School Leadership Team

November 16, 2017

Attendees: Dr. Patricia, Beth Leo, Rachelle Fink, Maddie Ridpath, Vicki High, Cara Thomisser, Shavonne Clark, Nicole Argento, Dana Monaghan, Katasha Lloyd, Denise Lawler, Lauren Kendall, Mariama Bah, Revonda Allen, Andrea McCrary, Suzanne Dornsmith, Delecia Douglas

8:00 Share the Joy

8:08 Ms. Cara- Media Advisory Committee: made up of parents, teachers and staff to make sure collections are up to date. CMS would like all schools with Media Centers to have a Media Advisory Committee. $1000.00 allocation and sent books. The money is used to buy books that the kids would like or what other specialists recommend.

Book Fair earns Scholastic dollars that the PTA allows Ms. Beth and Ms. Cara to use to buy books for classrooms, teachers and the Media Center.

8:12 Parent Education Opportunities

Nov. 28 at 8:00 a.m. Technology information session with Mr. Corey, Ms. Beth and Ms. Rachelle. How to log on at home, technology that children use at school and can use at home.

Read to Achieve for 2nd and 3rd grade parents afternoon session on Nov. 30th at 5:30 and a morning session on Dec. 7th at 8:30 a.m.

In the spring, we will be setting up times for parents to visit the classroom/work with their children.

8:15 PTA update

Fall Festival was a lot of fun, was well attended, and the Silent auction exceeded the goal 

Impact Drive- direct giving campaign will collect throughout the school year. The blitz is going on right now and will end on Nov. 17th. The goal is $10,000. Class incentive-pizza party for highest selling class per level. If school meets goal during the Blitz the whole school will have a pajama/movie day. We are currently at $6804.00

Money raised will be used to give teachers’ supplements and will be used for events held at the school.

8:24 Here Comes the Bus App

Download app and will track the bus, will give you estimated time of arrival, will also send emails/text notifications

School code for HMMS 73877

Information can be found on the website

8:28 Questions/Concerns/Ideas

Parent brought up idea of doing an International Day where children dress up, talk about the country they chose, taste foods, etc. Dr. Patricia will take idea to staff at a staff meeting. Would a parent be interested in taking on organizing this? Consider children with allergies.

Ask teachers to add important assemblies/events to their newsletters or parent communications so parents can ask their children about it.

7 Days of Joy- parents bring in treats for teachers the 7 days before the Winter Break. Two classes per day will provide for the staff, more information as it gets closer.

If a parent has an idea or concern that they would like to have discussed during the meeting please send to Ms. Beth to be added to the next SLT agenda.