Chips count
Each player will receive 3,650 in chips at the beginning of the tournament. A player can re-buy chips anytime they have 1,000 or less in chips up to the second break (Re-buy is 2,500 in chips). If a player is in a hand and re-buys chips before the hand is over, those chips can not be used until the next hand.

Players per table
There are 8 players per table.

It isa self deal tournament, meaning that each player takes a turn as dealer. Dealer will cut his/her own shuffle.

Deciding a Dealer
The players will mix the cards face down and each player will draw one card at random. The player that draws the highest card is the dealer. In the event the same denomination of card is chosen by more than one player the player, the suit will determine the dealer. Suits low to high: Clubs—Diamonds—Hearts—Spades. A dealer will be selected at each table to start the tournament , when the number of players at a table increase by 50% or more (during consolidation) and at the final two tables (16 players remain).

Deal Rotation
The deal will rotate to the left at the end of every hand

There are 2 blinds posted at the beginning of each hand, a small and a big. Small blind is the player to the immediate left of the dealer and big blind is the player to the left of the small blind. Blinds rotate with the deal. If you are the dealer of a hand which ends in the elimination of the small blind you will maintain the deal for another hand. This is so no player will miss a blind and so the rotation will stay the same. Players being moved to a new table cannot come in the hand in the small blind position. A player that comes in at small blind position will sit out one hand and let the deal pass them.

Blind Levels
Blind levels will increase in 20 minute increments (tournament director can alter the blinds to accommodate time restrictions) throughout the course of the tournament.

Color up
This is when the blinds increase to a denomination higher than your smallest chip, this will occur a total of 3 times during the course of the tournament. Your tournament director will come to your table and provide chips then instruct you to color up after the current hand is over. At this time you will count all of your lower obsolete chips and trade them in for larger chips. When coloring up your chips you will always round up to an even number.

Betting Procedures

 The action of betting is physically defined as the release of chips after a single, forward motion. Remember that a bet does not occur until the player releases his/her chips.

 Above all, verbal declarations in turn are binding. A player who declares a call, raise, fold, must do so to the limit that the chips allow. If simultaneous declarations are made (tossing in a raise and saying call), the verbal declaration takes precedence.

 Action out of turn is not binding.

 Check-raising (checking, then later raising over a bet) is allowed.

 String betting (placing out bets with more than one motion without verbally declaring your intention) is forbidden. Any betting motions after the first motion will be dismissed.

 By stating the word "raise", a player protects his right to raise, but the raise must be made in one additional motion unless he states the amount.

 A bet must be at least the amount of the big blind.

 A raise must be at least the amount of the previous bet.

 There will be no limit to how much a player can raise or how many raises can occur on one table.

 When a player throws in an oversized chip without making a verbal declaration:

  1. In no-limit, before the flop, an oversized chip is a call.
  2. In no limit, after the flop, an oversized chip by the initial bettor will constitute the size of the bet.
  3. In no limit, after the flop, an oversized chip by a player facing a bet will be considered a call.
  4. In no limit, if a player states just the word "raise" and throws in an oversized chip, the raise will be that amount.

Split Pots, Side Pots and going All-in

 When a player goes all-in and is called, players must expose their cards at the moment all bets are in, assuming that no one left in the hand has any remaining chips. If the all-in player has more than one caller, and the players who call still have chips then no player shall expose his/her hand and the players with chips can continue to bet creating a side pot.

 In the case of a split pot when there are two or more high hands, the chip(s) will be split as evenly as possible (chips may need to be broken down into smaller denominations) with any odd chip(s) left over given out to the winning player with the worst position (left of the dealer being the worst).

 Each side pot will be split as a separate pot. They will not be mixed together before they are split.

  1. If multiple players go all-in, no players have chips left and side pots will be created, all players in the hand shall keep their last bet aside until the hand is dealt out and a winner is determined.

 When a player creates a side pot by going all-in, the side pot will be the current pot plus each call up to the amount of the all-in. Any raises (or calls in the case of a below-the- limit all-in) go into the new pot.

 At the showdown with a side pot, the player who is all-in can only win the pot set aside when he or she went all-in. After the winner of that hand is resolved, the players involved in the main pot determine the winner without regard to the all-in hand.

 In case of multiple side pots, a player can only win up to what he put in times the number of calls up to the all-in amount.

 Players must post blinds before cards are dealt.

 If a player does not have enough to cover his/her blind, a side pot is created before cards are dealt and:

Heads up - When two Players remain, the Player due to assume the Big Blind will do so, and the Small Blind will inherit the button. The Small Blind or button will act first prior to the flop and second after the flop.

 Through players being eliminated, no player should miss a big or small blind.

 All chips must be visibly displayed at all times. Players may not have tournament chips in their pockets at any time. A player who has chips in his/her pocket or off the table in general will forfeit the chips. The forfeited chips will be taken out of play from the tournament..

 There will be no Money at the table at anytime.

  1. While at the table players may make change for other players as they wish.
  2. No player may give chips to another player for any reason

 A player must be in their seat by the time all players have complete hands in order to have a live hand.

 If a live hand touches the muck, it will immediately be ruled dead.

 No player is allowed to muck another players hand unless he/she is not present and the action is on them.

 Players are obligated to protect the other players in the tournament at all times. Discussing cards discarded is not allowed.

 A player that knowingly exposes his cards during play will muck his/her hand.

 Any player who is live during the showdown may ask to see both pocket cards from a player who reveals only one.

 Any player may ask another player to reveal his or her pocket cards if they were exposed to any player at the table.

Going up in Levels and Chip Racing

 When time has elapsed in a round and a new round is announced, the new limits apply to the next hand. The hand begins when the first card is dealt.

 As levels progress it may be necessary to exchange chips of a low denomination for chips of a higher denomination. When this happens, players may have odd chips. These chips will be rounded up for an even color-up.

 A player has to color all smaller chips when told by the director.
Multi-table rules

 Initial tournament seat will be randomly assigned.

 Players going from a broken table to fill in seats will be assisted by the tournament director; if he/she is not available players will assume the responsibilities of their new position. They may receive any position from blind to button.

 The only place a moved player cannot be placed is between the small blind and the button. If it is necessary for a player to be moved to this position, that player must sit out that hand.

 A player moved to balance two tables will be the player who will not lose position as a result of the move. Play may be halted temporarily to accommodate for the move. In a case where multiple seats are open, the worst positioned seats are the most preferable to be moved.

Miscellaneous Rules

 One player to a hand. During the hand, a player may not discuss play with other players, spectators, or the dealer.

 Rabbit hunting (asking to see additional board cards after play is over) is forbidden as it can give insight into players’ hands by reducing the possible number of unknowns.

 During the deal, if the first card to either of the blinds is turned, then it is a misdeal. Any other position that a card is turned in will be a dead card. The player must take another card and the turned card will become the first burn. The deal proceeds in its normal rotation and the last card will go to the player who had his/her card turned.


25-50 20 minutes

50-100 20 minutes

100-200 20 minutes

Break-Color Up 15 minutes

200-400 20 minutes

300-600 20 minutes

500-1000 20 minutes

Break-Color Up -Final Re-Buy 15 minutes

1000-2000 15 minutes

2000-4000 15 minutes

3000-6000 15 minutes

5000-10000 15 minutes

Break-Color Up 15 minutes

10000-20000 15 minutes

20000-40000 15 minutes

30000-60000 15 minutes

50000-100000 15 minutes