School Information Pack 2015/2016

Flowerfield National School

Church of Ireland

Trim Road


Telephone (046) 9021239



  1. Welcome
  2. Mission Statement
  3. Address and Contact Numbers
  4. Parents’ Association
  5. Board of Management
  6. National Parents Council and Association
  7. Junior Infant Open Day
  8. Communication
  9. Term and School Times
  10. Car Parking/Collection/Transport
  11. School Books/Requirements at School Start
  12. Absence
  13. Dress Code
  14. Homework/Learning
  15. School Environment
  16. Physical Exercise/Swimming
  17. Other Events
  18. Costs during the year
  19. Discipline
  20. Bullying
  21. Transfer of Pupils
  22. Mobile Phones
  23. Correct Procedure for Dealing with Educational Concerns
  24. Healthy Eating and Eating Time

1. Welcome from Ms. Olivia Barnes, Principal

Dear Parents and pupils

May I take this opportunity to welcome all first-time pupils and parents to Flowerfield National School. I hope that your time spent with us will be both happy and fruitful and throughout the years you will spend in Flowerfield, we truly can be “partners in education”.

2. Mission Statement

The development/education of a child begins within the home and continues in conjunction with the school as the child begins to relate to the outside world and the people beyond family and close friends.

Therefore within a Christian ethic, Flowerfield National School provides an environment based on justice, (mutual respect for others and property), in which each child’s academic, social, and personal development can take place.

Therefore, regulations governing health, welfare and safety of the pupils form the basis for good behaviour, tolerance and mutual respect.

Flowerfield is a Church of Ireland National School under the patronage of the Church of Ireland Bishop of Meath and Kildare. The school is managed in line with Church of Ireland guidelines and as such has a clear Church of Ireland ethos.

3. Address and Contact Numbers


Flowerfield National School

Trim Road


County Meath

Tel: (046) 9021239


Teaching Team

Principal:Ms Olivia Barnes (2nd, 3rd4th classes)

Teachers:Ms Vanessa Patterson (5th and 6th classes)

Ms Emma Flynn (Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1stClass)

Resource:Mrs Therese Hughes

Learning Support: Mrs Therese Hughes

Other Part Time Staff

Computers:Mr David Brown

School Secretary Mrs Cheryl Quinn

Caretaker: Mr. John McEvoy

School Secretary Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 10am to 1pm.

4. Parents Association

The Parents’ Association is the structure through which parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. The Parents’ Association works with the principal, staff and the Board of Management to build an effective partnership of home and school.

The Parents of students of a recognised school may establish and maintain from among their number, a Parents’ Association for that school and membership of that association shall be open to all parents of that school. (Education Act 1998 26 (9)).

Partnership between home and school is important because with positive and active partnership the child gets the best that primary education can offer.

In order to optimise learning for children it is imperative that partnership with parents is assumed as an essential and integral element in the operation of the school. Direct parental involvement is essential in many facets of a child’s school life: be it medical and dental check-ups, homework, provision of text books, sports day, drama events, prize giving, work and behavioural problems, teacher/parent meetings, Parents Association, delegate on the Board of Management.

Flowerfield Parents Association

The purpose for which the Association is formed is:

To represent the views of parents with the intention that the Parents’ Association should work in the interest of the children at all times to ensure maximum benefits to them with regard to schoolwork and extra-curricular activities, to promote Flowerfield National School, to foster a positive relationship between parents, teachers and the Board of Management. These are some of the aims of the Association, which are part of its constitution. (November 1999).

The Parents’ Association of the school is an active one. All parents are invited to come to the meetings, (about 5 meetings per school year). The meetings are held in the school and notice of the meetings are given to the children to advise parents of the date and time of the next meeting.

Any issues arising from meetings will be communicated to the Principal/Board of Management as applicable.

For parents new to the school, the association would welcome you to come to the meetings. The more parents that are involved in the association help it to become stronger, more cohesive and thus more successful.

The association does some fund raising, but that is not its aim. Better communication between parents and teachers, social activities and helping at sports day are some of its functions. All parents are members of the Parents ‘ Association, which is the working committee comprised of all parents willing to give time and energy.

Contact Details for the committee are as follows:




Please contact the above for any queries, topics for agenda etc. please contact the above.

5. Board of Management

The Board of Management has a very important legal role in the school. This is laid down in the Education Act, 1998. The Board has overall responsibility, together with the principal teacher and teachers, for ensuring that your child receives a high quality education and that the school is a happy place for teaching and learning.

The Board consists of two representatives of the patron, the principal teacher, a teacher elected by the teachers, two parents elected by the parents and [two representatives of the wider community]. The patron, who also appoints the chairperson, appoints the entire board of eight persons.

The Board of Management is responsible for the policy and direction of the school, which the teachers carry out in conjunction with parents on a daily basis.

The current Board Members are:

Chairperson:Canon John Clarke

Treasurer:Mrs Phillis Roe

Parents Representative:MrsIda Fitzpatrick

Mr Brian Dowling

Principal:Ms Olivia Barnes

Teacher:Ms Vanessa Patterson

Community Representative:Mr George Wilkinson &

Mrs Margaret Gorman

Bishop’s Representative:Mrs Phillis Roe

6. National Parents Council

The National Parents’ Council Primary (NPC) is the nationwide organisation for parents of primary school children and is recognised by the Education Act 1998. There is a branch of NPC in each county. The county branch is a structure or network through which parents and parent associations in a county can work together for the best possible education for children. There are many benefits for parents when their association is a member of NPC.

Through the NPC parents have:

  • Access to information about education;
  • Support Systems;
  • Training Programs;
  • A channel for views on education to influence policy at national level;
  • Opportunities to exchange views with other parents at local, regional and national levels;
  • Reduced Insurance Cost

When a parent association joins NPC, it is entitled to a certain number of delegates. The number depends of the size of the school. One delegate, represents Flowerfield at the meetings.

7. Junior Infant Open Day

An open day for parents and new pupils takes place in the June before enrolment.

Parents of new pupils are advised to have read this information pack fully prior to the open day so any queries or questions can be addressed on the day.

Both the principal and the junior class teachers will be present.

8. Communication

Communication with parents is usually via general or individual notes or newsletters distributed via the children’s school bag, (Please check regularly for these), parents are also informed via text.

Parents are welcome to discuss matters with teachers at the end of school having first made an appointment with the appropriate teacher.

The notices in the main hall will also inform of any local school news.

9. Term and School Times

The School Holidays are circulated with the welcoming letter at the start of the school in September, where term breaks and Bank Holidays are outlined, Also the Teachers in service days, study and training days when the school will be closed.

School Day

Junior and Senior Infants: 08.50 – 13.30

1st Class through 6th Class:08.50 – 14.30

Please note for the first 2 weeks of the school year the junior infants finish at 12.00.

For the month of September, parents may accompany infants to the classroom. However, from the beginning of October onwards, children should be allowed to walk in from the gate unaccompanied. All parents collecting infants at either 12.00 noon or 1.30pm must buzz the gate for admittance and wait in the hallway for their child.

For insurance purposes the school gates cannot be opened before 08.50.

At the end of the school day the children must remain within the school railings until their parents/guardians collect them. Pupils at the school before 08.50 and after 14.30 are not the responsibility of any member of staff or the Board of Management.

There is a short break form 11.00 to 11.15 and a lunch break from 12.30 to 13.00.

It is imperative that all children arrive at school promptly ready to begin class at 9.00am.

Any child arriving at school after 09.40am is marked absent for that day.

10. Car Parking/Collection/Transport

In order to prevent frustration and congestion, please enter from the Navan town centre end, and exit from the Trim end of the drop off area. Please note that Staff Parking area alongside school railings.

If traffic could leave the car park as soon as possible after dropping off pupils this would help greatly in easing congestion.

School transport is available for those who live a certain distance from the school, where there are 5 or more attending from that area.

Otherwise a scheduled D grant (for protestant children) is available. For more information on this please contact Olivia Barnes or John Clarke.

The Department of Education Transport branch is located in Tullamore. The Primary School transport Scheme supports the transport to and from school of children who reside not less than 3.2 Kilometres from the school and are attending their nearest national school.

Parent of a child wishing to avail of school transport services must apply direct to Bus Eireann. Application forms are available on-line at or by contacting your local Bus Eireann office.

Other public and private buses may service the school and further information can be obtained in the local directory.

11. School Books/Requirements at School Start

The school operates a Book Rental Scheme for children from 2nd to 6th class and everyone is encouraged to participate.

Book lists are circulated to parents at the end of term or before commencing school. Parents of new pupils will receive book lists at the open day or in the post. Please ensure that your child has the complete set of required text books, (named), complete writing kit , (as per the list provided by the school), please check that your child has a complete writing kit on a regular basis, i.e. a pencil rubber, sharpener and ruler.


