School District 145
Board of Education
Official Minutes
4 January 2010
The regular January meeting of the School District 145 Board of Education was called to order on Monday, January 4, 2010 at 7:02 P.M., in the Central Office Board Room, 14511 Heywood Street, Waverly, Nebraska.
The Chairperson, at the beginning of the meeting, announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted on the back wall of the meeting room.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting in accordance with the Board of Education approved method for giving notice of meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the posted notice and a current copy of the agenda was maintained as stated in the posted notice.
Members present for Roll Call were Linda Bevans, David Doran, Dennis Francke, Andy Grosshanns, Alan Retzlaff , and Dale Rolofson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There was board consensus to appoint Superintendent Bill Heimann as Temporary Chairperson.
In accordance with board policy, all members are eligible for election to the respective offices.
Following Superintendent Heimann’s request for nominations for President, Dennis Francke was nominated and elected. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Naye = None.
Superintendent Heimann relinquished temporary chair duties to the newly elected President.
President Francke requested nominations for Vice-President. Alan Retzlaff was nominated and elected. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Naye = None.
President Francke requested nominations for Treasurer. Andy Grosshans was nominated and elected. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Naye = None.
President Francke called for nominations for Secretary. Dale Rolofson was nominated and elected. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Naye = None.
Doran / Retzlaff (M/S) that the agenda is approved as presented. Voting Aye = Bevans, Francke,
Doran, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Nay = None.
The Board of Education heard a report on the Waverly Middle School Science Fair from Waverly Middle School Special Education Coordinator Dan Honeywell and the science fair winners.
The Board of Education heard a presentation by Eagle Elementary Kindergarten Teachers Mackenzie Ottemann and Megan Flohr on improving student literacy.
The Board of Education heard an update on School Improvement from Curriculum Director Scott Blum.
The Board of Education reviewed the written administrator reports.
Superintendent Heimann reported to the Board of Education on Race to the Top Grant, instructional hours, and ALICAP insurance compliance review.
President Francke reported on the Policy Review Committee meeting held prior to the regular board meeting.
Member Doran reported on the Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation Committee meeting held prior to the regular board meeting.
Board members reported on the NASB State Conference attended in November, 2009.
Grosshans / Doran (M/S) for approval of the following agenda items as part of the Board of Education’s consent agenda and moved for their approval:
· Minutes of the December 7, 2009 regular meeting and December 19, 2009 special meeting.
· Appointed Robin Hoffman, Business Manager, as Board Recording Secretary.
· Classified staff employee resignations of Lisa Cordonier, Teacher Assistant, Waverly Middle School, effective December 4, 2009; Cathy Randall, Teacher Assistant, Waverly High School, effective December 7, 2010; Vern Phelps, Night Custodian, Waverly High School, effective January 1, 2010; and Brenda Peters, Night Custodian, Eagle Elementary, effective January 1, 2010.
· Fund balances as of December 29, 2010 of General = $616,306.35; Building = $215,782.20; Bond 2000 Debt = $137,077.69; Bond 2008 Debt = $246.974.80; Bond 05/06 K-8 Construction = $336,993.28; Bond 05/06 K-8 Debt = $25,996.55; Bond 05 9-12 Debt = $91,772.98; Hot Lunch = $111,714.91; Qualified Capital = $56,231.83; and Depreciation = $225,756.59.
· Imprest, Payroll, and General Fund Claims for 1-04-10 in the amount of $1,381,578.86.
· Special Building Fund Claims for 1-04-10 in the amount of $13,284.39.
· Bond Debt Service Claims for 1-04-10 in the amount of $1,100.00.
Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Nay = None.
Retzlaff / Rolofson (M/S) that the appropriate changes in fund signature cards are made. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Nay = None.
Retzlaff / Grosshans (M/S) to adopt Board of Education goals. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Nay = None.
Rolofson / Doran (M/S) to consider, discuss, and adopt on second reading Board Policy 4750 – Separation Benefit Program. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Nay = None.
At 8:24 P.M., Grosshans / Rolofson (M/S) to convene a closed session to discuss personnel and negotiations. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Nay = None.
President Francke restated that the closed session is limited to the subject matter of personnel and negotiations.
At 8:51 P.M., Retzlaff / Doran (M/S) to reconvene open session. Voting Aye = Bevans, Doran, Francke, Grosshans, Retzlaff, Rolofson; Voting Nay = None.
The Board of Education discussed the date for the February Regular Board Meeting which will be held on the February 3rd.
President Francke adjourned the meeting at 9:12 P.M.
Attest: ______
Board Secretary
Robin L. Hoffman, Recording Secretary