomlin, K. & Liebman, B. (in press, 2007), Steel Safeguards and the Welfare of U.S. Steel Firms and the Downstream Consumers of Steel: A Shareholder Wealth Perspective, Canadian Journal of Economics
Yeniyurt, S., Townsend, J.D., & Talay, M.B. (in press, 2007), Factors Influencing Brand Launch in a Global Marketplace, Journal of Product Innovation Management
Tyler, C. L. & Tyler, J.M. (in press, 2006), Applying the Transtheoretical Model of Change to Sequencing of Ethics Instruction in Business Education,Journal of Management Education, 30 (1), 45-64
Hagan, C. M., Konopaske, R., Bernardin, H.J., & Tyler, C.L. (in press, 2006), Predicting Assessment Center Performance with 360-degree, Top-down, and Customer-based, Human Resource Management Journal, 45 (3), 357-390
[Wharton with York]
Wharton, T. J.York, K.M. (in press, 2007), Design and review of a client/consultant based management education program: Bridging theory and practice,Journal of Student Centered Learning, 4 (1)
York, K. M., Strubler, D.C., & Smith, E.M. (2006), A comparison of two methods for scoring an in-basket exercise, Public Personnel Management, 34 (3), 271-282
Strubler, D. C. & York, K.M. (in press, 2008), An exploratory study of the Team Characteristics Model using organizational teams,Small Group Research
Silva, E. C., Kahn, C.M., & Zhu, X. (2007), Crime and Punishment, and Corruption: Who Needs ‘Untouchables? SIZE=,Journal of Public Economic Theory, 9 (1), 69-87
Dadashzadeh, M. & Fatehi, K. (2007), International Information Systems Management, Managing Internationally: Succeeding in a Culturally Diverse World, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Doane, D. P. & Seward, L. E. (2006). Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, Boston, Burr Ridge, IL, etc (24 cities): McGraw-Hill.
Doane, D. P. & Seward, L. E. (2007). Essential Statistics in Business and Economics, Boston Burr Ridge IL and 21 other world cities: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
[Folland with Stano]
Folland, S., Goodman, A. C. & Stano, M. (2006),The Economics of Health and Health Care, 5th Edition, East Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Folland, S., Goodman, A. & Stano, M. (2007),Pearson International Edition: The Economics of Health and Health Care (5th editon), 2007, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall
[Markel with Barclay]
Markel, K. S. & Barclay, L. (2007), Genetic Commerce: The Challenges For Human Resource Management (in press), Leeds School Business and Society Monograph Series. Blackwell Publishers
Schwartz, H., (2008), Diversity, In Yianis Gabriel (Ed.) Organizing Words: A creative thesaurus of key words in social and organizational theories, London: Oxford University Press
[Sherman with Miron]
Sherman, F., Allen, G. & Miron, S. (2006),The Economics of Health and Health Care, Korean language translation of 4th edition, Pearson Education and Korean Medical Association
Dolan, E. G. & Sahu, A. P. (2007),Understanding Macroeconomics, 2nd Edition, Redding, CA: Horizon Textbook Publishing
Dolan, E. G. & Sahu, A. P. (2006),Understanding Macroeconomics, Redding, CA: Horizon Textbook Publishing
Sugumaran, V. (2007),Application of Agents and Intelligent Information Technologies, Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing
Book Chapters
Bhatia, T. & Bhargava, M. (2006), Reaching the Unreachable: Rural Advertising in India, In Emmanuel C. Alozie (Ed.) Advertising and Emerging Economies: A Contextual Analysis, (pp. 30). New York:
Dadashzadeh, M., (2006), Set Comparison in Relational Query Languages, In Laura C. Rivero, Jorge Horacio Doorn, and Viviana E. Ferraggine (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, (pp. 624-631), Harrisburg, PA: Idea Group Publishing
[Folland with Stano]
Folland, S., Goodman, A. & Stano, M. (2006),The Economics of Health and Health Care, 5th edition, 2007 (Pearson Education: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Also available as SafariX eTextbook, 5/E., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education
[Markel with Barclay]
Markel, K. S. & Barclay, L. (2007), Genetic Commerce: The Challenges for Human Resource Management.
In Robert W. Kolb (Ed.),The Ethics of Genetic Commerce, (pp. 42-54), Blackwell Publishing
Sahu, A. P., (2007), Investor Characteristics. (in press), In William A. Darity (Ed.),International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, (pp. about 4). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan/Thomson Gale
Simon, M., Houghton, S., & Lumpkin, G. (2007), Making lemonade out of lemons: The role of information processing and strategy in managing 'misperceived' start-ups, In Jerry Katz (Ed.) Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth. Elsevier/JAI
Bose, R. & Sugumaran, V. (2007). Semantic Web Technologies for Enhancing Intelligent DSS Environments, In Kulkarni, U., Power, D., Sharda, R. (Ed.),Decision Support for Global Enterprises, Germany: Springer Verlag
Ilavajhala, S., Sugumaran, R., & Sugumaran, V. (2007), Development of a Web-Based Intelligent Spatial Decision Support System (WebISDSS): A Case Study with Snow Removal Operations, In Hilton, B. N. (Ed.) Emerging Spatial Information Systems and Applications. Hershey, PA: IDEA Group Publishing
Tomlin, K., (2007), Event Studies. (in press), In William Darity (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, (pp. n/a). Farmington Michigan:McMillian Reference USA/Thomas Gale
Davidson, W. N., Kim, Y., Jiraporn, P., & Qian, H. (2007), Management Buyout Consummation: An Analysis of Agency Costs, Corporate Governance, and Firm Characteristics, (in press), New Developments in Banking and Finance