FEBRUARY 6, 2012
RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association House of Delegates concurs in the action of the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar in makingnon-substantive clarifications to Standard 512 (Student Complaints) of the ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools, to which the House of Delegates previously concurred in August 2011.
(a) A law school shall establish, publish, and comply with policies with respect to addressing student complaints.
(b) A law school shall maintain a record of student complaints submitted during the most recent accreditation period.The record shall include the resolution of the complaints.
(c) A “complaint” is a communication in writing that seeks to bring to the attention of the law school a significant problem that directly implicates the school’s program of legal education and its compliance with the Standards.
Interpretation 512-1
A law school’s policies on student complaints must address, at a minimum, procedures for filing and addressing complaints, appeal rights if any, and timelines.
The Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar requests concurrence of the ABA House of Delegates innon-substantive clarifications to Standard 512 of the Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools. These changes are required to bring the Section into compliance with United States Department of Education (“DOE”) regulations. The Council approved the changes to Standard 512 at its June 2011 meeting to be circulated for Notice and Comment. A public hearing was held on July 8, 2011, and the Council at its meeting in August 2011 approved the changes. The House of Delegates concurred in August 2011 to these changes. This Resolution addresses non-substantive clarifications.
Respectfully submitted,
John F. O’Brien, Chair
Section of Legal Education
and Admissions to the Bar
February 2012
Submitting Entity: American Bar Association
Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar
Submitted By: John F. O’Brien, Chair
1.Summary of Resolution(s).
RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association House of Delegates concurs in the action of the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar in making non-substantive clarifications to Standard 512 (Student Complaints) of the ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools, to which the House of Delegates previously concurred in August 2011.
2.Approval by Submitting Entity.
The Council approved the changes to Standard 512 at its June 2011 meeting to be circulated for Notice and Comment. A public hearing was held on July 8, 2011, and the Council at its meeting in August 2011 approved the changes. The House of Delegates concurred in August 2011 to these changes. This Resolution addressesnon-substantive clarifications.
3.Has this or a similar resolution been submitted to the House or Board previously?
Yes, this Resolution addresses non-substantive clarifications to a Resolution approved by the House of Delegates in August 2011.
4.What existing Association policies are relevant to this Resolution and how would they be affected by its adoption?
The proposed changes modify the existing ABA Standards and Rule of Procedures for Law Schools.
5.What urgency exists which requires action at this meeting of the House?
The amendments are required by new DOE regulations and must be implemented immediately.
6.Status of Legislation. (If applicable.)
7.Brief explanation regarding plans for implementation of the policy, if adopted by the House of Delegates.
The Council notified ABA-Approved Law Schools and other interested entities of the changes to the Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools.
8.Cost to the Association. (Both direct and indirect costs.)
9.Disclosure of Interest. (If applicable.)
11.Contact Name and Address Information. (Prior to the meeting.)
Hulett H. Askew, Consultant
American Bar Association
Section of Legal Education
and Admissions to the Bar
321 N. Clark St., 21st floor
Chicago, IL60654-7598
Ph: (312) 988-6744 / Cell: (312) 863-1749
12.Contact Name and Address Information. (Who will present the report to the House?)
The Honorable Ruth V. McGregor
7601 North Central Ave., Unit 23
Phoenix, AZ85020
Ph: (602) 395-3394 / Cell: (602) 370-4029
Pauline A. Schneider, Esq.
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP
1152 15th St., NW
Washington, DC20005
Ph: (202) 339-8483
- Summary of the Resolution
RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association House of Delegates concurs in the action of the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar in making non-substantive clarifications to Standard 512 (Student Complaints) of the ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools, to which the House of Delegates previously concurred in August 2011.
- Summary of the Issue that the Resolution Addresses
This Resolution addresses non-substantive clarifications to a Resolution approved by the House of Delegates in August 2011 and addresses compliance with United States Department of Education requirements for accrediting agencies.
- Please Explain Howthe Proposed Policy Position Will Address the Issue
The proposed changes will bring the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar into compliance with United States Department of Education requirements for accrediting agencies.
- Summary of Minority Views
Not that the Section is aware of.