Physical Research Laboratory
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009. India.


Physical Research Laboratory
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009. India.

The magnitude of evaporation from land areas is set to increase significantly in some regions due to large scale engineered systems involving huge surface reservoirs and inter basin transfers of water and its use in irrigation. Given the limited atmospheric residence time (8-9 days), increased vapor loading can have corollary increase in precipitation. However, due to regional aspects of atmospheric circulations, both increase and decrease of precipitation are possible. In this paper, following a discussion on the available data showing increased atmospheric water vapor loading and consequent changes in the pace of hydrological cycle, an outline of a multidisciplinary approach to address this issue in respect of India is presented.


Water vapor is the major greenhouse gas (GHS) in the atmosphere and responsible for >60% of the natural GHG warming (20.6 0C of the total of 33 0C). While atmospheric water vapor significantly contributes to natural greenhouse effect, the climatic impact of warming induced increase in vapor loading is believed to be only a few percent [1]. Since water vapor can cause both radiative heating and cooling, additional loading may not have a net feedback effect to modify the earth’s temperature [2]. But, it may accelerate the hydrological cycle both globally and regionally and modify the hydro-meteorology significantly. Therefore, any increase in atmospheric vapor content and observed changes in precipitation and stream flow need to be viewed more seriously by hydro-meteorologists than by climatologists. Due to increase in tropical sea surface temperature during the last 30-40 years, an annual increase of evaporation (and hence vapor loading) of ~1.2x1018 g H2O/yr is calculated [1]. This increase perhaps is insignificant, being only ~0.23% of the average annual global evaporation (525x1018 g H2O/ yr). Similar to oceanic areas, evaporation from land areas might increase regionally in response to warming and irrigation. The magnitude of evaporation from land areas is set to increase significantly in some regions due to large scale engineered systems involving huge surface reservoirs and inter basin transfers of water and its use in irrigation. Given the limited atmospheric residence time (8-9 days), increased vapor loading can have corollary increase in precipitation. However, due to regional aspects of atmospheric circulations, both increase (Northern Hemisphere mid-and high latitudes) and decrease (tropics and subtropics in both hemispheres) of precipitation are possible [2]. For example, some indications of increased precipitation possibly due to enhanced evapo-transpiration (ET) in the command areas of Indira Gandhi Canal Project in Rajasthan, India have been reported [3,4]. Similarly, the observed [2] increase in precipitation, increased frequency of extreme rainfall and stream flow in certain parts of world might be regional effects of increased vapor loading.

Thus, both GHG and irrigation induced increase in evaporation can have far reaching consequences on hydrology, meteorology and agro-ecology of a region and influence its socio-economy. However, due to variability of vapor content in time, location and altitude, and its linkages to the atmospheric dynamics, the regional consequences of additional vapor loading are too complex to describe.

In this paper, following a discussion on the available data showing increased atmospheric water vapor loading and consequent changes in the pace of hydrological cycle, an outline of a multidisciplinary approach to address this issue in respect of India is presented.


Based on various scenarios of increasing atmospheric concentrations of GHG and aerosols, the mean annual global surface temperature is projected to increase by 1° to 3.5°C by year 2100 [2]. The rate of evaporation from oceans and hence atmospheric water vapor loading are sure to increase due to increased global surface air temperature and because the water holding capacity of air is a temperature dependent property. While there are ample evidences of increased atmospheric vapor content in the different parts of the world, the terrestrial pan evaporation data from the digital pan evaporation network (746 stations) of the US and evaporation pan reporting stations network (190 stations) of the former USSR showed a decreasing trend [5]. Similar decreasing trends in pan evaporation were also reported for India [6] and Venezuela [7]. These downward trends in pan evaporation were interpreted to imply that for large regions of the globe, the terrestrial evaporation component of the hydrological cycle had been decreasing due to increasing cloudiness. These inferences were paradoxical to well-sustained increase in the global precipitation and cloudiness [8]. Subsequently, Brutsaert and Parlange [9] demonstrated that in non-humid environments, measured pan evaporation is not a good measure of potential evaporation. Moreover, in many situations, decreasing pan evaporation actually provides a strong indication of increasing terrestrial evaporation. The relationship between actual evaporation (E), potential evaporation (Eo) and pan evaporation (Epa) is dictated by the availability of land-surface moisture and the heat energy. In a situation where land-surface moisture is in ample supply and available energy is the limiting factor, E, Eo, and Epa have the same value (i.e. E = Eo = Epa). When the availability of land-surface moisture is limited, the E < Eo and the available excess heat energy manifests as the increased sensible heat flux (DH = Eo - E). Under such conditions Epa exceeds Eo according to relationship aEpa = Eo + bDH; where a (≈ 1) and b (≥1) are pan coefficients. Eliminating DH in the above, yields relationship (E = [(1+b)Eo - aEpa]/b) between E, Eo and Epa. This relationship shows how observed decrease in pan evaporation means increase in actual evaporation. This is plausible because the rate of evaporation at particular temperature depends on the difference between the saturation vapor pressure and actual vapor pressure of the air. In otherwise arid region, the availability of additional surface water increases the vapor pressure, thereby reducing the difference between it and the saturation vapor pressure. Under such a condition, the rate of evaporation (observed from Epa) decreases although the overall evaporation increases. This is consistent with data [8,10,11] indicating an intensification of hydrological cycle in large regions where, increasing precipitation leads to increasing surface run-off and soil wetness, which in turn generates more evaporation.

The observed increase in atmospheric water vapor loading in response to global warming poses two fundamental questions: whether the increasing atmospheric vapor loading is sufficient to (i) force the additional climate shift and (ii) modify the regional hydrological cycle.

There has been a general consensus that the increased atmospheric vapor loading due to GHG emissions will not be sufficient to cause the additional climate shift [2]. This is explained by the fact that the possible warming due to greenhouse effect of increased vapor is counter balanced by processes such as, radiative cooling due to increased cloudiness and drying up of the air mass in the descending branches of the Hadley cell [12]. As a result of such bi-directional temperature feedback of vapor, increased atmospheric vapor loading is believed to cause no additional temperature shift.

Though no major climatic shifts are anticipated, the increased atmospheric vapor loading is believed to modify the hydrological cycle regionally. A quantitative overview of the global hydrological cycle can offer clues to; (i) the possible changes that can be anticipated in the hydrological cycle; (ii) sites where such changes can be best observed and (iii) possible tools to observe such hydrological changes.


The global hydrological cycle in terms of annual turnover, storage in three main reservoirs namely atmosphere, ocean and Land, annual fluxes between them and residence time is shown in Figure 1. It is seen that the total water vapor turn-over in the global hydrological cycle is ~577x103 km3 of which 502.8x103 km3 originates from ocean and 74.2x103 km3 originates from land (~0.5m/yr). About 91% of vapor originating from ocean surface precipitates over ocean and ~9% is carried over land. This oceanic vapor carried over land contributes ~37% of precipitation over land with ~63% contribution from land derived vapour [13]. Since the residence time of water vapor in atmosphere is only ~9 days, the increased evaporation both in oceanic and land areas and resultant increase in atmospheric water vapor loading can increase the precipitation over land regionally.


With increase in irrigation required to meet increased food demand for the growing population, very significantly in China and India along with other countries, the atmospheric loading of vapours over land is set to increase significantly. For example in India, over the next fifty years, human water use induced increased vapor loading of atmosphere may increase by about 0.2m/yr. Even so, considering the volumes involved its impact on the GHG induced hydrological change on global scale is difficult to predict. But surely the impact will be significant at regional scale. To get some idea of the kind of regional impact, one would like to draw inference first from a study wherein human water use is not taken in consideration and only the GHG climate scenarios have been considered. Gosain et al [15] used SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) water balance model for all river basins of India excluding Brahamputra, Indus and the snow bound area of Ganga. In this study, daily weather generated by HadRM2 was used to simulate control climate scenario (1981-2000), which was compared with GHG climate scenario (2041-2060) without changing the land use. The outputs of these two scenarios were analyzed with respect to possible runoff, soil moisture and actual ET. Within these limitations, the study (Figure 2 reproduced from [15]) shows that simulated impacts were different in different catchments. The increase in rainfall was seen in Cauvery, Brahmni, Godavari, Mahanadi, and Ganga. Whereas the rainfall was seen to decrease in other basins, namely, Krishna, Luni, Mahi, Narmada, Pennar, Tapi and Sabarmati. But the increase or decrease of rainfall did not necessarily lead to increase or decrease of surface runoff or the increase or decrease of evapo- transpiration. But the important point to notice is that the estimated increase/decrease in ET is very small (generally <0.05m/yr). Associated with these hydrological components were changes in terms of severity of droughts and intensity of floods in various parts of the country. Generally speaking the GHG scenario indicated deteriorating conditions both for drought and floods (i.e. increase incidence of extreme events) with general reduction in the quantity of available runoff in the GHG scenario.

