Norris Kickoff Quizbowl 1Question Set

Round 1

Instructions: During the first 10 minutes of each match, read tossups 1-30, giving 10 points for each tossup answered correctly. Tossups should be answered without stalling as soon as the player has been recognized.

Tossup Round





Tossup #1. Near the end of this film, the two main characters argue over a drug score. Appropriate, considering that the main actors are still arguing over the profits derived from this breakthrough 1969 film, which grossed $60 million while being shot for $400,000. FTP identify this classic of hippie rebellion, which featured Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda, and featured, as actor, director, and co-writer, Dennis Hopper.
Answer: Easy Rider / 10 / 10
Tossup #2. In 1891, he married his cousin. After that failed, he married one of his students in 1895. Who wrote several realistic novels such as The Wheels of Chance and Ann Veronica but is best known for his science fiction? Some of his novels, such as The World Set Free, turned out to be prophetic, but his most successful works are still very much science fiction. Identify this author of The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, and The Invisible Man.
Answer: (Herbert George) Wells / 10 / 10
Tossup #3. His stepfather, Mr. Murdstone, sends him to the school of Mr. Creakle. He later meets Steerforth, runs away to his greataunt, Betsey Trotwood, and is associated with the family of Mr. Micawber. For 10 points, name this character of Charles Dickens, or that of a famous magician.
Answer: David Copperfield / 10 / 10
Tossup #4. The fastest one ever, taking just 10 seconds, was achieved by Jorgan Palmgraen Erichsen in a 1991 Norwegian junior league match. It happened 48 times during the 1995 NHL regular season, three times each by Bernie Nicholls, Owen Nolan, and Eric Lindros. For 10 points, name this hockey feat in which a player scores three goals.
Answer: hat trick / 10 / 10
Tossup #5. His aunt married Marius, and he himself married the daughter of Cinna, and because of this he acquired the animosity of Sulla, who confiscated his property and deprived him of his priesthood but spared his life. After Sulla's death he rose in power, becoming pontifex maximus, praetor, and propraetor of Farther Spain. For 10 points, identify this member of the First Triumvirate who ruled Rome as dictator until his death on March 15, 44 BC.
Answer: Julius Caesar / 10 / 10
Tossup #6. Son of a grocer, he grew up on the beach in Normandy, where he first began open-air painting. Works such as "Farm in Normandy" and "View of the Coast at Le Havre" were painted near his childhood home. An admirer of Delacroix, he was also influenced by Japanese prints. FTP, identify this founder of Impressionism known for such works as "Rouen Cathedral" and "Haystacks."
Answer: Claude Monet / 10 / 10
Tossup #7. A child of theatrical parents, he was orphaned early and lived with his godfather until, in 1836, he married his thirteen year old cousin Virginia Clemm. He won a story contest with "MS Found in a Bottle" and began to write the poetic drama "Politian". FTP name this American writer who introduced the word "tintinnabulation" to the English language and also wrote "Murders in the Rue Morgue".
Answer: Edgar Allan Poe / 10 / 10
Tossup #8. Seat of Brown County is located at the mouth of the Fox River and is the northern terminus of Interstate 43. Wholesale distribution, timber, and dairy products are the main industries here. There are almost 200 larger cities in the United States, but most of them don't have their own professional sports franchise. FTP identify this city of 96,000 people, many of whom spend eight or more Sundays a year 'packing' Lambeau Field.
Answer: Green Bay, Wisconsin / 10 / 10
Tossup #9. In 1847, which nation became Africa's first independent republic? Most of its history has been peaceful, but that has not been the case since 1980, and it was recently criticized for aiding the civil war in neighboring Sierra Leone. Identify this nation that was organized largely by the American Colonization Society. Its capital is Monrovia.
Answer: Liberia / 10 / 10
Tossup #10. Its beneficial properties were allegedly discovered by the Countess of Chinchon, though the earliest verifiable record of its use dates to Peruvian Jesuit priests around 1630. Although it is an analgesic and can reduce fever, prolonged usage can lead to deafness and vision problems. For 10 points, name this chemical compound, a traditional treatment for malaria.
Answer: quinine / 10 / 10
Tossup #11. Arranged in descending order according to length, its 114 sections, or suras, include "The Night Journey", "The Spoils", "Hood", "The Woman Tested", "He Frowned", "The Stairways", and "The Jinn." For 10 points, name this religious text, complied around 650 A.D.
Answer: Koran or Qu'ran / 10 / 10
Tossup #12. No one can come here without first receiving permission from the US Navy. Comprised of Sand Island, Eastern Island, and a coral atoll, it has no native peoples and was uninhabited when it was discovered in 1859. A National Wildlife Refuge is located here, but it is better known for its naval air base and for being the site of a June 1942 battle. FTP, name these islands 1500 miles northwest of Honolulu.
Answer: Midway Islands / 10 / 10
Tossup #13. Born on Christmas Eve, 1809, in Richmond, Kentucky, he ran away from home when he was 16 to become a wrangler on the Santa Fe Trail. Over the next few years, he worked as a wagon teamster, an Indian fighter, and trapped with Jim Bridger and Joe Meek. In 1842, he acted as a guide for a lieutenant of the Army Topographical Engineers and surveyed the South Pass to the Rocky Mountains. FTP, name this explorer famous for acting as the guide of John C. Fremont.
Answer: Christopher ‘Kit’ Houston Carson / 10 / 10
Tossup #14. These are most abundant just under your scalp and face and do not exist under the palms of your hands and soles of your feet. They can be responsible for causing acne when there is no outlet from them to the surface of your skin. Identify these tiny glands that release sebum.
Answer: Sebaceous (Glands) / 10 / 10
Tossup #15. Laplace called him "the true inventor of the differential calculus," perhaps an overstatement. His treatment of maxima, minima, and tangents proved more elegant than that of his rival Descartes, and Descartes acknowledged this point. This magistrate from Toulouse was best known, however, for his theorem stating that if n>2, the equation x (to the)n + y (to the)n = z (to the)n has no whole number solutions x, y, and z. For 10 points,, who is this distinguished French mathematician?
Answer: Pierre de Fermat / 10 / 10
Tossup #16. In 1788 he was made Joseph's Hafkapellmeister, a position he held for 36 years while writing other operas, such as his bestknown work, Tarare, and forming friendships with Franz Joseph Haydn and Beethoven. He was a main character in opera by RimskyKorsakov and a film by Peter Shaffer. FTP name this Italian musician best known for his apocryphal rivalry to Mozart.
Answer: Antonio Salieri / 10 / 10
Tossup #17. It consists of two conductors separated by vacuum or an insulator. When equal and opposite charges are placed on the conductors, the charge magnitude is proportional to the potential difference. FTP, name this electrical component which stores electrical potential energy.
Answer: capacitor / 10 / 10
Tossup #18. They are only known to interact with matter through the weak nuclear force though some have suggested that they also interact with gravitons. In order to explain the apparent non-conservation of momentum during beta decay, Wolfgang Pauli predicted their existence. There are three types and each is associated with another lepton. FTP identify these massless elementary particles.
Answer: Neutrinos / 10 / 10
Tossup #19. (Note to moderator: 'Bloudy Tenent' is the same as 'Bloody Tenant') People who want to turn this man into an American icon point to his early tolerance of all Christian faiths. Historians, however, point out that he was very critical of the Church of England, Quakers, and eventually all organized religions. Identify this author of The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution who was banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1635 and soon thereafter founded the city of Providence, Rhode Island.
Answer: (Roger) Williams / 10 / 10
Tossup #20. Silent, peaceful animals, they stand from 3 to 5 feet tall, and have coarse reddish-brown hair. Some males have an arm spread of seven and a half feet. Living in the rain forests of Sumatra and Borneo, people are the main enemy of this endangered species. For 10 points, what is this large, rare ape whose name comes from a Malay word meaning nman of the woodsn?