Children are not allowed home early at any time without a written request from a parent or guardian, or without being collected in person by a responsible adult. The Principal must grant such permission. If, due to illness or any other cause, a child is absent from school an “absence from school” form, (which can be found in the homework journal), must be filled out and should be signed by the class teacher.

In the case of medical, dental or opticians appointments verification may be necessary.

The Schools compliance with the Education Welfare Act is essential. The principal is required to bring all cases of absence, where such exceeds 20 days, to the attention of the Education Welfare Officer. Proof of illness may be required ex. A doctor's cert, as all “unexplained absences” must be, and will be reported to the National Education Welfare Board.

13. Dress Code.

Flowerfield National School does not have a specific uniform but does recommend pupils to be dressed in clothes suitable for weather and activity.

14. Homework/Learning

A suitable amount of homework is given to consolidate the work being done in school. Homework also develops the child’s’ habit of study and organising of time, (allowing time for leisure and recreation).

Learning Support: The School has the services of a Learning Support Teacher for 3 days per week.

Children who achieve at or below the 10th percentile on nationally standardised test of literacy and numeracy receive supplementary teaching either individually or in a small group. Should there be no need for such intervention, then the learning support teacher will assist the class teacher in the normal school curriculum.

Following consultation with parents, class teacher, learning support teacher and principal, a pupil may be referred to the local NEPS, (National Educational Psychological Service) for an educational assessment.

15.School Environment (Health/Safety/Fire Drill).

Children are encouraged to be aware of health issues and good hygiene individually and as a school community.

Parents are therefore asked to assist:

  • By ensuring a healthy lunchbox;
  • By ensuring a good night's sleep;
  • By informing the school of any health problems your child may have;
  • By not sending your child to school when taking antibiotics;
  • By checking your child’s hair regularly for infestation.

As far as possible, the teaching staff ensures that the children are, at all times, adequately supervised but accidents do happen. In such an event, (or when a child becomes ill), every effort will be made to contact the parents or person delegated to take responsibility for the child.

A contact information form, including medical conditions information, is enclosed with this information pack and should be completed and returned to the Principal on or before the first day of school.

This is required for all new and existing pupils on an annual basis.

Periodically Schools Medical Examinations i.e. Dental/Optical are held, but always with the prior consent of the parents/guardians.

Fire drills are also carried out on a regular basis – one per term.

16. Physical Exercise.

Physical exercise is an essential part of development and is part of the school curriculum, (as laid down by the Department of Education and Skills). In September and October and in the Summer term swimming lessons take place, in the Aura leisure link, Navan in two sessions, (up to Halloween and in the summer term), for all classes, (junior infants - 6th class). Pupils are transported to and from the pool by bus and the class teacher accompanies each class. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that there is an adult available to assist with the dressing/undressing of junior and senior infant pupils. Other strands of the P.E. curriculum are followed for the rest of the year. If, for any medical reason, your child cannot attend swimming, a note to the principal is essential.

17. Other Events.

Throughout the school year, there are many events which help cohesion among the children and give expression to parents support and are, therefore, essential to the life of the school, e.g. school tours, plays, concerts, sports day and sporting activities with other schools. Prior notification of these events will be given to parents.

Fortnightly pupils from 1st to 6th class walk to the public library under supervision. Prior to Harvest and Christmas festivals all pupils walk to the church under supervision. The school is unable to provide exact dates as these are weather dependent, therefore, no prior notification will be given. Parents with any concerns should contact the Principal. A consent form for these activities is distributed at the beginning of September.

A school book fair usually takes place each spring. This is an opportunity to boost our library books as any commission earned by the sale of the books is paid in free books to the school.

Computer classes are offered for children from 1st-6th classes at an additional charge. This cost is subsidised by the Board of Management and the Parents Association. Classes take place from October to December and from January to Easter.

18. Costduringthe School Year

The cost of school books is covered by parents.

In order to achieve a more comprehensive school programme it is necessary to raise extra funds over and above the government grants. There is an annual Capitation Fee, (currently €50 for the 1st and €25 for a 2nd child, with no charge for subsequent children), as well as other fund raising activities. Extra-curricular activities such as swimming and French are funded by the parents. Computers are funded equally by parents, the Parents Association and the Board of management. Receipt of monies is documented in the homework journals and by a printed receipt issued by the secretary.