It is interesting to compare these results with a study on the stream flow trends in US. In one study [16] secular trends in streamflow were evaluated for 395 climate sensitive stream gauging stations in the coterminous US using non parametric Mann-Kendall test. The trends were calculated for selected quantiles of discharge, from 0th to 100th percentile to evaluate differences between low-, medium- and high-flow regimes during the 20th century. Two general patterns emerged: trends were most prevalent in annual minimum to medium flow categories and least prevalent in the annual maximum category. At all but the highest quantiles, streamflow showed increase across broad sections of the US. Decrease appeared only in parts of the Pacific Northwest and Southeast. Hydrologically these results indicated that coterminous US was getting wetter, but less extreme.

In another study from US [10] the proportion of total precipitation contributed by extreme one-day event was seen to have increased significantly during the twentieth century. The reported increase in precipitations was modest, although concentrated in higher quantiles. This study lent support to the climate model simulations indicating intensification of hydrologic cycle in response to increased GHG emissions, particularly to mean more extreme hydrologic events such as flood and droughts.

An example of a study where increased human use of water may have played a role in modifying the hydrologic cycle comes from a study [17] of the Mississipi River basin (area 3x106km2) – comparable in area with India (3.29x106km2). Data revealed an upward trend in evaporation during recent decades driven primarily by increase in precipitation and secondarily by human water use. A cloud-related decrease in surface net radiation appears to have accompanied the precipitation trend. Resultant evaporative and radiative cooling of the land and lower atmosphere quantitatively explained downward trends in pan evaporation. Contrary to the anticipated GHG warming, the observed cooling tendencies, have been explained as forced by the North Atlantic Oscillation and an eventual return to normal precipitation could reveal so far unrealized GHG warming in the basin. If, however, the increased precipitation was caused by some unidentified forcing (e.g. increasing human use of water), then continued intensification of water cycling and suppression of warming in the basin could continue. The uncertainty is due the fact that increases in atmospheric moisture supply due to consumptive use within and outside the basin was far too small to explain observed precipitation increase.

We thus see that increased loading of atmospheric water vapor either as a result of GHG warming of the atmosphere or due to human consumptive use will have significant hydro-meteorological consequences both regionally and globally. Regionally, the impacts of human consumptive use may over-ride the global trend because water vapor unlike other GHG has short residence time in the atmosphere and its movement is largely controlled by meteorological factors.


The population of India is expected to stabilize around 1,640 million by the year 2050. As a result, gross per capita water availability will decline from ~1,820 m3/yr in 2001 to as low as ~1,140 m3/yr in 2050. Total water requirement of the country for various activities around the year 2050 have been assessed to 1,450 km3/yr [18]. This is significantly more than the current estimate of utilisable water resource potential (1,122 km3/yr) through conventional development strategies. Therefore, when compared with the availability of ~500 km3/yr at present the water availability around 2050 needs to be almost trebled. Whichever way this water demand is met, the loading of atmosphere by additional water vapour is imminent to the extent of ~0.2m/yr [19]. For a sustainable development with high degree of resilience, particularly when the working at a level wherein large scale inter-basin transfer of water for consumptive uses becomes a must, it is important to understand and manage the hydrological cycle in great detail. Towards this statistical analysis of time series of rainfall, pan evaporation, temperature and streamflow provide important clues. Further, if these investigations are combined with spatial and temporal monitoring of stable isotopes in different components of the hydrological cycle, we can trace sources of atmospheric water vapor, rain, actual evaporation from surface water bodies and transpiration from plants, identify streamflow components in different seasons to precipitation and/or groundwater discharge from different parts of the catchments.