Leonardtown Elementary
School Improvement Plan 2016-2017
Our School: We are a thriving school of approximately 504 students grades Prekindergarten through 5th grade. We have a growing and diverse population of students. At LES, diversity is celebrated by our motto: “Individually We Are Special…Together We Are Spectacular “.
We have an economically disadvantaged population of approximately 27.8%. Our current special education population is approximately 5.8%. Our SY16 attendance rate is above the state threshold at 95%.
Our focus this year is on promoting a growth mindset through engaging instruction and positive interactions that enhance classroom and school culture and climate. We will work collaboratively to promote an environment where the academic and emotional well-being of all students is a top priority. We will work to establish a school climate where every student, teacher and support staff feel respected and valued for all their hard work.
LES teachers and staff recognize that students’ achievement and growth can only occur when everyone is working together. Our goal is to educate and nurture students so they feel motivated to work hard and be the best they can be as learners and individuals.
Our Focus Areas:
Targeted GoalsContent, Challenge, and Achievement /
- Monitor student progress through the use of in house data cards AND UNIFY to create a comprehensive overview of student strengths and needs for targeted intervention(s)/enrichment.
- PLCs will collaborate to develop high quality common formative assessments/tasks aimed at informing instruction and used to communicate student progress to the parent community via SBRC.
- PLCs will analyze major content strands from SY 16 PARCC assessment data and correlate with current data to inform instruction.
Climate, Safety, and Behavioral Interventions /
- Class Dojo will be implemented across grade levels with a focus on students earning positive feedback through points working towards personalized goals for student success. Teachers will communicate challenges directly with parents via Class Dojo in lieu of students losing points.
- Beginning implementation of Responsive Classrooms to include morning meetings, afternoon reflections, and logical consequences. Two selected teacher leaders will attend a Responsive Classroom Conference December 12, 2016 and will return to lead discussions to share information gained and next steps.
Engaged /
- Engage students and staff in S.T.E.A.M Exploration Activities (December –April)
- Engage the PTA and parent community with a Culminating Festival of Learning with support provided by the PTA and parent community (May)
- Increase school and home connection through consistent communication using weekly phone outs, Twitter, regularly updated school-website, School Messenger, Class Dojo
Healthy /
- Recess Yoga for Kids
Supported /
- LES Homework Club sponsored by Donnie Williams Grant
- Snack Sak Program(identified students of need)
Our Professional Learning:
- (45 minute) bi-weekly PLC meetings (K-5) with Admin, IRTs and SPED teachers to support instructional initiatives.
- Differentiated PD aimed at instructional and climate based initiatives such as Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind, Responsive Classrooms and Growth Mindset; Standards Based Reporting and Instruction; Rethinking Grading Book Study (3-5 and specialist); (K-2 voluntary)
- F.A.M.E. Cohort(participants: Admin, IRTs, IEP Chair) looking in depth at the role of formative assessment for student learning
Our Process for Monitoring Progress:
- Daily Informal Walkthroughs/Formal Observations with Feedback provided
- Student data cards AND UNIFY
- Attendance reviews at PST monthly meetings
Our Projected Results:
- Improved student achievement results
- Decrease in number of students “not meeting expectations” on PARCC Grades 3-5 Reading and Math
- Increase in attendance of chronically absent students
- Decrease in incidents for Level 1 and 2 classroom behaviors to maximize student time on task