Administration / Health Services Guidance
Heidi M. Godowski
Principal / Nancy G. Plummer, R.N. Maryann LaCascio
School Nurse-Teacher Guidance Counselor
Barbara D. Maher
Assistant Principal / Jennifer London
Guidance Counselor

August 25, 2016

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

Welcome back! We hope you and your family had an enjoyable summer and that you child is prepared for a rewarding 2016-17 school year here at Lincoln Middle School!

I wanted to be sure to review some important information prior to the start of school to enable you and your child to have a smooth transition. More information and details will come home with your child on Tuesday, August 30th, the first day of school. Please note School begins at 7:55am and dismisses at 2:30pm.

Please review the drop off and pick-up process below and in the visuals attached, that we effectively established last year:

·  In the morning, prior to the start of school, the busses drop off in the front of the school while parent drop off is at the side of the school by the gym and auditorium.

·  In the afternoon, during dismissal, the busses will pick up in the lower lot at the side of the school and parent pick-up is in the front of the school.

·  It is important for the safety of the students, that if you plan to drop your child off in the morning, you pull up fully around the drop off circle at the side of the school and then drop off your child. Please have your child exit your vehicle at curbside if you drop-off and please do not pass the vehicles in front of you.

·  In the afternoon, during dismissal, please pull up to an open spot in the circle in front of the building and wait for your child. Please pull up to pick up your child as vehicles exit. It is very important that your child enter the vehicle at the curbside at pick-up. Once your child is in your vehicle, you can slowly pass other waiting vehicles to exit. If the busses are exiting, please wait for them to exit before exiting the parking lot.

·  There are signs posted to direct you to the correct pick up line and there are maps to guide you on the back of this letter. There will also be faculty and staff to guide you and your child during drop-off and pick-up times.

Please review all of the information that your child will bring home on the first day of school that will include emergency cards to be completed, the student handbook with a sign off page (front and back) to be completed, a medical form to be completed and free and reduced lunch information and return all forms within the first two weeks of school.

We are very pleased to welcome several new faculty and staff to our Lincoln Middle School Team! Please join us in welcoming the following new faculty and staff members:

·  Maryann LaCascio, guidance counselor, serving students and students’ families with the last name beginning with the letters L-Z.

·  Christopher Nightingale, School Resource Officer

·  Kileen Gilroy, English Teacher, Grade 7/Team 6

·  Adria Lande, Special Education Teacher

·  Lauren Thibeault, Math Teacher, Grade 6/Team

·  Catherine Williams, Student Assistance Counselor from Rhode Island Student Assistance Services (RISAS), who will join us two days per week through a grant funded program

·  Marley Chevalier, Teacher Assistant

At the beginning of August, a welcome letter was sent to you with your child’s team assignment as well as information to access the reading and math review assigned to your child’s grade level to help him or her prepare for the onset of school. If accessing this letter from ListServ, please go onto the Lincoln Middle School website at if you need to access team information or the summer reading and math review. While on our website, please take a look at all that Lincoln Middle School has to offer! Please browse the “Administration” and “LMS in Action” tabs to see our “Spotlight” letters, pictures and videos that highlight many of the wonderful experiences Lincoln Middle School has to offer.

As best stated in our District’s Mission Statement: “Lincoln Public School is committed to excellence in partnership with all members of the Lincoln community, we inspire and empower each student to excel personally and intellectually, embrace social and individual responsibility, and lead with integrity”. In keeping with our Mission, we, at Lincoln Middle School, look forward to partnering with you for the success of your child. We are looking forward to seeing all of the students on Tuesday, August 30th! Please do not hesitate to contact the main office or the guidance office with any questions or concerns.


Heidi M. Godowski Barbara D. Maher

Principal Assistant Principal

Lincoln Middle School Lincoln Middle School

Lincoln Public Schools is committed to excellence. In partnership with all members of the Lincoln community, we inspire and empower each student to excel personally and intellectually, embrace social and individual responsibility, and lead with integrity.

The Lincoln School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, religion,

National origin, color or handicap in accordance with applicable laws and regulations