Answer: Orangutan / 10 / 10
Tossup #21. This Spaniard was the first European to describe the Gulf Stream. He traveled to the New World with Columbus in 1493, and returned nine years later as deputy to the governor of Hispaniola. and later explored Puerto Rico and founded its oldest settlement, Caparra. For 10 points, identify this Spanish explorer, perhaps best remembered for his pursuit of the Fountain of Youth.
Answer: Juan Ponce de Leon / 10 / 10
Tossup #22. Before writing fiction, who wrote A Middle English Vocabulary, an edition of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Beowulf: The Monster and the Critics? He is much better known for a book published in 1937 and a series of books published in 1954, 1955, and 1956. Identify this author who wrote about a sword named Glamdring, a dragon named Smaug, and a wizard named Gandalf in Middle-Earth.
Answer: (John Ronald Reuel) Tolkien / 10 / 10
Tossup #23. Find the hundredth term of the sequence that begins 10, 12, 14, 16, 18…
Answer: 208 / 10 / 10
Tossup #24. He displayed a natural aptitude for military tactics under the 2nd earl of Manchester in the Army of the Eastern Association, and though they won an important battle, he pushed through the SelfDenying Ordinance which removed Manchester and made himself secondincommand. He first assumed independent command at the battle of Preston, and he is notorious for ordering massacres of civilians at Drogheda and Wexford, and for leaving his soninlaw Henry Ireton to eliminate dissidents from the Long Parliament in Pride's Purge. FTP, identify this leader in the New Model Army who eventually rose to the position of Lord Protector.
Answer: Oliver Cromwell / 10 / 10
Tossup #25. Originally sent to Paris to study medicine, he was inspired by the works of Gluck to switch to the study of music and won the Prix de Rome in 1839 for his cantata, Sardanapalus. For 10 points, identify this French composer born in 1803 whose works include Harold in Italy, The Damnation of Faust and Symphonie Fantastique.
Answer: Hector Berlioz / 10 / 10
Tossup #26. He received no formal education, but learned to read by bribing young white schoolchildren to help him and then by studying a copy of the journal The Columbian Orator. He then taught school to fellow slaves before running away in 1838 to Massachusetts. For 10 points, identify this American abolitionist and founder of The North Star.
Answer: Frederick Douglass / 10 / 10
Tossup #27. In simple radical form, find the area of a thirty-sixty-ninety triangle with a hypotenuse of one meter.
Answer: Root Three Over Eight Square Meters (or Meters Squared) (or one-eighth root three) [ ] / 10 / 10
Tossup #28. It was the only New Testament church to be the addressee of both a Pauline epistle and the book of Revelation. The main theme of the book is the subject of Christian unity, exemplified by its claim that "there is one body and one Spirit... one Lord, one faith, one baptism." For 10 points, identify this Biblical book, in which Paul outlines the components of the "full armor of God."
Answer: Ephesians or Ephesus / 10 / 10
Tossup #29. The pure metal is obtained by the Goldschmitt process, a reduction of the acid by aluminum filings and a reduction of the oxide by heating with charcoal in an electric or regenerative gas furnace. Important occurrences of this element in the United States are in Boulder County, Colorado, San Bernadino County, California, and in the Black Hills of South Dakota. For 10 points, name this element, with atomic weight 183.92, atomic symbol W, whose chief use is in lamp filaments.
Answer: Tungsten / 10 / 10
Tossup #30. Born in Chicago in 1932, he began his career as a writer and cartoonist for an adult magazine in 1952. Also a composer, he received an Academy Award nomination for the song "I'm Checkin' Out," from the movie Postcards from the Edge. Although he never planned on writing and drawing for children, he was influenced by Ursula Nordstrom to do so, thus becoming best known for his childrens' poetry. FTP, name this author of compilations such as Where the Sidewalk Ends.
Answer: Shel Silverstein / 10 / 10

Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups / 1 / 1
Given an animal, identify the mammalian order of which it is a member.
Tossup #31. Manatee
Answer: sirenia / 10 / 10
Tossup #32. Pika
Answer: lagomporpha / 10 / 10
Tossup #33. Walrus
Answer: pinnipedia or pinnipeds / 10 / 10
Given a famous dam, name the river on which it is or will be built.
Tossup #34. The Hoover Dam
Answer: the Colorado River / 10 / 10
Tossup #35. The Three Gorges Dam
Answer: the Yangtze or Chang Jiang / 10 / 10
Tossup #36. The Cahora Bassa
Answer: the Zambezi / 10 / 10
Name the following Old Testament prophets.
Tossup #37. He lived in the late 7th and early 6th centuries B.C., during which he predicted the fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar. His prophecies were arranged by his secretary Baruch.
Answer: Jeremiah / 10 / 10
Tossup #38. His story in the Bible includes his raising a widowns son from the dead, hearing a voice on Mt. Horeb, and his departure from earth in a chariot of fire.
Answer: Elijah / 10 / 10
Tossup #39. His book of the Bible describes an invasion of locusts and a devastating drought in Palestine. He is the second of the Minor Prophets.
Answer: Joel / 10 / 10
Answer the following about the Missouri Compromise:
Tossup #40. For five points, what year did the Missouri Compromise take place?
Answer: 1820 / 10 / 10
Tossup #41. For another five points, what state entered the Union with Missouri?
Answer: Maine / 10 / 10
Tossup #42. Slavery was banned north of the southern boundary of Missouri, which lies on this line of latitude. For ten points, name it.
Answer: 36°30n (36 degrees 30 seconds) / 10 / 10
Tossup #43. This Representative of New York introduced an amendment to the Bill enabling Missouri to become a state, proposing the prohibition of any additional slaves into Missouri and the freedom of children of slaves born in Missouri after admission. For ten points, name him.
Answer: James Tallmadge / 10 / 10
Identify the following people who were spies:
Tossup #44. Volunteering to spy for the British during the revolutionary war, he dressed as a "plain young farmer," entered enemy territory, drew maps and recorded troop numbers. He would have escaped but a relative of his recognized him and betrayed him to General Howe.
Answer: Nathan Hale / 10 / 10
Tossup #45. In 878, he disguised himself as a bard, wandered through the Danish military camps, and obtained sufficient information to defeat the Danes at Edington.
Answer: Alfred the Great / 10 / 10
Tossup #46. He was caught when a "split" nickel containing a tiny piece of film with a coded message was found by a Brooklyn newspaper boy. He was sentence to prison and then exchanged for Francis Gary Powers in 1962.
Answer: Rudolf Abel / 10 / 10
Identify the following terms that are conserved in physics.
Tossup #47. The law of conservation of this entity is equivalent to Newton's third law of motion.
Answer: momentum / 10 / 10
Tossup #48. The first law of thermodynamics is a statement of the law of conservation of this.
Answer: energy / 10 / 10
Tossup #49. In the CPT theory of conservation on the subatomic level, the c stands for charge conjugation and the t represent time. What does the p stand for?
Answer: parity / 10 / 10
Given a brief description of an English novel, name it.
Tossup #50. In this Hardy novel, Bathsheeba Everdene inherits her father's farm and Gabriel Oak works for her.
Answer: Far From the Madding Crowd / 10 / 10
Tossup #51. This 1852 novel by William Thackeray tells the story fo the illegimate son of the 2rd Viscount Castlewood.
Answer: The History of Henry Esmond / 10 / 10
Tossup #52. A stonemason is destroyed by the tension between his spiritual and physical aspirations and his failure to find either material or romantic satisfaction in this novel by Thomas Hardy.
Answer: Jude the Obscure / 10 / 10

Round 1

Instructions: During the first 10 minutes of each match, use the tossup-bonus format with 10 points for each tossup and five points for each bonus. The tossups and bonuses are related, so skip the bonus if no one gets the tossup correct. Tossups should be answered without stalling as soon as the player has been recognized. Teams may consult only on bonuses and the team must complete their answer within 20 seconds.