Accelerated Algebra 1 GSE/Geometry GSE

GSE: Georgia Standards of Excellence


Jeremy Anderson

Chapel Hill High Mathematics Department

Honors Statement:

Honors experiences often involve some risk-taking on the part of both students and teachers because the experiences are often more exploratory, experimental, and open-ended than the standard classroom experience. In addition, they should be distinguished by a difference in the quality of the work expected, not merely an increase in the quantity. Honors courses will follow the same course of study as the corresponding regular course; however, they should cover material in greater complexity and reflect a defensible differentiated curriculum. Honors courses extend beyond the traditional curriculum in both breadth and depth of study, as well as provide problem-seeking and problem-solving opportunities for students. Students may have to devote additional time and effort to honors work and, in turn, they will have greater opportunities for learning. Honors work should enable students to become actively involved in the literature and content, learn about scholarly and creative processes by participating in them, and personalize the learning experience through imagination, critical analysis, and application. Honors students should learn to express and defend their ideas while attaining the distance necessary to accept constructive criticism. Honors courses should incorporate opportunities for students to become reflective thinkers who possess the potential to become an initiator of learning and accomplishment, exploring areas of his/her interest within the designated course of study.

Course Descriptions: Accelerated Algebra 1 GSE/Geometry GSE

The fundamental purpose of Accelerated Algebra 1 GSE/Geometry GSE is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The critical areas, organized into units, deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships, in part by contrasting them with exponential phenomena, and in part by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Coordinate Algebra uses algebra to deepen and extend understanding of geometric knowledge from prior grades. The next unit in the course ties together the algebraic and geometric ideas studied. Transformations on the coordinate plane provide opportunities for the formal study of congruence and similarity. The study of similarity leads to an understanding of right triangle trigonometry and connects to quadratics through Pythagorean relationships. The study of circles uses similarity and congruence to develop basic theorems relating circles and lines and rounds out the course. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.

Performance Standards:

Common Core Georgia Performance Standards:

Douglas County School System website –

Anticipated Classroom Format:

Directive and discovery based presentation of units incorporating individual and cooperative methods and tasks. Additional assistance and assignments will be provided to enhance the student’s comprehension of mathematical concepts.

Teacher Policies and Behavior Expectations:


·  Each class will begin with a warm up. The student will be responsible for completing these, as warm ups are given to prepare for the DCSS CDAs and the End of Course (exam) (EOC)

·  In order to prepare you for quizzes and tests, homework will be given on a regular basis. Keep in mind the students may only be in class 2 or 3 times per week and your child may be asked to study or complete a project instead of getting a formal homework assignment.

·  In the event of an absence, you are responsible for bringing an excuse and getting / completing all of your makeup assignments. All Formal assignments will be graded and it is the responsibility of the student to get these assignments if they are missed.


·  Be in your seat ready to begin when the late bell rings.

·  Bring a pencil, paper, notebook, and textbook to class and have your homework out at the beginning of class.

·  Be respectful and cooperative to your teacher and classmates.

·  Follow school rules stated in the student handbook.

·  Work outside of the class to keep up with the pace of the course.

Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products:

Student learning/performance will be evaluated using a variety of assessment tools including the following: Homework and class work activities, quizzes, tasks, and tests.

Grading Plan: Accelerated Algebra 1 GSE/Geometry GSE

The course grade will be determined as follows:

·  Minor Formative Assessments: in class assignments and homework 20%

·  Major Formative Assessments: Projects and Quizzes 30%

·  Summative Assessments: Unit Tests 50%

Note: The average you will see all year will be multiplied by .80 and the EOC grade will be multiplied by .20. Adding these two scores will give you the final grade.

Strategies for Student Learning:

The best way to be successful is to be present each day and to always give your best effort. You should let your teacher know immediately if you are giving your best effort and are still struggling in this course. We will work together to find strategies that will help you be more successful.

Learning Focused Strategies are research proven strategies that have a strong effect on student achievement. Therefore, in each class, students will:

·  Preview new class topics to accelerate learning

·  Learn through use of Collaborative Pairs, Guided Practice, and Graphic Organizers

·  Learn through thinking skills activities such as compare/contrast, classifying, induction, deduction, and error analysis

·  Take notes and summarize new information

·  Be able to answer Essential Question(s) at the end of each lesson

·  Complete homework/practice

·  Represent ideas in nonlinguistic manners

·  Learn cooperatively

Academic Honesty:

Cheating is defined to be the willful or deliberate unauthorized use of the work of another person for academic purposes, or inappropriate use of notes or other material in the completion of an academic assignment or test. In addition to disciplinary responses, the granting of credit for this assignment will be null and void for all parties knowingly involved.

Required Readings:

Course textbooks as well as selections assigned during the semester.

Calculator Policy:

It is mandatory for students to obtain a TI-30XS multiview This course is the first in a series of math courses to prepare your student for AP calculus or AP Statistics and it will be very beneficial to obtain a graphing calculator (TI-84 plus) early. It is optional but we will be using them in our instruction. Graphing calculators may be used on CDA’s or the EOCT.


A variety of items available online or provided by the school.

Civil Rights Clause

The Douglas County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, disability or age in educational programs or activities, or employment practices.

Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A

August 8, 2016

I certify that I have reviewed the information on the syllabus. I understand that this course covers 54 weeks of material in 36 weeks and my student is responsible to keep up with the faster pace. The best way to contact me during school hours is email. I will contact you if your students’ grade is below a 75. I encourage you to sign up for grade access through the main office. I typically put grades in every other week at a minimum. Contact me anytime for any reason and I will make time to meet or talk about your students’ progress.

Please sign and return below.

Student Name ______

Parent Name printed ______

Parent Signature ______

Parent Email address ______

Parent Preferred contact Phone ______

Parent cell phone used in texting (if applicable). ______

Supply List

The following items would help in the event your student forgets materials. This will allow me to provide your students items as needed.

·  1 pack of mechanical pencils

·  1 pack of notebook paper

·  1 box of Kleenex

·  1 bottle of hand sanitizer

·  1 pack of disinfectant wipes

This list of items is what your student should bring to class each day.

·  Pencil

·  1 inch 3 ring binder full of notebook paper

·  TI – 30xs multiview calculator OR

·  TI – 84 plus or other graphing calculator. This calculator will be useful for all 4 years of high school and is usable on the SAT. Learning to use it now will be very beneficial.