Agency Name: Date:
Contact Person:
(This is the person to receive communication about the event.)
Address: City: State: Zip:
Telephone: Cell Phone: Email Address:
Table fee: $200.00 (The table is a standard 2.5 ft x 8 ft table with two chairs. Electricity can be provided; please bring your own table covers, power strips and extension cords. Exhibits will be set up on Friday afternoon.
Method of payment: (Right click in box, select “properties” and click “checked”.)
By check. Checks should be made payable to “Mission Aviation Promotions”.
When you check this box, we will send you a PayPal invoice by email which can be paid securely online by
credit card without setting up a PayPal account.
Right click in box, click properties, click checked
We request that exhibitors agree with our Statement of Faith. (See Statement, page 4.) Yes No
Are you an Aviation Organization or an organization that has an Aviation Program? Yes No
If so, will you be bringing in an aircraft to the Fair? Yes No
Will tie down space be necessary? Yes No
When do you plan to arrive at Smoketown Airport?
Are you flying in commercially for the weekend? Yes No
If you need to be picked up at the airport, list time and place:
Will you need any of the following?
Ground transportation for the duration of your stay? Yes No
Access to electricity for your exhibit? Yes No
Access to the internet for your exhibit? Yes No
Housing / hotel room(s) for the weekend? Yes No
Do you prefer a hotel room (at your own expense) or private accommodation?
(We have a list of recommended hotels in the area which you can book on your own.)
If you desire assistance with housing, how many people from your organization will need to be accommodated for?
Couples Singles Please list each of their names.
Will you plan to attend the pizza meal for exhibitors on Friday evening? Yes No
(Donations accepted)
If so, how many people from your organization will be attending?
Do you have books and/or materials that you would like to sell at our book table? Yes No
If so, please refer to our Sales Policy sheet and the Books & Materials Inventory Form
attached to this application. Note that books and/or materials may not be sold at your table.
A single Point Of Sale (POS) will be provided to exhibitors to sell items including books, resource manuals, and missions-related CDs and DVDs through an arrangement with the Book Table, which will be located in Hangar G.
Exhibitors are allowed to distribute free of charge CDs, DVDs, literature and missions-related materials at their booth.
The rationale behind this policy:
· To eliminate a marketplace mentality and sense of competition in the exhibitor areas, remaining true to the purposes and mission of the event.
· To be fair to all agencies.
Re Sales Tax: Recent evaluation of our event by the PA Sales Tax Bureau has determined that we do not need to collect sales tax at our book table.
Overhead: Books and materials sold are subject to a 15% assessment of each item for sale to cover the cost of the POS service (including cost of credit card sales). Please price your books and materials accordingly.
For example: If your agency wants to receive $10.00 for an item sold, the price must include 15% (POS service). Thus the final cost would be $11.50. Prices are to be rounded up or down to the next even dollar therefore the item would be priced at either $11.00 or $12.00. Each agency is responsible for pricing their items. (Please do not cover the ISBN code.)
Book Delivery: Agencies have the option to ship books to Mission Aviation Promotions (see address below) or to bring them directly to the fair. Items shipped to the office must be received at the office no later than ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE FAIR. Items brought directly to the fair should be brought to the book sales table where they will be inventoried and checked in by a staff member.
A completed inventory sheet must be filled in and accompany the boxes. Please see the “Books & Material Inventory Form” provided along with this application.
Please ship all materials, clearly labeled with agency name, contact person and phone number on the outside of the box, to:
Mission Aviation Promotions
Aviation Fair
(Exhibitor Name)
311 Airport Drive, Box 7
Smoketown, PA 17576
At end of Fair: All materials may either be picked up at the end of the fair or you may arrange a prepaid and addressed mailing which can be sent on the following business day. Mission Aviation Promotions is not responsible for any materials left at the fair.
Within two weeks after the fair, agencies will receive a final inventory sheet and a check for items sold.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Bill or Bernadine Snyder 717-665-5623 or cell 717-606-7340
John Bush 717-509-0938 or cell 717-380-5065
We request that exhibitors to the Mission Aviation Fair agree with the
Mission Aviation Promotions Statement of Faith.
Statement of Faith
Mission Aviation Promotions
We believe…
· That there is only one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
· In the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, and its consequent entire trustworthiness and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct;
· In the universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the fall, making man subject to God’s wrath and everlasting condemnation;
· In the substitutionary sacrifice of the incarnate Son of God as the sole ground for redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin;
· In the justification of the sinner by the grace of God through faith alone in Christ crucified and risen from the dead;
· In the illuminating, regenerating, indwelling and sanctifying work of God, the Holy Spirit, in the believer;
· In the unity and common priesthood of all true believers, who together form the one universal Church, the Body of which Christ is the head;
· In the expectation of the personal, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ; and…
· In the mandate to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded.