April 16-27, 2018 / 6/7 / 7/8 / 8
Math / Students have completed the unit of Fractions, Ratios and Percents. The assessment will be sent home next week. Please sign and return as soon as possible. Our next unit will be Angles and Polygons. If they do not already have one, could you please make sure that your child has a protractor to use during this unit. Students are continuing to work with DreamBox and I encourage them to be completing the activities at home. / Students are finishing up the unit on Operations with Fractions. We will complete the unit and do a review at the beginning of the week. The end of unit assessment will be on Thursday/Friday. They can review problems in their homework duotangs to help them prepare for the assessment. I have sent the student passwords for Reflex Math and I am hoping they are working on this at home. Students will be beginning a new unit on Equations. See next column for grade 8 students. / Students are finishing up the unit on Operations with Fractions. We will complete the unit and do a review at the beginning of the week. The end of unit assessment will be on Thursday/Friday. They can review problems in their homework duotangs to help them prepare for the assessment. I have sent the student passwords for Reflex Math and I am hoping they are working on this at home. Students will beginning a new unit on Linear Equations and Graphing
Language Arts / Students have recently begun a Poetry unit. They have been showing their creative side and have been working on interesting and descriptive word choices in their writing. It is important that students are doing their best work at all times. Students have been given a Book Report project to complete. It will be due on May 18th. Please ask your child about the assignment as some of the work will have to be completed at home. It is important that students are reading a minimum of 20 minutes each night and practicing their comprehension strategies. / Students will be start their final unit of study which involves censorship and the idea of a utopian society. We will read several short stories by Ray Bradbury and will examine the following guiding questions: What is censorship? What should children be protected from, and by whom? What should teenagers be protected from, and by whom? And what should adults be protected from (if anything) and by whom? We will look at excerpts from The Giver. We will look at several banned children’s books, including Green Eggs and Ham (banned in China until 1988), and Where the Wild Things Are (banned in some states for inciting tantrum behaviours among children). Students will have to complete an essay in May and to publish parts of it as a speech to the class. / Students will be start their final unit of study which involves censorship and the idea of a utopian society. We will read several short stories by Ray Bradbury and will examine the following guiding questions: What is censorship? What should children be protected from, and by whom? What should teenagers be protected from, and by whom? And what should adults be protected from (if anything) and by whom? We will look at excerpts from The Giver. We will look at several banned children’s books, including Green Eggs and Ham (banned in China until 1988), and Where the Wild Things Are (banned in some states for inciting tantrum behaviours among children). Students will have to complete an essay in May and to publish parts of it as a speech to the class.
Science / Students are continuing to work on the Flight Unit. They have enjoyed the experiments so far and are looking forward to completing more in the coming weeks. We will be looking at how jet engines work along with other principles of flight. Students will also have the opportunity to create their own flying objects using the information that they have gathered from this unit. / This week students will be creating and labelling a plant cell model. Most of the work can be completed at school however there will be a component of the projects students will be expected to complete at home on their own time. Projects will be due Friday April 27th. / The students worked on creating models of plant and animal cells and labelled the organelles. A written assessment on the parts of a cell will be written on the week of April 23rd. I will remind them to take home their information to study and they will be informed of the exact date. Next we will be studying Mitosis (still part of the same unit).
Social Studies / In Social Studies, we are looking at various elements of culture around the world and how Canadian Culture is similar and different to others. The elements we are discussing include some aspects such as traditions, governments and economic systems. We will discuss how these elements influence various cultures around the world. / Students will finish up work on Unit Five, Curricular Outcome 7.5.3 by asking questions to Nellie McClung and Premier Roblin when they come for a visit (myself and possible Mr. Smith). They have developed questions in advance about women’s suffrage and life in the early twentieth century. Next, they will examine worker’s rights in the context of the Industrial Revolution (outcomes 7.5.1 and 7.5.2). Students will learn about labour movements and the organization of unions. They will have to from their own union and complete a small test. / Students will continue to work on their Trees, Trains and Transportation Unit; they have a project due next Monday. They started to examine the life of Alexander Boss Gibson last week and will continue to look at his impact on the industrialization of New Brunswick and the development of the railway.
Exploratory / Students will continue to reflect in their music journals, and will be entering the music lab on Thursday and Friday to attempt all stations. Our focus will be on basic piano skills, vocals, rhythm and basic guitar skills. We will have a guest musician (Aaron Crane) on Thursdays and Fridays to teach guitar basics and to help students write their final song. / Students are continuing woodworking with Mr. Smith. Many students have completed the safety component required to work in the shop area and have started to create a final project. It is vital that students follow the rules and create a safe working environment for everyone to work in. / The students are writing positive messages/quotes on the school walls. They have been tracing, stenciling and painting. Grade 8 students will finish up the art rotation next week and will move into music.
Post-Intensive French / Students have started the Environment unit, as Earth Day is this month. We have been working on vocabulary and we will continue with this in the following weeks. Students will also work on reading comprehension and pronunciation. Finally, students will be starting a writing piece and final project in the coming week. / Students have been working on reading comprehension and verb conjugation and they will continue to work on refining their grammar in the following weeks. Students will be starting a new reader’s theater unit where they will write and present their own skits. These will be presented at the end of April. / Students have been working on reading comprehension and verb conjugation and they will continue to work on refining their grammar in the following weeks. Students will be starting a new reader’s theater unit where they will write and present their own skits. These will be presented at the end of April.
Phys Ed

School News and Events:

  • Reminder to visit our school website for updates on school comprehensive health.
  • KIDS at BCS!BCS is focusing on SAFETY! This includes how we walk through the hallways and stairways, pushing in chairs, picking up after ourselves (no objects left on the floor), and taking our time when exiting the school at the end of the day.
  • BCS Has Got Talent! Will take place in the gym on Thursday, April 19th at 7:00. Come out and enjoy some great talent.
  • Grade 6/7 students will be going to the Andrew and Laura McCain Library on Wednesday, April 25th at 9:00am. There will be a sheet sent home that needs to be filled out as all students will be given a temporary library card. If your child does have a library card, there is a spot on the sheet to fill in the number. Please have them bring it with them on that day.